A lot of disaffected and crypto leftists are pushing a sort of Hegelian dialectic approach to media right now. They’re positioning anything that isn’t overtly turbo woke as a victory over both sides of the culture war, but such media is really just another victory for leftists. Because over time, adopting even the smallest concessions to leftists will move the whole culture further and further in the wrong direction.
People like Critical Drinker and Asmongold will celebrate when leftist activist creators are savvy enough to turn the rolling boil down to a moderate simmer, as if the subtle propagandist is somehow preferable to the obvious zealot. These “based critics” are still controlled by decades of anti-conservative programming. They will never champion a direct assault on leftist values in order to move the culture absolutely right.
The best strategy is to become intolerant of even the slightest whiff of leftism in your media. Promote only the stuff that is aggressively anti-woke. Burn anything that tries to “find a middle ground”.
The biggest tell for me that those "right wing" or "based" culture war personalities are false, that they're either too stupid to listen to or controlled opposition, is their continual insistence that the people in power are incompetent, that the results of modern media and the modern world are due to incompetence. No sane rational man can see the overt and repeated pattern of malignant destruction of everything that is truthful, good, and beautiful, and have the the people in power twist it into its antithesis, into lies, evil, and ugliness
Incompetence necessitates that the motivations, methods, and results would be random. They're not. The only factor that makes sense is malice. They just use "incompetence" as a cover for their wholesale malicious destruction of everything we love.
As an example that I've seen recently, of normies who still can't properly identify the underlying problem, who embrace obvious table scraps being thrown our way, was finding a new-ish subreddit called r/star_trek_. It's populated by Trek fans critical of all the new Star Trek slop, who were largely banned off of the main Star Trek subreddit. It's somewhat refreshing to read. But, there are still lots of people there that still defend new Trek, and praise Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks.
Normies, people still plugged into the system, who still cling to the lies they were told, even to the smallest degree, act like battered wives. They've been brutally beaten for decades, and the moment that the beatings are lessened, not even stopped, they act as if it's some monumental victory, and praise their torturers. And, for some twisted mental gymnastics I still can't fully fathom, if you ever tell them that they're still be beaten, tortured, manipulated, if you tell that what they need to do to fully protect themselves, how to actually fix the problems, they lash out at you, as if you're far worse than the ones beating them.
I had a running argument for years with a friend who kept insisting the woke shit in games was just cynical corporations trying to pander to millennials. When the Sweet Baby shit broke I sent that to him and now he refuses to even talk about it anymore. Some people just won't accept reality. They're so married to their 'enlightened centrist' position they'll ride it down to the bottom.
I've had the same experiences, repeated in nearly every interaction I've had with people, from random internet anons to close family members. If you disagree with them, it doesn't matter how many well reasoned and logical arguments you present, no matter how much evidence you show them, they'll deny reality until the heat death of the universe. They'll cling to their false reality like an anchor, and let it drown them. Upon disagreement, people react in predictable ways. They'll lash out at you, as if you're an evil asshole just for disagreeing with them, to the point that they're inches away from wanting to physically assault you, they'll call you names, they'll make arguments tantamount to "nu uh", they'll quote an endless list of disreputable studies and known liar authorities, they'll appeal to emotion and popularity, they'll stop talking about the subject (for fear of having to admit being wrong), or stop talking to you altogether. And, they'll often double down on their foolishness, just to spite you for trying to convince them that they're wrong.
Some people are capable of changing their minds, but the method of doing so requires an internal change in the person, and it often takes the form as personally accredited enlightenment, as if they were the one's to suddenly discover this new truth, completely ignoring all the people who tried to convince them of it previously, sometimes over several decades. I'm not a black piller, but seeing the results of this, personally over many years, is quite disheartening, especially when one of the ways I've repeatedly said is a path toward solving disagreements is good debate, requiring civility, honesty, logic, and prioritizing of truth above all other considerations (even over oneself). It seems very few people are capable of having good debate, precisely because they prioritize themselves over truth.
Even with the SBI nonsense there are still ostriches who refuse to acknowledge it, just like your friend, which is the most infuriating thing because it means they do not want to acknowledge it. They want to live in a fantasy world where they do not have to believe that those in power are purposely trying to destroy modern Westernised civilisation.
Every time I see someone say "Corporations are just doing it for money" I point out how much they have been losing with the SBI corposlop and continue to pursue it. The people still defending the money angle are either willfully ignorant or willfully malicious.
I wonder if that weird shill who kept telling people to watch SNW because they fixed it now it's totally not as bad as Discovery is still here. If you so much as questioned it he attacked you. Same guy I believe was shilling Horizon Forbidden West. "She's not fat you morons it's just a bad camera angle!" After enough bad takes I assume you're just trolling.
I suppose I should clarify at the very least for everyone else (even if you actually know what I'm talking about): Vulcans aren't born logic-machines; that's something hammered into their minds through their education and training. A Vulcan turning Human/Terran would not suddenly become an emotional airhead. And Humans/Terrans turning into Vulcans would not suddenly become emotionless logisticians; QUITE THE OPPOSITE, as if anything, Vulcans are more naturally prone to feral emotional outbursts, which is why they've trained themselves onto a path of logic.
According to the Next Gen episode where this happened, they said only some do. It's called Bendii syndrome, and only affects some older Vulcans, not all of them.
And that's ignoring the obvious absurdity that 1 injection can instantly change your species. And they apparently had that in the 23rd century but not in the 24-25th.
Omg, you gave me a black eye (JJ Abrams Trek movies), broke my arm pushing me down the stairs (Discovery), and hit me in the gut with a baseball bat (Prodigy), threw my possessions in the garbage (Picard), but Strange New Worlds shows you still love me!!!!!! I love Strange New Worlds!!!
It's Star Trek for the modern brainless and "so random" audience/tourists that Rick and Morty catapulted into everyones' faces and through every other franchise trying to capitalise on the low denomination hook.
There's literally a scene involving someone commenting "X is either the nicest person ever or an evil shapeshifter that will try to eat you". Immediately followed up by X turning into an evil shapeshifter and trying to eat the person, because "lol so random" as per modern day Deadpool, Harley Quinn, and other retarded writers trying to be quirky.
"the nicest, smartest, handsomest guy on this ship [..] or you're a Harvongian shape-changer." As soon as she mentioned the name, it appeared to trigger a reaction from the creature, as Niko became entranced, and his eyes popped out as the skin of his body split bilaterally as the snarling Harvongian within exposed its true identity and immediately grabbed Angie in its mouth and began to consume her.
If you have the time it's worth looking up other threads on here from the last few years so you can get a range of reviews about the show.
The LD crossover did nothing but cement my absolute loathing of that show because the characters were so unprofessional any one of them should have been shot for insubordination, treason, attempted highjacking, attempted grand larceny, and attempted interference with the timeline.
And those were just from that episode.
The show comes off more like hipsters larping in Star Trek than what a functioning spaceship crew should be.
You're not wrong there. The engineer going full Johnny Somali and literally twerking on a monument during an away mission on a random alien world exemplifies that issue. Might not have been chief engineer yet at that point but regardless it was the kind of behaviour that should result in the immediate dismissal of anyone from a spacefaring body, providing they are even lucky enough to survive as the idiot in question was almost lobotomised for his actions.
I watched I think 2 episode of SNW (and then the musical episode a year later) and I didn't like it.
Don't care about Prodigy.
Quit Picard after Season 1.
Lower Decks I have watched all of and I enjoyed the vast majority of it. I have no idea if you'll like it. I guess to me, somehow, even with modern wokeisms (and there are modern wokeisms) and all the cartoon zaniness, it SOMEHOW manages to feel more "Trek" than anything else in nutrek. There are many deep cuts and references that go back as far as ToS, and they're done in a way that makes me feel like the writers of Lower Decks actually like Star Trek.
The rest of Nutrek makes me feel like the writers hate Star Trek and would rather be writing something, anything, else, but this is the only job they got, so they're going to shoehorn their dumb shit and daddy issues into it and oh yeah, there is a klingon, but now klingons are lame and gay.
Trump demonstrated you can just do things and letting 85-90 verbal phone guys antagonize normal people on a forum is a choice, not an inevitable phenomenon.
I'm still not a jew, you inbred faggot. I know you are incapable of learning, or actually being self aware, but fuck off back to conpro where you can seethe freely forever about how inferior you are to everyone.
Nothing after Enterprise is Star Trek. Even the at-the-time lauded S3 of Picard is worse than anything before Enterprise ended. I didn't hate S3 of PIcard, but I'd still rather watch A Night in Sickbay, Threshold, and Move Along Home on repeat for 12 hours than watch it again.
A Star Trek musical episode is something the younger me WANTED and thought I would love. I enjoyed the Buffy musical episode. I enjoyed Dr. Horrible. I enjoy other traditional musicals.
The Buffy musical episode, music, lyrics, and all, was written by one guy with no musical training over a handful of months. Yeah, it's Joss Whedon, and people copying him has been part of what makes entertainment shit today, but there's no denying the guy has been an absolute genius at times.
This episode was just such shit. Generic, awful, non-catchy pop. 30 seconds after the episode was over I couldn't remember a single melody or lyric. Autotune was OUT OF CONTROL. Cringe to the max.
This scene in particular drove me crazy. The premise is that some magical subspace crap, I don't remember what, was making everyone sing uncontrollably. This scene should have had one of the klingon subordinates start singing some pop ship and the captain looks at him with disgust, backhands him and calls him a petaq, and then launches into some grand Wagnerian operatic thing about blowing up the Enterprise.
Klingon opera, and Klingon fascination with Shakespeare, drama, etc., has been established over more than 30 years of Trek history, and all these piece of shit hack soyboy pop culture-dick sucking assholes can come up with "KLINGON K POP GET IT?!"
Didn't even need to be their actual operas, could have just been the same pirate/sea shanties they frequently go for at the drop of a hat because that's how they are often described; as space pirates/vikings.
My favorite is this one, the first 40 seconds, from the episode Looking for Par'Mach in All the Wrong Places on DS9. I really wish they had done the full song.
This scene should have had one of the klingon subordinates start singing some pop ship and the captain looks at him with disgust, backhands him and calls him a petaq, and then launches into some grand Wagnerian operatic thing about blowing up the Enterprise.
If they wanted to play it for laughs they could have just gone balls to the walls actual Klingon opera/sea shanty and simply not translate any of it so the Enterprise crew have zero fucking clue what was just said. It would have meant a dramatic [possibly over dramatic since that's part of the point with Klingons and singing at times] yet humourous moment without ridiculing the entire race yet again.
And before any of the new fans/tourists whine about how Mary Suhura would know what was said just have them sing an older Klingon song that's in a dialect even Uhura didn't know rather than yet again have her be the Deus ex Machina that "fixes everything" as I believe was the line in her own song in that episode.
Not that taking away possibly grrlboss moments is ever likely to happen, but at the very least it gives more ammo to point out just how fucking retarded modern day writers are and how little they know of the franchises they continue to piss all over.
The Buffy musical episode, music, lyrics, and all, was written by one guy with no musical training over a handful of months. Yeah, it's Joss Whedon, and people copying him has been part of what makes entertainment shit today, but there's no denying the guy has been an absolute genius at times.
It sucks because Buffy was great but the consequences of Whedon quips have been almost as bad as JJ Abrams mystery box shows.
The Buffy musical episode, music, lyrics, and all, was written by one guy with no musical training over a handful of months. Yeah, it's Joss Whedon, and people copying him has been part of what makes entertainment shit today, but there's no denying the guy has been an absolute genius at times.
My main gripe with Whedon isn't even that, no matter how bad the jokes have been, it's that every single major female character in Buffy and Angel have the same bodytype because it's his kink
Eh, not a gripe for me because that's my favorite body type. Thin, lithe, petite, decent but not comically huge rack, tight 90s ass. Perfection. Way better than the "every girl should look like her name is Shaquanda" horse shit that's popular now. Convincing White women that they have to have a negress body to be hot has been a disaster.
This scene should have had one of the klingon subordinates start singing some pop ship and the captain looks at him with disgust, backhands him and calls him a petaq, and then launches into some grand Wagnerian operatic thing about blowing up the Enterprise.
I gave strange new worlds a chance and didn't hate it but noped out after the bodyswap spock episode and when they had the sex-ambiguous transporter tech prominently displayed.
Watched the first season, if I recall correctly. The male captain is just the guise to slip in all the crazy feminist garbage. The mock Alien episode (eggs implanted in sentient beings) was pretty much the worst.
Tbh if you compare it to discovery and Picard it was watchable. Though even then you have to remember the Orville exists. So why watch any kelvin universe crap.
A lot of disaffected and crypto leftists are pushing a sort of Hegelian dialectic approach to media right now. They’re positioning anything that isn’t overtly turbo woke as a victory over both sides of the culture war, but such media is really just another victory for leftists. Because over time, adopting even the smallest concessions to leftists will move the whole culture further and further in the wrong direction.
People like Critical Drinker and Asmongold will celebrate when leftist activist creators are savvy enough to turn the rolling boil down to a moderate simmer, as if the subtle propagandist is somehow preferable to the obvious zealot. These “based critics” are still controlled by decades of anti-conservative programming. They will never champion a direct assault on leftist values in order to move the culture absolutely right.
The best strategy is to become intolerant of even the slightest whiff of leftism in your media. Promote only the stuff that is aggressively anti-woke. Burn anything that tries to “find a middle ground”.
The biggest tell for me that those "right wing" or "based" culture war personalities are false, that they're either too stupid to listen to or controlled opposition, is their continual insistence that the people in power are incompetent, that the results of modern media and the modern world are due to incompetence. No sane rational man can see the overt and repeated pattern of malignant destruction of everything that is truthful, good, and beautiful, and have the the people in power twist it into its antithesis, into lies, evil, and ugliness
Incompetence necessitates that the motivations, methods, and results would be random. They're not. The only factor that makes sense is malice. They just use "incompetence" as a cover for their wholesale malicious destruction of everything we love.
As an example that I've seen recently, of normies who still can't properly identify the underlying problem, who embrace obvious table scraps being thrown our way, was finding a new-ish subreddit called r/star_trek_. It's populated by Trek fans critical of all the new Star Trek slop, who were largely banned off of the main Star Trek subreddit. It's somewhat refreshing to read. But, there are still lots of people there that still defend new Trek, and praise Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks.
Normies, people still plugged into the system, who still cling to the lies they were told, even to the smallest degree, act like battered wives. They've been brutally beaten for decades, and the moment that the beatings are lessened, not even stopped, they act as if it's some monumental victory, and praise their torturers. And, for some twisted mental gymnastics I still can't fully fathom, if you ever tell them that they're still be beaten, tortured, manipulated, if you tell that what they need to do to fully protect themselves, how to actually fix the problems, they lash out at you, as if you're far worse than the ones beating them.
I had a running argument for years with a friend who kept insisting the woke shit in games was just cynical corporations trying to pander to millennials. When the Sweet Baby shit broke I sent that to him and now he refuses to even talk about it anymore. Some people just won't accept reality. They're so married to their 'enlightened centrist' position they'll ride it down to the bottom.
I've had the same experiences, repeated in nearly every interaction I've had with people, from random internet anons to close family members. If you disagree with them, it doesn't matter how many well reasoned and logical arguments you present, no matter how much evidence you show them, they'll deny reality until the heat death of the universe. They'll cling to their false reality like an anchor, and let it drown them. Upon disagreement, people react in predictable ways. They'll lash out at you, as if you're an evil asshole just for disagreeing with them, to the point that they're inches away from wanting to physically assault you, they'll call you names, they'll make arguments tantamount to "nu uh", they'll quote an endless list of disreputable studies and known liar authorities, they'll appeal to emotion and popularity, they'll stop talking about the subject (for fear of having to admit being wrong), or stop talking to you altogether. And, they'll often double down on their foolishness, just to spite you for trying to convince them that they're wrong.
Some people are capable of changing their minds, but the method of doing so requires an internal change in the person, and it often takes the form as personally accredited enlightenment, as if they were the one's to suddenly discover this new truth, completely ignoring all the people who tried to convince them of it previously, sometimes over several decades. I'm not a black piller, but seeing the results of this, personally over many years, is quite disheartening, especially when one of the ways I've repeatedly said is a path toward solving disagreements is good debate, requiring civility, honesty, logic, and prioritizing of truth above all other considerations (even over oneself). It seems very few people are capable of having good debate, precisely because they prioritize themselves over truth.
Even with the SBI nonsense there are still ostriches who refuse to acknowledge it, just like your friend, which is the most infuriating thing because it means they do not want to acknowledge it. They want to live in a fantasy world where they do not have to believe that those in power are purposely trying to destroy modern Westernised civilisation.
Every time I see someone say "Corporations are just doing it for money" I point out how much they have been losing with the SBI corposlop and continue to pursue it. The people still defending the money angle are either willfully ignorant or willfully malicious.
"I'm ok with you feeding me poison, so long as it tastes good" is a depressingly common viewpoint on the so called anti-woke Right.
I wonder if that weird shill who kept telling people to watch SNW because they fixed it now it's totally not as bad as Discovery is still here. If you so much as questioned it he attacked you. Same guy I believe was shilling Horizon Forbidden West. "She's not fat you morons it's just a bad camera angle!" After enough bad takes I assume you're just trolling.
They fixed it? By making TWO episodes absolutely proving they don't know what makes Vulcans, Vulcans?
Their ears right? Its their ears?
I suppose I should clarify at the very least for everyone else (even if you actually know what I'm talking about): Vulcans aren't born logic-machines; that's something hammered into their minds through their education and training. A Vulcan turning Human/Terran would not suddenly become an emotional airhead. And Humans/Terrans turning into Vulcans would not suddenly become emotionless logisticians; QUITE THE OPPOSITE, as if anything, Vulcans are more naturally prone to feral emotional outbursts, which is why they've trained themselves onto a path of logic.
Agreed. As they get old they lose that control and start raging uncontrollably (as Spocks father did)
According to the Next Gen episode where this happened, they said only some do. It's called Bendii syndrome, and only affects some older Vulcans, not all of them.
And that's ignoring the obvious absurdity that 1 injection can instantly change your species. And they apparently had that in the 23rd century but not in the 24-25th.
Sounds like they banned trans-species conversion therapy between the 23rd and 24th/25th centuries 👀
Part of the problem was season 1 wasn't awful. The musical episode this scene is taken from was in season 2, so the usual bait and switch happened.
Also, they had the chance to do this as actual Klingon opera but instead did a shitty boyband bit, that's how out of touch SNW writers are.
Yes, I could not agree more. I made the same point in a separate post. The writers of Trek today are just unbelievably shit.
Lol I rather liked Horizon Zero Dawn but I couldn't even finish Forbidden West. In addition to the woke, it was so fucking boring too.
Even if snw wasn't as bad as discovery (id believe that, because discovery was fucking awful) it doesn't make it worth watching.
Anyone trying to make that argument is malicious, retarded, or both.
Battered spouse syndrome.
Omg, you gave me a black eye (JJ Abrams Trek movies), broke my arm pushing me down the stairs (Discovery), and hit me in the gut with a baseball bat (Prodigy), threw my possessions in the garbage (Picard), but Strange New Worlds shows you still love me!!!!!! I love Strange New Worlds!!!
I don't have the heart to hurt myself by watching the rape of a franchise I love.
Section 31 is apparently worse. The super serious secret spy agency?
Nah, it's now all out in the open and full of faggotry
I watched the Red Letter Media review. Ouch.
Section 31 currently has a 20% critic and 17% audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes. That is legit Battlefield Earth territory.
Before Discovery, Picard, Section 31, Prodigy, etc (I exclude Lower Decks because I loved it), I was a huge Star Trek fan.
Now, Star Trek is dead. I will always have the reruns, but the franchise is dead. RIP.
Isn’t lowerdecks like…the gayest of the bunch? (I’ve only seen discovery S1, S2, and SNW first episode)
Is there actually anything salvageable?
"Lower Decks" is their "Rick & Morty" ripoff. It's alright.
I like the character designs and the balanced fan service, but it's too often peppered with woke BS like all the rest.
It's Star Trek for the modern brainless and "so random" audience/tourists that Rick and Morty catapulted into everyones' faces and through every other franchise trying to capitalise on the low denomination hook.
There's literally a scene involving someone commenting "X is either the nicest person ever or an evil shapeshifter that will try to eat you". Immediately followed up by X turning into an evil shapeshifter and trying to eat the person, because "lol so random" as per modern day Deadpool, Harley Quinn, and other retarded writers trying to be quirky.
If you have the time it's worth looking up other threads on here from the last few years so you can get a range of reviews about the show.
... I'm not a fan, if you can tell 🙄
Cheers, thanks for sharing - sounds like the problem I had with The Orville
You're not wrong there. The engineer going full Johnny Somali and literally twerking on a monument during an away mission on a random alien world exemplifies that issue. Might not have been chief engineer yet at that point but regardless it was the kind of behaviour that should result in the immediate dismissal of anyone from a spacefaring body, providing they are even lucky enough to survive as the idiot in question was almost lobotomised for his actions.
I quit Discovery after S1 and hated it.
I watched I think 2 episode of SNW (and then the musical episode a year later) and I didn't like it.
Don't care about Prodigy.
Quit Picard after Season 1.
Lower Decks I have watched all of and I enjoyed the vast majority of it. I have no idea if you'll like it. I guess to me, somehow, even with modern wokeisms (and there are modern wokeisms) and all the cartoon zaniness, it SOMEHOW manages to feel more "Trek" than anything else in nutrek. There are many deep cuts and references that go back as far as ToS, and they're done in a way that makes me feel like the writers of Lower Decks actually like Star Trek.
The rest of Nutrek makes me feel like the writers hate Star Trek and would rather be writing something, anything, else, but this is the only job they got, so they're going to shoehorn their dumb shit and daddy issues into it and oh yeah, there is a klingon, but now klingons are lame and gay.
Hmm, might have to give it a shot sometime then.
For as big of Star Trek fans as Mike and Rich make themselves out to be, the fact that they have barely watched DS9 is ludicrous.
Yeah, I’ve never understood that. They put themselves through watching Discovery and Section 31 and all, they ought to do DS9!
Yeah, I gave it a pass. Figured it was full of woke bullshit.
Just know (((who))) is doing the raping, okay?
Good point, no non-jew would be involved in Social Justice.
Oh wait
It's really amazing how effective the forum sliding is, when dom refuses to ban them for it.
Hell, theimp got banned for his sperging, but they can screech about the jews endlessly I guess.
Trump demonstrated you can just do things and letting 85-90 verbal phone guys antagonize normal people on a forum is a choice, not an inevitable phenomenon.
You guys can't go 48 hours without seething about the jews.
Take it as a challenge. Spend 2 whole days away from conpro, etc, and don't think or post about the jews. You'll feel much better
LOL. Stomping on you vipers and your venomous lies brings me great pleasure. Why assume it doesn't? 🤣
I'm still not a jew, you inbred faggot. I know you are incapable of learning, or actually being self aware, but fuck off back to conpro where you can seethe freely forever about how inferior you are to everyone.
Sorry, which one of us needs to take some time off? 🤣
I'd love to tell you exactly what to do, but Dom gets butthurt when I do.
If you weren't a Jew you wouldn't care so damn much. I talk about everyone, but you only show up when I mention Jews.
Hmm. Why not try taking two days away from lying? You'll feel much better! 😝
Nothing after Enterprise is Star Trek. Even the at-the-time lauded S3 of Picard is worse than anything before Enterprise ended. I didn't hate S3 of PIcard, but I'd still rather watch A Night in Sickbay, Threshold, and Move Along Home on repeat for 12 hours than watch it again.
The best trek since Enterprise is Star Trek Continues.
Worst part is the McCoy actor who doesn't even try to channel DeForest, and having a ship psychologist - but at least she's stacked.
Allamaraine, count to four...
Allamaraine, and then three more-
The Thaw?
That's a dope episode. Honestly probably the best Voyager episode overall.
Yeah! It’s controversial, but I like it too.
Yes, welcome to almost 18 months ago.
lol, but it didn't come with a vid.
What in the utter fuck.
Sperg out.
A Star Trek musical episode is something the younger me WANTED and thought I would love. I enjoyed the Buffy musical episode. I enjoyed Dr. Horrible. I enjoy other traditional musicals.
The Buffy musical episode, music, lyrics, and all, was written by one guy with no musical training over a handful of months. Yeah, it's Joss Whedon, and people copying him has been part of what makes entertainment shit today, but there's no denying the guy has been an absolute genius at times.
This episode was just such shit. Generic, awful, non-catchy pop. 30 seconds after the episode was over I couldn't remember a single melody or lyric. Autotune was OUT OF CONTROL. Cringe to the max.
This scene in particular drove me crazy. The premise is that some magical subspace crap, I don't remember what, was making everyone sing uncontrollably. This scene should have had one of the klingon subordinates start singing some pop ship and the captain looks at him with disgust, backhands him and calls him a petaq, and then launches into some grand Wagnerian operatic thing about blowing up the Enterprise.
Klingon opera, and Klingon fascination with Shakespeare, drama, etc., has been established over more than 30 years of Trek history, and all these piece of shit hack soyboy pop culture-dick sucking assholes can come up with "KLINGON K POP GET IT?!"
sperg over.
Several older Trek episodes have bits of Klingon opera in them, and most of it sounded legitimately good. They could have explored that.
Didn't even need to be their actual operas, could have just been the same pirate/sea shanties they frequently go for at the drop of a hat because that's how they are often described; as space pirates/vikings.
Nice. Thanks for the links.
My favorite is this one, the first 40 seconds, from the episode Looking for Par'Mach in All the Wrong Places on DS9. I really wish they had done the full song.
There's also this one, from Birthright pt 2 on Next Gen:
If they wanted to play it for laughs they could have just gone balls to the walls actual Klingon opera/sea shanty and simply not translate any of it so the Enterprise crew have zero fucking clue what was just said. It would have meant a dramatic [possibly over dramatic since that's part of the point with Klingons and singing at times] yet humourous moment without ridiculing the entire race yet again.
And before any of the new fans/tourists whine about how Mary Suhura would know what was said just have them sing an older Klingon song that's in a dialect even Uhura didn't know rather than yet again have her be the Deus ex Machina that "fixes everything" as I believe was the line in her own song in that episode.
Not that taking away possibly grrlboss moments is ever likely to happen, but at the very least it gives more ammo to point out just how fucking retarded modern day writers are and how little they know of the franchises they continue to piss all over.
It sucks because Buffy was great but the consequences of Whedon quips have been almost as bad as JJ Abrams mystery box shows.
Joss Whedon humor and its consequences have been a disaster for entertainment media.
My main gripe with Whedon isn't even that, no matter how bad the jokes have been, it's that every single major female character in Buffy and Angel have the same bodytype because it's his kink
Eh, not a gripe for me because that's my favorite body type. Thin, lithe, petite, decent but not comically huge rack, tight 90s ass. Perfection. Way better than the "every girl should look like her name is Shaquanda" horse shit that's popular now. Convincing White women that they have to have a negress body to be hot has been a disaster.
That could have been funny.
I gave strange new worlds a chance and didn't hate it but noped out after the bodyswap spock episode and when they had the sex-ambiguous transporter tech prominently displayed.
Watched the first season, if I recall correctly. The male captain is just the guise to slip in all the crazy feminist garbage. The mock Alien episode (eggs implanted in sentient beings) was pretty much the worst.
Tbh if you compare it to discovery and Picard it was watchable. Though even then you have to remember the Orville exists. So why watch any kelvin universe crap.
Why do any of that when you can just go back and watch S5/6 of DS9?
That episode is pretty polarizing, you either love it, or hate it.
I laughed so hard when I saw that Klingon bit I had to pause VLC and catch my breath.
You shall come to know the pit of endless wails as your torment. ;)