Reminder that 23 and Me was intended to show that all white people were part negro. When that failed and the science showed most whites were not negros, they lied and altered the data to say everyone was a little bit negro. They only stopped when white people starting using this to claim diversity benefits.
Yep, which is why no government accepts a dna test as a pedigree marker, what they want is actual proof of membership, pedigree charts. Ive heard before that the royal family of britain's most famed possession is their pedigrees that prove their divinity? Which is very similar to how babylon/egypt and rome? worked as well.
From what I understand, pretty much all white people (caucasians, asians, middle easterners, etc are all descended from another race which I cant recall the name right now, I thought it was eurasian, but I guess not.)
To study the male and female lineages of East Asian and European humans, we have sequenced 25 short tandem repeat markers on 453 Y-chromosomes and collected sequences of 72 complete mitochondrial genomes to construct independent phylogenetic trees for male and female lineages. The results indicate that East Asian individuals fall into two clades, one that includes East Asian individuals only and a second that contains East Asian and European individuals. Surprisingly, the European individuals did not form an independent clade, but branched within in the East Asians. We then estimated the divergence time of the root of the European clade as ∼41,000 years ago. These data indicate that, contrary to traditional views, Europeans diverged from East Asians around that time.
And one of the problems between sub sahara africa and north africa was the fact the sahara desert lie in between.
But in a way, that whacked out author is right. Which brings me to my point about 23andme. We are nearly genetically identical accept for a some bits and bobs which can affect things like eye color, or the color of your skin, but somehow thats all we seem to focus on.
They were Black – like all Western Europeans in those days
About 6,000 years ago, people with brown skin migrated to Britain.
*Sigh* no. Even if you want to argue the pre-bell beaker culture of hunter-gatherers were da real britons, they weren't "Black", they weren't african, they were a group that migrated from the middle east, with other groups originating from Greece and Turkey. The Cheddar Man had dark skin and blue eyes.
Revisionist history pisses off actual historians. The woman who wrote," The 1619 Peoject" is blacklisted because she cited people wrong, and won't fix it. They gave her the grace of assuming it was a mistake until she refused to make corrections. When everyone cited has to make disclaimers that your book is bullshit, you have a book with no citations.
This book can get the same treatment. Just notify all the authors cited.
Maybe what i was trying to say is that these niggers not only do they have zero blood and soil connection to Britain but they also know nothing about Britain or British people , since they weren't born there . So they have an insane audacity to write this shit.
Right so the africans apparently made it to the british isles, built stonehenge, then vanished without a trace before the britons/celts/romans got there.
Like all WE WUZ nonsense, whitey is just so evil that he is capable of feats of horror so pronounced he can just erase everyone else and their history from wherever he colonizes.
Its the same story they tell of how the Native Americans were so amazing and awesome, and then whitey wiped them out because he rejected being awesome for "technology used for evil" like guns.
Indeed. If these hypothetical blacks were so advanced and the archetype ubermensch that would make hitler cream his pants. How did the evil whites ever defeat them / drive them out?
Even in their Wakanda esque fantasies of the blacks being super advanced, it still comes back to "only a white person could be so evil" in how they get conquered.
Its literally that joke about Lennon's Imagine, where people who live like that are literally undefended from anything because of their easy lives.
Thank you! I already find the topic of "King Arthur is a myth who never existed" quite intriguing. There was a YT video I found, maybe one of the people you mentioned, who said the UK school system altered their early history lessons. It used to contain Brutus and others who are also conveniently myths now.
Wasn’t there a children’s show a while back in England that pushed this nonsense? Also, if I remember correctly someone got in trouble for darkening a skeleton that was found or something like that. Purposely making the recreation darker
british empire is bad and evil.. black people were always there and were actually the ones that built and british empire would be nothing without them.. so... black people responsible for colonization and all the evil and bad things that happened??
Are they arguing that blacks did nothing for several thousand years, and only when whites came in did Britan become a proper civilization?
Isn't that Africa
Shhhh they haven't realized yet
From the cave where Yaqub created them.
Things were better when he lived on his own private moon, I tell you hwat.
Reminder that 23 and Me was intended to show that all white people were part negro. When that failed and the science showed most whites were not negros, they lied and altered the data to say everyone was a little bit negro. They only stopped when white people starting using this to claim diversity benefits.
23 and Me was always scam and never had basis in reality.
Yep, which is why no government accepts a dna test as a pedigree marker, what they want is actual proof of membership, pedigree charts. Ive heard before that the royal family of britain's most famed possession is their pedigrees that prove their divinity? Which is very similar to how babylon/egypt and rome? worked as well.
From what I understand, pretty much all white people (caucasians, asians, middle easterners, etc are all descended from another race which I cant recall the name right now, I thought it was eurasian, but I guess not.)
And one of the problems between sub sahara africa and north africa was the fact the sahara desert lie in between.
But in a way, that whacked out author is right. Which brings me to my point about 23andme. We are nearly genetically identical accept for a some bits and bobs which can affect things like eye color, or the color of your skin, but somehow thats all we seem to focus on.
I also keep thinking about kelisa wing.
This person likely has no idea their family likely adopted the name from someone like asa wing.
Again, this is the white scourge of evil im supposed to be so ashamed of?
Talk about fucked up.
Boomer bait. My inlaws actually tried to invite everyone over to announce their results to the family. Were butthurt when no one cared.
You talk about how the first settlers to come to North America were blonde haired and blue eyed, and you're regarded as delusional and shizo.
You say the first settlers to briton were black, and you get a deluge of money and fame.
I fucking hate this timeline.
*Sigh* no. Even if you want to argue the pre-bell beaker culture of hunter-gatherers were da real britons, they weren't "Black", they weren't african, they were a group that migrated from the middle east, with other groups originating from Greece and Turkey. The Cheddar Man had dark skin and blue eyes.
At best, this is a reductionist take on history
There are parts of Africa today where black people don’t have the tech to build Stonehenge
...or a wheel
Revisionist history pisses off actual historians. The woman who wrote," The 1619 Peoject" is blacklisted because she cited people wrong, and won't fix it. They gave her the grace of assuming it was a mistake until she refused to make corrections. When everyone cited has to make disclaimers that your book is bullshit, you have a book with no citations.
This book can get the same treatment. Just notify all the authors cited.
The authors certainly have traditional English names. /s
Both author and illustrator are nigger immigrants from Nigeria with less than zero connection to Britain. Like, not even born in Britain .
Being born in Britain is not a connection to Britain - the idiocy of the ius soli has no place in Europe.
i agree that Britain is for the British.
Maybe what i was trying to say is that these niggers not only do they have zero blood and soil connection to Britain but they also know nothing about Britain or British people , since they weren't born there . So they have an insane audacity to write this shit.
Sorry, I figured the /s wasn't necessary. I'll add it for you
i know you were being sarcastic. I was just clarifying your statement by posting who the authors were
Where's Brilliant Black Nigerian History? 🤔
Right so the africans apparently made it to the british isles, built stonehenge, then vanished without a trace before the britons/celts/romans got there.
Assuming this is true, why didn't they survive?
Like all WE WUZ nonsense, whitey is just so evil that he is capable of feats of horror so pronounced he can just erase everyone else and their history from wherever he colonizes.
Its the same story they tell of how the Native Americans were so amazing and awesome, and then whitey wiped them out because he rejected being awesome for "technology used for evil" like guns.
Indeed. If these hypothetical blacks were so advanced and the archetype ubermensch that would make hitler cream his pants. How did the evil whites ever defeat them / drive them out?
Even in their Wakanda esque fantasies of the blacks being super advanced, it still comes back to "only a white person could be so evil" in how they get conquered.
Its literally that joke about Lennon's Imagine, where people who live like that are literally undefended from anything because of their easy lives.
White people killed them
And I guess the bbc used period pieces to further push this nonsense
If you actually like the topic it's biblical, and involves the story of King Arther.
Yes? Go on...
I commented in more detail in a different comment. Ralph Ellis, and Michael Tsarion are where you ant to look.
Thank you! I already find the topic of "King Arthur is a myth who never existed" quite intriguing. There was a YT video I found, maybe one of the people you mentioned, who said the UK school system altered their early history lessons. It used to contain Brutus and others who are also conveniently myths now.
I like that topic too. It shows up everywhere. I was reading a book on the 4 element... King Arthur.
Because Masters of Deceptology, clearly.
Wasn’t there a children’s show a while back in England that pushed this nonsense? Also, if I remember correctly someone got in trouble for darkening a skeleton that was found or something like that. Purposely making the recreation darker
Cheddar man, probably. Scientists claimed that he was black because the DNA told them so. Turns out they were wrong.
That’s the one.
I remember what you're talking about it had a rapping centurion in it?
Yep. Makes me very sad because I absolutely love pre diversity obsession British television. Sad to see what has happened
“Hey, that’s my history!”
Agreed, Britain was always black. So you won't object to Britain returning to the way it was in the 1950s, since it was black then as well. Bye.
Always a communist fist in these propaganda drawings
hey now.
that's the trump fist now.
We stole it from the commies, and we're not giving it back, lol.
Fight fight fight 👊🏻
british empire is bad and evil.. black people were always there and were actually the ones that built and british empire would be nothing without them.. so... black people responsible for colonization and all the evil and bad things that happened??
Feminist lies == OK. Actual truth about grooming gangs == disinformation. 🤡🌎
I’m not wasting my time on such blatant nonsense and propaganda. Who wrote and published this, exactly?
who published it
WE WuZ drUiDs n shit!