It seems the Islamists have moved in to /Pol/ and are very "comfy" there, defending 12 year olds having their tongues nailed to tables while being gangraped, 13 year olds getting raped with broken bottles and baseball bats, etc, etc.
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4chan has been compromised for YEARS, especially Pol.
Hell I bet the closest you'll get to old 4chan is the vtuber board as they're willing to go full Nazi for some of their idols lol.
20 years ago channers were being 'ironic' with their pedo humour with Captain Picard and USB interfaces while taking on Scientology and pushing against normative behaviour.
This is just what happens when fresh goes stale.
I've no idea where is 'the place' to be these days but 4chan is as vapid as Facebook for relevance.
Don't forget their mods were aligned with reddit mods during the origins of gamergate.
Let it burn.
It wasn't ironic. I was shitposting there back in those days and there was plenty legitimate pedo stuff. Far too many of us clicked an image only for that gif to switch to Daisy's Destruction two frames in.
The only difference was the internet back then, and especially 4chan, was big on that Wild West freedom of speech thing. So rather than people losing their mind and demanding rules and regulations daily to remove these things, it was just accepted as an evil you had to try and avoid while getting thicker skin.
“Mods are asleep, post sinks”
"Mods are asleep, post fridges"
For those wondering this one was a shitpost and anons would post actual pics of fridges. It would often lead to semi serious replies if the fridge was open and well stocked.
20 years ago I would occasionally go to /b/ to see people get into real life mischief, and to be amused by meme threads like Breaking Bad and Dwayne Johnson verticals, and otherwise incredibly autistic conversations.
I don't go anymore because it's mostly porn peppered with a few political propaganda threads mixed in. I'm convinced the porn is intentionally posted to condition young people to not form a healthy sexual relationship with a single mate for life, and to promote a tolerance of sexual deviancy of all forms including pedophilia.
Those "healthy" relationships broke long before porn showed up. Hate porn all you want, but quit blaming it for everything. It's the symptom, not the cause.
It’s a significant part of a highly destructive positive feedback loop. There is no reality in which we repair “the problems that created porn” without also destroying porn.
Nonsense. Porn is actually part of the solution. Your "healthy" monogamous relationships never existed in any meaningful way. There's a reason why bastard and cuckold jokes go back way before Christ.
The entire premise of marriage should be destroyed.
"The mechanism of human reproduction was imperfect so porn, a Jewish weapon, will fix it"
Nice. Blaming Jews and porn. Double fucking retard right back at you.
"The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don't believe in authoritarianism. Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream (and is no doubt consumed by those very same WASPs), its subversive character becomes more charged."
-- Al Goldstein, pioneer of hardcore pornography
This is a good point, BUT porn can still be blamed for continuing the degeneracy.
Porn is in large part responsible for the current replacement rate. A girl I knew told me she hadn't been in a relationship for years because porn was good enough.
A lot of people in general seem to forget this part from 10 years ago, which is slightly more surprising when considering how specific that is to boards like here.
4chan is very much controlled and curated these days, and while there will be some degree of shitposting and occasional anti MSM push it is nowhere near as organic or prolific as it was 20 years ago.
community of porn addicted malcontents
trannies infiltrate mod team
How could anyone have seen this coming?
Can't beat em' and can't join em'.
Not with that attitude! Although some of them might like that, so be careful 🤔
That's the inevitable result of not actually believing in anything and having all of your actions dictated by what's the most funny or shocking to you. When you have no bedrock foundation of ideals that you know are true and guide your actions, it's very easy to just chase the next thing. Being a contrarian or malcontent for the sake being contrarian is extremely prone to this, as you're just seeing what the normie side is and taking the opposite one without much thought as to why or whether it's actually right or wrong. Do that enough times to where it becomes your default reaction and you'll soon find out you don't actually have any real values or believe in anything solid, which makes you very easy to manipulate into espousing what bad actors want you to. 4chan becoming what is is now was baked into the cake from the begging. In order to avoid it, the majority would have had to be willing to have real beliefs and values they were willing to stick up for and not waiver on because they're unpopular, unfunny, boring, lame, or too normie. But if they did that, it wouldn't have been 4chan. This was inevitable.
Which is why the establishment has funded endless operations into overwhelming it and converting 4chan into another leftist propaganda hub.
And while /pol/ is completely compromised, at least you can still make pro-straight comments there. I ate an indefinite ban on another board for suggesting some celebrities publicly supporting troons is a [cowardly] act of self-preservation against the most unhinged and violent activists.
/pol/ has been in the mainstream news for years, why would you expect it not to be filled with feds and shills?
Fuck its been caught and proven that various groups operate discord raids across basically all the main boards to shape narratives and change the community.
Also /pol/ is the literal example people use of how "diverse" the racist/extremist community is. All their meetups are filled with every shade of brown. The Islamists have always been there, and now they probably don't feel the need to sell it through downplay anymore.
Pol doesn’t have meetups, dork
4chan is more captured than post-Musk twitter (which already has plenty of problems). It attracted too much establishment attention and therefore infiltration. There was a while there, post-pandemic, in the transformation period of Twitter turning to X, where /pol/ was probably the last safe space online for pharma shills to keep rebroadcasting the stale 2021 propaganda, and other boards were where sheepish normies went for the courage to vent the stuff they no longer had the courage to say to antivaxx family and friends irl.
I mean I guess reddit is technically worse but I'm not convinced there's anyone at all human left on reddit. There are still real people thrashing around on 4chan in tidepools, but the manufactured noise drowns the signal almost 24/7 now.
What are you talking about? I just browsed the catalog and all I see is hatred toward all of that. You are a liar.
More like a large amount of people on there rabidly defend Muslims because they hate jews so much they rap back around to defending Muslims
Yes, but it's also Islamists. Islamists are anti-jew,and anti-female, but also anti West, and distinctly- VERY DISTINCTLY - pro- paedo and pro sexual violence towards whites.
/Pol/ is now a completely anti-Western, anti-White, pro-paedo (rape of white girls only, tho) board. Totally Islamist, root and branch.
"/pol/ is a place where federal agents go to advertise live streams of their glow ops"
"Welcome to 4chan, where the men are women, the women are definitely men, and the children are feds."
4Chan has long since been taken over by the establishment. It's routinely used as a 'source' in news articles by legacy media for a whole host of leaks, even despite 4Chan being one of the most heavily surveilled and monitored websites by law enforcement agencies around the world.
And it's been so since the first school shooting was linked to 4Chan.
4Chan cuddling trenders = DNC-encouraged behavior.
4Chan cuddling Muslim sex pests = DNC-encouraged behavior.
I've noticed it's become more and more difficult to post on 4chan with the captcha and timeouts, so it wouldn't surprise me if the opinions presented are becoming more extreme. When you filter out the casual posters, all that remains is the hard core schizos and people who post as part of their job.
The 15 minute thing loves to reset randomly, too. So a thread on a fast board can just be dead before you can reply, even if you posted in it earlier.
I want everyone involved dismembered and body parts burned.
4chan in the modern age is 25% spooks, 25% spambots, and 50% pajeets
25% spook, 25% spam, 25% jeet, 25% Islamist paedo
Got archives?
The site's really gone downhill. All methods to remedy the spam and nonesense is just more excuse to get you to finally buy the fucking pass. Can't even make a thread in g without waiting for a fucking hour.
Fuck hiroshimoot.
I've seen anons posting farewell messages before because the captchas just pissed the off too much, and then as recently as this week the same spambots using multiple post IDs/IPs to post the same spam within days. Saw it mentioned the only reason for the newer captcha stuff was money which makes more sense since they don't do a thing to actually stop spam and bots posting.
most boards are honestly dead now due to this changes. v vg has it worse due to all the discord raids. And now the tranny mods keeps enforcing the retarded global rules.
Its a russian roullete posting in chan now
This is why I don't care about opinions about how Elon isn't "on side". Fine. He doesn't have to be. But the the apologia of this institutionally supported systemic child rape as a weapon of terror is something that has to be challenged by all decent human beings. Him being the one challenging it is not my concern. The kids are.
How can Elon be so brave and stunning as to have such a controversial position like oposing child rape?
That is a controversial and dangerous position in the modern West.
I don't know if you've been asleep for 2 decades but that is a controversial opinion
My problem is that it is a controversial position in England. He can go to prison for it in England. Sometimes the rape victims do.
Weirdly enough, he is actually speaking up for voiceless people by opposing the mass child rape.
You really can't let a thrashing go, can you?
Neither side can, it was an actually successful wedge by leftist media and social media when this should have been solved with a reasonable discussion.
Blame Elon for throwing a tantrum and picking fights with randoms on Xitter. Btw, you've outlived your usefulness
It's good to acknowledge when your enemy wins as then you can see what happened , what went wrong and how to counter it next time.
I've seen more open vitriol on this than Trump and Warpspeed which was one of the biggest fuck ups ever. We let something that should be discussed become a dividing issue, when neither Elon or Vivek are handling immigration.
Is that the new cope after the "trust the plan, Trump will rail in Musk" one didn't pan out and he instead backed H1B visas, like Musk and Vivek did?
I mean since Trump made a statement it's kind of crossroad for you isn't it?
Are you going to give Trump the same treatment saying he's a traitor and not a part of MAGA?
Or are you going to just say he's wrong because of this and have enough people say the same to amplify it.
I'm seeing the former with Elon and Vivek a lot but not as much on Trump which is telling who's pressuring this to trend.
Why would people who voted for Trump to stop mass immigration continue to support him when he turns around and supports mass immigration? What’s even the point if he won’t try to do the one thing he was elected to do?
Not OP, but Trump's 2024 MAGA is a boomer con milquetoast version very different from the edgy 2016 MAGA.
There's many clips of Trump talking about importing infinity legal immigrants once he is elected because of AI or some other nonsensical BS.
Nick Fuentes is a faggot, but he's not wrong that 2024 Trump has aged out & sold out..
Almost like Trump's got people around him who are telling him H1Bs are good and that's the issue, you dimwit.
That’s because you have zero argument for H1B other than being against them is “racist”.
What’s reasonable argument is there to have functional retards take white collar jobs from Americans for 2/3rd of the price while driving up the cost of everything?
Leftists had very little to do with it (their position is that all white people should be killed and replaced no matter the circumstances so they don't have to discuss immigration at all), they just sat back and let the least stable/dumbest right wing guys throw huge screaming tantrums while a few actually smart guys fruitlessly tried to explain actual reality to them.
All I wanted was for people to treat an autist on the internet who is a useful ally at worst to help educate him on why he's ignorant.
Instead I was told that Elon Musk had been pretending to be a White Nationalist for 4 years, and that therefore this was a betrayal of MAGA by a bunch of Groypers who wish Trump was dead.
You’ve literally resorted to “think of the children” lol
The children are being raped!
Yes, I will think of them!
What the fuck is wrong with you?!!
Don't ever tell me you're a pro-white racist. You're not fit for the label.
You've been riding Elon's nuts and running damage control for his image for whatever reason I don't care about. Nobody finds your rhetoric moving because it's obvious you're just trying to manipulate us to that end. You're so desperate to do so, in fact, you've played the White identity angle that we all know you don't give a shit about and you're mad nobody's falling for it.
I just want people to talk to him like he's someone with autism.
I'm not playing any "white identity" angle. You're just Socialists who don't care about whites. I do. And I do because I'm not a Socialist.
Same thing happened when your brothers were conducting a terror campaign against Canadian Catholics. I'm an anti-theist, but I'm not okay with a state sponsored terror campaign against a religious minority because some Communists thought it would be fun. I supported Canadian Catholics more than the Pope did. That is because he is a Socialist (of the Liberation Theology school).
Oh no, the poor baby has a brain dysfunction. Let's mollycoddle him while he plots to replace us with pajeets. Get the fuck out of here.
Yeah, ok, buddy. People can read between the lines. "You only care about White people if you believe like I do." You must think yourself some master manipulator, but this is amateur hour horseshit. You're a cretin.
It's fun when you have an account on a forum that's become so powerful you can make your enemies support absolutely anything and start posting exactly like nasty leftists by making a really simple point.