Redditards cheer as Ukraine assassinates CBRN general Igor Kirillov in Moscow
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They're going to make the Russians roll their artillery all the way to Kyiv, aren't they?
What a colossal waste of money and lives prolonging this war has been.
They could have ended this war in April '22, but seems like all the globalist politicians wanted to fund a forever war for some reason.
The reason is because the Ukraine is the money laundering capital of the planet, the site of numerous illegal bioweapon labs, and the jew fallback point for if/when they're routed from the middle east.
But they were all of that before joining NATO.
Remember, that's what all this is over. Russia was willing to bring the war to an end nearly three years ago if Ukraine would give up on joining NATO and it's claims on Crimea, and the part of the Donbas that Russia already controlled since 2014.
Everything seemed like it was wrapping up. Then the US, the UK, the EU, and a bunch of other places jumped in the middle and yelled "Stop! Stop! We'll give you infinite guns and money if you keep fighting!"
Why? What is so crucial about this dumpster fire that more and more fuel needs to be shoveled on it?
And before 2022, Russia was willing to end the war and have 'Ukraine' get the disputed oblasts, if it would not be an anti-Russian bulwark on Russia's doorsteps.
It was foolish to try to negotiate with the West and so called Ukraine. The only way their hubris and megalomania will abate is when they are comprehensively defeated and humiliated.
They reportedly believed that they could destroy Russia with sanctions.
Financialization is a helluva drug.
How will Russia survive without our copyrights and green pieces of paper?
We did that once already. IIRC it took nearly 80 years. /s
Flip a coin, they're either lying or retarded. (Or more likely both.)
It's needlessly simplistic to suggest that this is because of any one thing.
Overlooking for example the Kiev regime's attempt to wipe out native Russian speakers in the east of the country. Or that, following the rout in Afghanistan the Russians realized they had a crack at taking us down a peg. Twenty years of degenerating our combat doctrine by shooting desert rats and we weren't capable of taking on a peer in actual warfare.
Or hell, the part where the left has pissed away any economic advantage that the West once had to the point where the fortress economies of the world could take us on.
It's not just one thing. It's decades of failure, missed opportunities, unforced errors and feckless leadership.
Of course, but NATO seems to be Russia's big sticking point. If Ukraine gives up on that, suddenly they're back at the negotiating table hammering out the details of how this can be resolved, instead of blowing each other up.
No one will leave 100% happy, but that doesn't mean that tensions can't be lowered enough to end the conflict.
That's only true if you ignore the subtext.
What is NATO? The military arm of clown world. The Russians have an issue if a nation directly bordering their most heavily populated areas joins a violent, oppressive, degenerate, socialist globalist alliance known for false flags and sponsoring terrorism and coups.
NATO wouldn't bother them if it didn't represent what it does.
I'm pretty sure this is not true. I'll admit I believed this when it came out because it's a very believable story, given the situation in Wuhan and the general bribery coming from Burisma to various senator's children. But it seems like there's no hard evidence for biolabs and some of the alleged addresses look like run down soviet era tenements. Contrast this with that chinese biolab in california which sounded crazy and was labeled as conspiracy but then hard facts surfaced with pictures, police reports, cdc complaints, etc.
CIA & MI6 special. Let's see how many NATO generals get smoked because of this move.
That was my first thought too. This at the very least, in my opinion, has outside intelligence backing. If Ukraine was involved, they likely weren't alone.
Bonus article/headline: "Putin’s chemical weapons henchman Kirillov was a truly evil man. He deserved to die"
These people are absolute scum who really want WW3.
If they were the only ones who'd die during a WW3, I'd be all for it.
War is pretty ugly. Have the Russians conducted assassinations like this? They constantly hit Ukraine with cruise missiles but I haven't heard of infiltration activities. Probably a lot harder for them than Ukraine.
There have been arson attacks within Europe and there was an alleged attempt to assassinate the ceo of Rheinmetall, though I'm sure everyone here will say that's a psyop.
Russian tends to save their assassination budget for their own guys, Prigozhin of course, the helicopter pilot who defected, those guys in the UK who they got with novochok, various generals and oligarchs. Even assassination by proxy where they leak positions to Ukrainians so they can be hit with cruise missiles, or just stationing inconvenient people onto the front lines.
In all of European history, there was no arson until RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA.
There wasn't even an attempt. There was just a US and German assertion that they foiled one. Well, I foiled an attempt on your life. You're welcome.
I'm not sure why you're repeating every piece of "intelligence" community propaganda. Do you also believe in Russiagate, WMDs in Iraq or that Russia blew up its own pipeline?
Wow, you sure know a lot about Russian perfidy. Where do you get all this secret information?
I don't agree with everything he said, but it does seem like Russia likes killing their own inconvenient people. Fact? No. But very, very strong indications. It's not secret information; they're intentionally not very subtle about it, because that's part of the message. "Shame if something were to happen to you."
The Russian state? Maybe. I don't put it beyond them, like I don't put it past the Europeans and the Americans, but this is normally asserted without any evidence whatsoever - as here. Prigozhin and the Litvinenko case seem the strongest. But every inconvenient murder or death is blamed on Putin, and people in the West of course blindly believe it.
Particularly, I'd like to see where this guy got all this information about "leak positions to Ukrainians so they can be hit with cruise missiles, or just stationing inconvenient people onto the front lines". Where he got it will say a lot about him.
The fact that a Russia Today head said, in the aftermath of Prigozhin, that she was curious as to any explanations other than "the obvious one" speaks volumes. What makes me doubt it, is why Russians would accept killing several completely innocent people, including the pilot and potentially people on the ground, to get at one or two the regime doesn't like. But maybe they do things differently over there.
Yeah, I'm not even saying all of those were Russia, but some almost certainly were. Other actors get in on the fun, and it's then easy to blame Russia.
And, yeah, not sure about the missile strikes, I agree that he needs to put up some evidence for that, or it's worthless.
What do you expect them to do if they don't approve?
I expect the regime to not do it if they don't approve. The killing itself, if it was a Kremlin killing, was likely the result of discontent over Wagner getting away with shooting down helicopters and planes. I saw Russians directly criticize Putin by pointing out that you cannot be a leader when you allow opponents to get away with killing forces loyal to you.
Russians tend to get what they want. Russians briefly protested cuts to government in 2005, and since then, the government has been very careful to not cut social services. They protested against the electoral fraud for United Russia in 2011, and the next election was one of the cleanest ever.
For some reason, these 'authoritarian' countries listen to people's protest more than supposedly 'democratic' countries. Xi canceled the Covid restrictions after a few protests. China rewards regional governors by how few protests occur. Hell, even Nazi Germany immunized a certain class of Jews (those married to German women) after their wives staged a daring protest.
??? I thought you meant the russian people. The regime is the one doing the killing, so obviously they approve. The war has killed millions of people. Russian state media is on every other day talking about how they're going to nuke every city in europe if the latest red line is crossed, like cartoon villians. Putin has likely personally killed people when he was in the KGB.
Don't even get me started on china, you have no idea wtf you're talking about. One example: The candle emoji. You can look it up yourself.
Vote harder, of course.
Actually, not voting or voting for anyone but Putin would alarm the Kremlin.
None of this is secret. There are sources on both sides, and you just have to weigh the motivations and propaganda benefits of each. It's absurd that Russia would blow up their own pipeline because the cost is huge and the benefit is small, also Joe Biden in his senility basically announced ahead of time that the US was going to blow it up.
Conversely, there is goddamn video footage of Prigozhin's plane going down after a mid air explosion and he was Putin rival #1. Claiming that this is "secret information" or implying that it's propaganda or whatever the fuck your trying to do is so far beyond the pale I have trouble believing you're speaking in good faith.
But please, chant some more slogans and tell me about the history of arson in medieval europe.
Great. Can you present those 'sources on both sides'?
Ah, so you're not quite as crazy as you sounded at first.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you wildly misread that. Even though Russian planes regularly flame out, and even though Crazy Wagner Guy isn't exactly a Putin rival, I do think that is one of the better cases - as I stated to a comment before you posted but not to you (so you may have missed it).
My problem is with the sweeping claims of things you have absolutely no way of knowing. For one, you blindly accepted US 'intelligence' claims about an alleged assassination plot that even in their telling, never even materialized. Secondly, you made some very specific claims, like generals or "leak positions to Ukrainians so they can be hit with cruise missiles, or just stationing inconvenient people onto the front lines". How could you possibly know that?
I find it odd that you would believe the arson claims, or any of the other claims for that matter, since you have shown that you can think for yourself instead of blindly believing every MSM claim.
There is nothing suspicious for you about the MSM coming out and pinning alleged arsons on BoogeyMan Du Jour? Or do you have evidence that we don't?
You want to talk about boogeymen, you're projecting your imaginary composite yay-latest-thing redditor onto me.
Yeah no problem, lemme just put together a feature length documentary for you right now. You have to follow these things as they go. I don't care enough to save and categorize every piece of media I see.
Russian soldiers have filmed videos of themselves complaining that they were sent to the front lines for political reasons, or even just as a disciplinary measure. The novichok incident is well documented, I believe the have security footage of the goons who did it. Litvinenko was poisoned by polonium, you don't buy that shit at the store. The helicopter pilot who defected was killed, I don't know if there was video of it but it was widely reported and it'd be a pretty deep rabbit hole to assume that was made up. Prighozin's death was first reported on wagner telegram, blaming it on a SAM attack. I've seen multiple videos of russian soldiers ass raping each other, with more supporting documents and an alleged suicide note. Stealing toilets and washing machines. Killing people with hammers.
I mean after a while you have to forgive me for just assuming the worst. When was the last time someone from the american government defected and was performatively assassinated? Do you see how one might get the idea that there's good guys and bad guys here?
Personally I think the war has been massively mismanaged and this trickle of escalation and micromanagement from washington seems to be designed to cause as much death as possible. But at the end of the day, russia is the one who rolled the tanks to kiev. They're the one's talking about empire and the divine dominion putin has over all ethnic russians.
I have the impression that you have been influenced by these pieces of media that have been served to you by people who have an ulterior motive.
You speak Russian? Where have you found these videos?
Oh, come on. I thought we were being serious. This is the kind of stuff I expect from people with dog avatars. Next you'll be telling me that Russian soldiers attack with shovels, like the "good" British government asserts.
Fair point. I just wonder why you don't "assume the worst" when the US government presents you with "intelligence" about the Boogeyman Du Jour... after babies thrown out of incubators, WMDs, Operation Northwoods, Khadhafi giving pills to his soldiers, etc.
Does it have to be 'performative'? I like these arbitrary clauses that are inserted into the requirements, like when supporters of the USG complain about "Russia invading its NEIGHBOR". Because it's so much better when you invade a country that is on the other side of the world that is no conceivable threat to you.
We good, they bad.
I think the people who didn't kill a million people in Iraq are the good guys, even if they... stole a washing machine. You're free to come and steal my washing machine if that will stop the USG from launching another war of aggression to kill another million people.
I think the people who don't coup governments all over the world, who don't start civil wars in other countries, who don't spend billions and fund NGOs to subvert other countries are the good guys. I think the good guys are the people who aren't occupying my country. I think the good guys are the people who don't protect rape gangs, flood my country with immigrants & try to trans 4-year-old kids.
Of course, I don't believe in good guys, but since you insist.
Like I said, you're not crazy, just maybe sometimes putting up a bit of an act.
It was Ukraine that responded to protests in the Donbas by bombing them and shelling city centers, and launching an "anti-terrorist operation" against the people of that region.
Smells like the BS that it is, but let's say he did. What does it have to do with you?
lmao just ask on 4chan. I'm sure someone's got the whole collection. It's wild dude. There's multiple supporting posts of people trying to justify it like it's just the way it is. I guess it could all be fake but the ass fucking in uniform is real and there's a related suicide by hanging that doesn't seem fake.
Did you watch the Tucker Carlson interview? I mean it's boring AF so I don't blame you but Putin starts going on about shit that happened 1000 years ago and destiny and shit.
Well my father is russian so I take it a little personally. But you can't make an argument of triviality after aggressively attacking my position. If you don't think it's important then just leave.
The ones where they use ricin pellets and polonium as poison. Scary.
They'd be stupid if they haven't.
I don't really understand the West's wider strategic goal here in constantly antagonising and provoking Russia. It surely can't be as one-dimensional as leaving Trump a big mess to clean up when he gets into office, can it? There must be other motives at play here.
If America wanted to use Ukraine as a proxy and just bleed Russia of weapons and manpower then surely the status quo was sufficient. What's with these big, aggressive jabs into Russian territory?
They want to dominate the world. That is why they invaded Iraq. That is why they bombed Libya to smithereens. That is why they funded, armed and trained a dirty war in Syria that cost hundreds of thousands of lives.
And that is why they move into Ukraine, even though Russia made it very clear that this was the brightest of red lines. They are also megalomaniacs, which is why they'd rather provoke Russia and try to instigate regime change there rather than to abandon their attempted conquest of Ukraine.
The west needs an enemy. Russia is convenient because they're at best a regional powerhouse and they can be viewed as undemocratic.
Whereas China is a real threat but the powers that be dont want to screw up their business dealings there.
The Obama administration were big believers in regime change. It's long been my belief that they wanted to topple Syria and Ukraine as a precursor to doing the same to Russia. As for why they'd do this now, it could be that they want to leave a wound deep enough that it does not heal in four years, when they'll have another opportunity to tear it open again.
Redditards and liberals are some of the biggest ghouls on the planet.
Today: Redditors cheering at Igor Kirillov's assassination. Next week: Redditors angry at the "unjustified" intensified attacks on Ukraine.
A terrorist state.
"Scooter Bomb Attack"
Me in the 90s: "Is the future just a joke to you?"
Inb4 retards on this forum cheer the death of Ukrainians.
The men on both sides are being fed into a meat grinder for the benefit of a handful of corrupt elites who I'm sure will also be there to profit off from the "rebuilding" and newly empty homes.
It's an absolute waste of life.
Homes for rapefugees and a new "israel" in the kharkiv region.
I don't want Ukrainians or Russians to die. To me, the way to achieve that is to wait out the clock until the Democrats are out of power, and then to try to create a peace that will somehow survive the next time the Democrats try to set everything on fire again.
Why would anyone here do that?
You seem like you're either lost or a bad actor trying to sow discord.
Because many people here are mindlessly reactionary to the mainstream and the current mainstream is pro-ukraine. It's a little thin now that the war is fucked, but early on you'd definitely see posters giddy at the idea that redditors would go to ukraine and be killed by russian military might.
In this thread, someone has said that the nuclear annihilation of the UK would not be unreasonable. If you keep talking to people they'll tell you. Just ask.