But can we talk about how public transport has gone to shit with black people acting like circus animals to the point that Japanese people are putting up posters like this?
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Reddit mod loves diversity and bans anyone that speaks out against it.
It would be nice to see dom banning the jeet instead of more members of this community just because he got his knickers in a twist. But that's wishful thinking.
Thats because he's a fucking jeet
The jeet does get banned, but he has like 100 accounts for some ungodly reason. If one of us was a mod for the express purpose of nuking his socks on sight, that would clean up the problem easily.
Dom is a known nigger kike faggot who bans honest, hardworking racists for pointing out the truth while letting pajeet child fuckers run roughshod spreading their feces all over this forum.
I wouldn't say the tweet doesn't say that, but I don't think it's wrong to say that either. I think this might be the first time I've seen Dom apply r16 to black people.
the tweet literally doesn't say that. No where in the tweet does the word "inherently" exist.
Also its not the first time. i've seen him ban a post that posted a video of a black person twerking and a gorilla twerking, claiming that the post was asserting that black people were gorillas or something even though to me it seemed more like it was asserting that twerking is gorrilla behaviour.
I mean the tweet said, "black people which make public transit disgusting and unsafe." It doesn't have to literally have the word "inherently" in there for us to recognize the implication. But rather than trying to argue that the tweet is not asserting that, it would be better to argue that the post shouldn't be removed because of the content of the tweet.
Where's the lie? We banning for facts now?
There is no lie. I'm quite literally disagreeing with the r16 ban.
I know. I was agreeing as well.
Always have. Nobody gets banned for saying the earth is flat. Its always the truth that gets silenced.
The tweet said immigrants and black people. Why do you keep leaving the most important context out?
The most important part is that it's right
It’s 100% correct.
Can confirm as a South African. In my country, using public transport is effectively a death sentence. Your family will never see you again, and that’s not hyperbole it’s literal. They will never see you again.
Wait the public transit there STILL WORKS?! WHO RUNS IT?
American taxpayer dollars, probably.
What the fuck does it look like. An armored fireproof box for the driver and everybody else is on an open flatbed?
Because immigrants was not mentioned in the post title or in Dom's comment, and that context wouldn't make a difference anyway. Why are we trying to pretend like we're not racists? I'm saying the post shouldn't have been removed regardless of whether it was making an assertion about black people as a group.
Black people were also not mentioned in the post title that was banned. The context is entirely relevant, they’re essentially saying third world immigrants are making public transportation unusable. The poster isn’t claiming Ben Carson is going to make public transportation unusable he saying African immigrants are an issue.
I was referring to yoisi's post title, not the removed post. I've already said I don't agree with the r16 bans, but the tweet does say, "immigrants and black people". The tweet is distinguishing between the two. He didn't say "black immigrants" or "immigrants from third world countries." This is like when leftists make statements about there being too many White people and then backpedal and say, "actually, we only meant a certain group of White people, and them being White actually had nothing to do with it!"
It’s not distinguishing either, it’s a generalization based on rate of action/ occurrence. Again it’s an observation, they’re essentially saying they see immigrants and black people causing the majority of issues related to/ degradation of public transportation so they state that.
i dont agree that it should be removed either way , but i genuinely did not read it as "inherently ", i read it as it was meant to be read which was that it refers to their behaviour
Sure, but is their behavior not a largely inherent trait? Or at least (without debating nature vs. nurture and genetics), the tweet is saying it is. It just says “black people and immigrants do X.” Not “when they behave badly,” not “at a disproportionate rate,” not “obnoxious black people and immigrants do.” Literally just “black people and immigrants.”
Now, I don’t have a problem with people saying that. I think it being removed for rule 16 id retarded because I largely think that rule 16 itself is retarded. But, I don’t think Dom is incorrect in saying that it does violate that rule even though I think he’s wrong for having that be a rule.
New orders from the "trained marxists"?
dom needs to go. he has outlived his usefulness.
His only useful at was making this board.
Funny how it takes 2 seconds to make a new sub but losers here can only complain how they're oppressed. Typical for faggots.
I've suggested multiple times that the dudes who keep volunteering to be a mod just make a new board and everyone who is sick of Dom just migrate there all at once.
I thought Dom's deal was you could get unbanned if you delete the reported post. How does that work if he deletes it?
It doesn't. Dom doesn't even bother checking replies to his ban messages, so it was always an empty promise.
"Deleting" it only makes it invisible to others. I and OP can still see the comment
If I had to hazard a guess from checking my own post history, it's probably because the post (consciously or not) repeats a WEF talking point: the idea of the "walkable city". And if it were up to me, I wouldn't want to endorse any part of WEF doctrine, regardless if it was intentional or not. Because that is basically how our movement started; fake "moderates" saying games should have more diversity and less scantily-clad women without realizing their games could co-exist alongside ours without erasing our "less mature" titles, and us telling them to go bite a curb.
If you're confused as to how "walkable cities" (which if anyone endorses, it's probably because you heard from a WEF-compromised YT channel like NotJustBikes, who funded Keffals with Patreon money if you ever wanted a reason to unsub) is a WEF construct, watch this video. They've been planning this for upwards of 15 years:
You can be in favor of transport choice without forcibly imposing a way in which private transport is effectively outlawed in big cities.
The post can be censored, but we all know it's true.
But that's true.
Things are so much better in those intermittent periods when Dom is on. Sure the shitskin spammer is annoying, but it takes only a second to block him. Dom meanwhile comes in, ruins the conversation, and hands out bans in accordance to his own personal biases.
Why would anyone ban someone for saying something that is true?
Topple DOM for this.
Don’t worry, he’s doing just fine in ConPro.
Isn't that one of Telia's sockpuppets that woke back up near the time of their permaban? Or the one farming for updoots by continuing to whine about jewish people without actually accomplishing anything?
Yeah, known about that poster for at least several months now. Got any new information about what they're doing to stop it aside from finally deporting Johnny Somali after weeks of inaction?
why am i not surprised that the guy who got upset with me saying that i didn't like gaijins moving to Japan also gets upset over people saying stuff against jews and blacks.
Because he can't acknowledge the truth about race without losing his good goy high horse.
You can go ahead and achieve your utopia. But don't come to me when Whites go back to slaughtering each other over petty bullshit like in ye olden days when we've no one else to blame for our own moral failures as human beings. Conflict is eternal.
You're the one advocating the destruction of social, racial, and traditional bonds to achieve some new utopia. Its not weird to want to be around your own people. Its how societies build trust. You can't even work with foreigners because you don't see things the same way. Its the basics.
I'm not advocating for utopia, as utopia will never be obtainable. I'm saying that you won't escape internal strife even if you got your way. History has miles and miles of proof that you and others just want to ignore.
You seem to like to put words in people's mouths, or pull intent out your ass that isn't there, so you can pedal your own message. Then you purge your account so no one can piece you together and immediately dismiss your arguments as the same tripe from before.
Responding to you doesn't warrant the energy for a spell check.
Because based on your past posts regarding the issue, your obsession with protecting Japan is bordering on a White Savior Complex. They will resolve the issue themselves.
We used to talk about the problems surrounding jews and blacks on this forum just fine, in spades and tolerable doses, but post-10/7 something snapped and it's clear now that some of you will never, ever shut up until every last non-White is gone by hook or by crook.
says the guy who is so desperate to move to Japan that he doesn't like when someone else says that gaijin should stop moving to Japan
Wigger don't tell me what to do.
Here ya go jackass - https://communities.win/c/KotakuInActionTwo
Now quit your girly faggot bitching
What is the post? I looked at his profile and it's just his usual Nazi stuff.
This is the post https://unscored.arete.network/c/KotakuInAction/p/19A0tMyDQJ/ . the tweet says that black people make public transport disgusting and unsafe and i read it as they make it disgusting and unsafe because of the way they behave. Dom comes along and claims that the tweet is claiming that black people "inherently" make public transport disgusting which is bullshit. Its just Dom choosing to add a word there that didn't exist to make an excuse to ban people he doesn't like
“Immigrants and black people” that’s not an r16, it’s an observation. It’s no different than saying black people cause the majority of homicides in the US.
exactly. But Dom thinks it violates r16 and banned Ger111 for 16 days for that. https://scored.co/c/KotakuInAction2/logs
No it isn't. If he had said that, it would not have been removed.
You chose to read it in that context though. you chose to add a word to the tweet that didn't exist in the tweet. it said immigrants and black people make public transport disgusting and unsafe. most people would read it as they make it disgusting and unsafe because of their behaviour. But you chose to ADD a word there that didn't exist just to make it turn in to a different sentance altogether.
And on top of that Ger111 didn't even say that himself he only posted the tweet along with the title "honored" in reference to how the person reacted to being called racist.
Is Dom mind reading again? Meanwhile the post calling him filthy kike is still up after 3 days
Calling me a filthy kike isn't a violation of any rules.
I read it in the context it was written. I didn't add anything. It was a simple IF THEN statement. If you tell me: "If you bring more white people into a restaurant, you get more incest." that still falls under the same assertion. There's no context outside of "Whites are an incestuous race". That's obviously racist bullshit and a R16 violation.
And I'm aware he didn't say that himself. What he did was respond as if he had, taking responsibility for the statement and agreeing with it in full.
If you show a post of someone calling for the shooting of Trump and give it a title of "How dare he say this", then I don't hold you accountable for the statement. But if you give it a title of "He says what we're all thinking!", then I'm going to take you as having repeated the comment as your own.
When are you going to hire more mods to address the pedophile and his numerous alt accounts?
Does it say immigrants and black people?
Yes, but it doesn't specify anything about statistics. Just the insistence that IF you add a black person THEN disgust follows. That is the issue.
Again faggot, you’re lying out your ass. It said immigrants and blacks cause the problems, absofuckinglutely no where is the claim you just made up in your head said there. Why are you lying to my face?
I just told you what the conditional statement was. It would be different if he said something different, like talking about crime statistics.
Debatable. At the very least, the tweet is asserting that 'too many' (however many that is, I'm sure people here will be clever and say 1) black people make places unsafe. If there is no way that more black people do not make public transportation unsafe, then they inherently make it unsafe.
I do wonder about one thing: he wasn't saying it himself, although it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that he agrees with it. He just posted a screenshot of a tweet.
They make it disgusting and unsafe because black people disproportionately behave in a bad manner as most people can see from simple observation. The "inherently" part was just a word that's added by Dom who wants to censor and ban people he doesn't like
Also like you said, Ger111 didn't even say it himself he just posted a tweet saying it and the only thing the title of the post said was "honored" in reference to how the guy in the tweet reacted to someone calling him a racist
"Everyone I don't agree with is a nazi!"
"... why are there so many nazis?!"
The post.
There aren't that many people who spend 90% of their time talking about the Jews.
So in your ass-backward world-view, anyone who occasionally talks about bad jews being jackasses is a nazi?
No wonder you lot got conquered by the WEF.
Which is not your ass-pull 90%.
So, why do you label anyone who discusses the actions of bad jews as a 'nazi'?