But can we talk about how public transport has gone to shit with black people acting like circus animals to the point that Japanese people are putting up posters like this?
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Because immigrants was not mentioned in the post title or in Dom's comment, and that context wouldn't make a difference anyway. Why are we trying to pretend like we're not racists? I'm saying the post shouldn't have been removed regardless of whether it was making an assertion about black people as a group.
Black people were also not mentioned in the post title that was banned. The context is entirely relevant, they’re essentially saying third world immigrants are making public transportation unusable. The poster isn’t claiming Ben Carson is going to make public transportation unusable he saying African immigrants are an issue.
I was referring to yoisi's post title, not the removed post. I've already said I don't agree with the r16 bans, but the tweet does say, "immigrants and black people". The tweet is distinguishing between the two. He didn't say "black immigrants" or "immigrants from third world countries." This is like when leftists make statements about there being too many White people and then backpedal and say, "actually, we only meant a certain group of White people, and them being White actually had nothing to do with it!"
It’s not distinguishing either, it’s a generalization based on rate of action/ occurrence. Again it’s an observation, they’re essentially saying they see immigrants and black people causing the majority of issues related to/ degradation of public transportation so they state that.
Alright, I don't really want to go into this any further. Let's just say Dom is gay and leave it at that.