Everything about 'white privilege' is a projection. They say that every white person has it, even if they're not actively promoting white supremacy, or tacitly going along with it. Even a white homeless junkie is said to be given special considerations. It makes no sense taken at face value, but it does when you flip the paradigm to jews.
As Winston Churchill said: "Although in all these countries there are many non-Jews every whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish revolutionaries, the part played by the latter in proportion to their numbers in the population is astonishing."
The problem is that the ones that aren't bad aren't speaking up about the ones that are. I can count on one hand the amount of "based" Jews (Ron Unz, Bobby Fischer, Dave Smith, Brother Nathaniel, Norman Finklestein) who actively call out shit that Israel/Jews do. Every other one that I have seen online and in real life has this reflexive group devotion.
I don't blame Jews for having an in group bias. I blame them for stripping us of ours.
Yeah, it would be much, much easier to stomach if these types were met with resounding condemnations from the majority of the Jewish community, but that is not the case.
For the most part, it's just crickets.
Now I know that many of them who don't say anything aren't actually hateful bigots themselves, their silence really won't help them if it comes to the inevitable conclusion that we seem to be headed for.
Now I know that many of them who don't say anything aren't actually hateful bigots themselves, their silence really won't help them if it comes to the inevitable conclusion that we seem to be headed for.
This speech is incredibly relevant to how I and many other people feel about them. The direction of the "pendulum" so to speak is only shifting further every time some evil shit they do comes to light. Whether it's anti semitism speech laws, or them genociding some tusken raiders, or bringing in all the third world shitholes to our front porch.
The sad part is, they likely won't learn their lesson. In the past, they got kicked out of everywhere they lived because they literally couldn't stop fucking shit up. Now they are so entrenched everywhere that they probably can't be kicked out without some civilization-ending upheaval. And if that comes to pass, where would they go? If every western country kicked them out, they wouldn't likely be welcome anywhere else. It's not as if they can blend in with the Chinese.
It’s enough to run terrorism campaigns using “separation of church and state” and stretching that very loose definition as is to the maximum. I remember the Supreme Court had to weigh in because atheists and Jews were pissy a high school football coach had the audacity to pray on the field after a game.
Pagans and athiests and muslims dont get so aggitated about Christmas. Only jews do because it reminds them that they killed a guy. (bible said it not me)
There's nothing cheerful about winter; it's the season of cold death. Only Christians managed to find something worth celebrating while they freeze their nuts off.
JCCs (jewish community centers) are a hotbed for organizing shit like this in private. meanwhile any sort of for-profit or non-profit that is christian/catholic gets bombarded with hate from leftists. it's absolutely a supremacist movement. either in-group preference is acceptable for everyone, or it's acceptable for no one.
Recommended tactics: Break out the most sneering American accent you can and go "You one of them talibans huh? Fuck off back to whatever mohammedan country you spawned from, you welfare-leechin' rapefugee."
Even in the most benevolent reading, where there’s no conniving or conscious malice or inherent traits that make this group difficult to coexist with, even if we say it’s just an organized group of people that could be almost any ethnic group naturally acting to defend their own culture and interests… you still have to reckon with the fact that this organized minority is wielding influence in such a way as to dismantle and push aside the culture of the majority. At best, this “multicultural” system is the people least willing to suck it up and let other people have things getting catered to for eternity, at the expense of everyone else.
Meanwhile the cucked Christians simp for them non stop, your greatest ally at work, send them more billions so your race and cultures get erased even faster, stupid fucks.
Not all Jews, but absolutely some Jews are the worst fucking people on the planet.
At this point I just can't tell if it's a rotten minority, a plurality, or a straight up majority.
Everything about 'white privilege' is a projection. They say that every white person has it, even if they're not actively promoting white supremacy, or tacitly going along with it. Even a white homeless junkie is said to be given special considerations. It makes no sense taken at face value, but it does when you flip the paradigm to jews.
It reminds me of how the Royals got blamed for the poverty of France instead of the bankers who funded the French revolution to overthrow the royals
"White privilige" are the royals that got blamed for the poverty of the masses
"jewish privilige" were the bankers who were more wealthy than the royals but that funded the revolution to blame the royals
the poor masses of France that were used by the bankers to overthrow the royals are the POC in this situation.
As Winston Churchill said: "Although in all these countries there are many non-Jews every whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish revolutionaries, the part played by the latter in proportion to their numbers in the population is astonishing."
The problem is that the ones that aren't bad aren't speaking up about the ones that are. I can count on one hand the amount of "based" Jews (Ron Unz, Bobby Fischer, Dave Smith, Brother Nathaniel, Norman Finklestein) who actively call out shit that Israel/Jews do. Every other one that I have seen online and in real life has this reflexive group devotion.
I don't blame Jews for having an in group bias. I blame them for stripping us of ours.
Yeah, it would be much, much easier to stomach if these types were met with resounding condemnations from the majority of the Jewish community, but that is not the case.
For the most part, it's just crickets.
Now I know that many of them who don't say anything aren't actually hateful bigots themselves, their silence really won't help them if it comes to the inevitable conclusion that we seem to be headed for.
This speech is incredibly relevant to how I and many other people feel about them. The direction of the "pendulum" so to speak is only shifting further every time some evil shit they do comes to light. Whether it's anti semitism speech laws, or them genociding some tusken raiders, or bringing in all the third world shitholes to our front porch.
The sad part is, they likely won't learn their lesson. In the past, they got kicked out of everywhere they lived because they literally couldn't stop fucking shit up. Now they are so entrenched everywhere that they probably can't be kicked out without some civilization-ending upheaval. And if that comes to pass, where would they go? If every western country kicked them out, they wouldn't likely be welcome anywhere else. It's not as if they can blend in with the Chinese.
They can go to Israel and we can stop funding it since they won't be in our government.
Funny you should say that.
It’s enough to run terrorism campaigns using “separation of church and state” and stretching that very loose definition as is to the maximum. I remember the Supreme Court had to weigh in because atheists and Jews were pissy a high school football coach had the audacity to pray on the field after a game.
i once read a comment from some guy who married a jew say that the synogogues give out lists of Christian shops to boycott to the jewish attendees.
and then one day, for no reason whatsoever
The Jews are tired? Then leave.
Anything to delegitimize Christ...
Pagans and athiests and muslims dont get so aggitated about Christmas. Only jews do because it reminds them that they killed a guy. (bible said it not me)
Nah all of the above including jews incessantly whine about Christmas. Christ is King
Incorrect. Jews definately whine more than the rest of them.
Definitely not. Jews will at least pretend to hide their scorn
i prefer someone who is open about their scorn than someone who pretends to be my friend only to backstab me.
kvetch /kvĕch/
intransitive verb
-To complain persistently and whiningly. noun
-A chronic, whining complainer.
-A nagging complaint.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
In a culture where they even have a special term for constant bitching, this is not surprising behavior.
There's nothing cheerful about winter; it's the season of cold death. Only Christians managed to find something worth celebrating while they freeze their nuts off.
Oh no, the Jews are upset, what shall I do? /sarc
Piss them off even more, I suppose.
I've only ever seen jews complain about Christmas (it is because they loathe Christ).
They need to go
Hymie was mad because he thought they said “missile-toes.”
No Christian would ever complain about hannukuh either.
JCCs (jewish community centers) are a hotbed for organizing shit like this in private. meanwhile any sort of for-profit or non-profit that is christian/catholic gets bombarded with hate from leftists. it's absolutely a supremacist movement. either in-group preference is acceptable for everyone, or it's acceptable for no one.
Recommended tactics: Break out the most sneering American accent you can and go "You one of them talibans huh? Fuck off back to whatever mohammedan country you spawned from, you welfare-leechin' rapefugee."
Watch them BSOD for fun.
Even in the most benevolent reading, where there’s no conniving or conscious malice or inherent traits that make this group difficult to coexist with, even if we say it’s just an organized group of people that could be almost any ethnic group naturally acting to defend their own culture and interests… you still have to reckon with the fact that this organized minority is wielding influence in such a way as to dismantle and push aside the culture of the majority. At best, this “multicultural” system is the people least willing to suck it up and let other people have things getting catered to for eternity, at the expense of everyone else.
If you do not enforce norms, someone else will.
Meanwhile the cucked Christians simp for them non stop, your greatest ally at work, send them more billions so your race and cultures get erased even faster, stupid fucks.