The term is "child sexual abuse material", also I think that modeling is considered separate as if the kid is nude then it's also considered CSAM as nude pinups are considered sexual materials.
A lot of rule34 and hentai artist moved to blue. Mostly because twitter shadowbans those kinda accounts. I guess.. blue knows what kinda people use their platform lol. Those artist made bluesky accounts becuase they think twitter will experience a tumblr event.
You think too small. Due to the lack of definition, they can add a thought-break clause and go Child Sexual/Assault Material. In which case they can, keeping the acronym and even words the same, quietly shift it to tar designated targets who do something like enjoy violent video games (which expose children to assault).
Because these are the same people grooming kids to 'discover their sexuality' and these are more social lefties coming from Twitter, I wouldn't be surprised if they walked into a bubble that HAS open CP and are trying to report it like crazy as, well, they're more human than the degenerates already there.
Plus with how the further left you go, the more you try to accuse anime girls as pedophilia even when they're not doing ANYTHING sexual, they're more likely to dabble in the REAL thing.
I am always suspicious of charges like child porn which could easily be planted and seems impossible to disprove. If I had it my way, it would take more than just the contents of someone's HD to convict them. Tbf they usually have evidence of them sharing it and stuff. But the law as written makes it illegal to possess the HD.
I've seen it postulated that individual frames of a video have been counted as separate images, so a 1 minute long clip at 60 fps it described as "60 indecent images" rather than just "1 video".
It's a hyper specific version of the term "child porn", it originated from insistent terminology by experts who refuse to use the word "porn" and is used to quickly make it absolutely clear you are talking about child porn and not something that can't be child porn such as pornographic artwork.
If you'll recall, this is exactly what happened when they all fled to Mastodon for shelter too. The amount of kiddie porn exploded, and they were back on Twitter in short order.
Yeah, leftists are constantly changing their opinions on what's racist and sexist so of course they can't live in peace. Today you'll be called a racist for giving a black kid water melons and tomorrow you'll be called a racist for not giving the kid water melons. And the day after tomorrow you will be cancelled for being friends with a guy whose great grandmas teacher had a bunny named after a German river. You can never guess what will trigger a leftist next.
I always describe it as simply turning left. If you keep turning left, you go in circles -- or spirals. And that analogy does reflect that they are constantly looking for new things to be offended about. This is part of the in-group coding.
I third. Though I think it would be a bit large a task for 4chan to do (I remember a proposal back to send youtube down in flames after the "Youtube Heroes" program reared it's head by doing something similar which fizzled out after the program vanished without a trace).
Regardless, we can at least hope that they stay there, since X will have less people trying to compete for it.
I can see them getting into a situation like Resetera where they've banned a shit ton of people over the most minor thing, complete with an actual statistic chart showing how bad it has gotten.
The "report" button needs to be removed from these large communities. Illegal content can be searched for using algorithms to detect much illegal content. Non-illegal content doesn't need to be reported. Block buttons exist. Leftists need to be encouraged to block people they don't like rather than report them.
That's not enough for them. They need the feeling of appealing to authority, wielded it against their enemy, then the rush of power after a desired outcome.
Sane people just ignore or block/mute and move on.
Well, a smart company would have a report button that's 100% a placebo. It does nothing and goes off to no-where land. Maybe an automated message saying "thanks for the report, we've dealt with the matter now" even though nothing happened.
It's one of those "language updates" but this ones actually makes sense.
"Pornography" is a legal and consensual act. Child porn is not "children doing pornography" by definition. It is a record of sexual assault of children, the new name is far more accurate, just a bit more unwieldy
By design. It's the same reason they say SA instead of rape. Gotta broaden the definitions to their breaking point so they can be used to smear political opponents by accusing them of the minimum case (when they aren't even guilty of that much) and letting allies assume they are guilty of the worst case.
It's typical lefty language manipulation for their benefit.
Probably something to do with the definition of "porn" itself legally and to expand the list of what is illegal.
That's how these things always work, they make it increasingly vague so that way they have more things to get people on if they are after them and so that way when they say "so and so was found with CSAM" people assume the worst when it might just be pictures of their own toddler in the bath.
Exactly, and "we found Child Material on your devices" is so general and vague that it can mean basically anything, but its strong enough to instantly convict in the court of public opinion.
Including getting a warrant, which gives even more ability to determine a crime.
Think about it this way - predators like to go where their prey is at.
It's not that, in the previous centuries the Catholic Church had a problem with pedophiles - the problem was the Church was educating a lot of kids, so if you were a pedophile, the Church was where you wanted to be if you wanted access to kids.
Today, the school system is where pedophiles are - it's not that teachers are pedophiles, but instead pedophiles seek to be teachers to gain access to kids.
Bluesky is just signaling to people, hey, if you wanna spread CP, this is where its at, so the CP creators are just naturally, willingly going over there because they know their audience.
This is what happens when you open a social media platform with nothing bu far leftists on it. There can never be peace.
Also probably a lot of the aforementioned CSAM.
They will report anything, especially if its just a cute anime girl.
What the hell is CSAM?
A newer way of saying CP; Child Sexual Assault Material. It covers more than just sexual activities, and can include "modeling."
The term is "child sexual abuse material", also I think that modeling is considered separate as if the kid is nude then it's also considered CSAM as nude pinups are considered sexual materials.
A lot of rule34 and hentai artist moved to blue. Mostly because twitter shadowbans those kinda accounts. I guess.. blue knows what kinda people use their platform lol. Those artist made bluesky accounts becuase they think twitter will experience a tumblr event.
You think too small. Due to the lack of definition, they can add a thought-break clause and go Child Sexual/Assault Material. In which case they can, keeping the acronym and even words the same, quietly shift it to tar designated targets who do something like enjoy violent video games (which expose children to assault).
it amazes me how you can type this out and not feel like a leftist pedophile.
Because these are the same people grooming kids to 'discover their sexuality' and these are more social lefties coming from Twitter, I wouldn't be surprised if they walked into a bubble that HAS open CP and are trying to report it like crazy as, well, they're more human than the degenerates already there.
Plus with how the further left you go, the more you try to accuse anime girls as pedophilia even when they're not doing ANYTHING sexual, they're more likely to dabble in the REAL thing.
I am always suspicious of charges like child porn which could easily be planted and seems impossible to disprove. If I had it my way, it would take more than just the contents of someone's HD to convict them. Tbf they usually have evidence of them sharing it and stuff. But the law as written makes it illegal to possess the HD.
I've seen it postulated that individual frames of a video have been counted as separate images, so a 1 minute long clip at 60 fps it described as "60 indecent images" rather than just "1 video".
Anyone who has been on Reddit runs this risk.
No retard, there are multiple complaints about porn ads involving 18yos being called "Teen Porn", so that is probably what you are talking about.
It's a hyper specific version of the term "child porn", it originated from insistent terminology by experts who refuse to use the word "porn" and is used to quickly make it absolutely clear you are talking about child porn and not something that can't be child porn such as pornographic artwork.
If you'll recall, this is exactly what happened when they all fled to Mastodon for shelter too. The amount of kiddie porn exploded, and they were back on Twitter in short order.
Yeah, leftists are constantly changing their opinions on what's racist and sexist so of course they can't live in peace. Today you'll be called a racist for giving a black kid water melons and tomorrow you'll be called a racist for not giving the kid water melons. And the day after tomorrow you will be cancelled for being friends with a guy whose great grandmas teacher had a bunny named after a German river. You can never guess what will trigger a leftist next.
I always describe it as simply turning left. If you keep turning left, you go in circles -- or spirals. And that analogy does reflect that they are constantly looking for new things to be offended about. This is part of the in-group coding.
It's easy to know what triggers a leftist. White people doing anything or existing in any form.
women reporting trannies for anti-feminist remarks
trannies threatening violence against everyone
gays trying to groom everyone they see under 18
it's like reddit 2.0.
4chan should do a raid and report EVERYTHING
I approve 👌🏻
I third. Though I think it would be a bit large a task for 4chan to do (I remember a proposal back to send youtube down in flames after the "Youtube Heroes" program reared it's head by doing something similar which fizzled out after the program vanished without a trace).
Regardless, we can at least hope that they stay there, since X will have less people trying to compete for it.
I read that pro-russians lefties are reporting the NAFO fellas as they insult the russians using "vatnig" and "vatnigger" epithets. lmao.
Blue on Blue! Blue on Blue!
I can see them getting into a situation like Resetera where they've banned a shit ton of people over the most minor thing, complete with an actual statistic chart showing how bad it has gotten.
The "report" button needs to be removed from these large communities. Illegal content can be searched for using algorithms to detect much illegal content. Non-illegal content doesn't need to be reported. Block buttons exist. Leftists need to be encouraged to block people they don't like rather than report them.
That's not enough for them. They need the feeling of appealing to authority, wielded it against their enemy, then the rush of power after a desired outcome.
Sane people just ignore or block/mute and move on.
Well, a smart company would have a report button that's 100% a placebo. It does nothing and goes off to no-where land. Maybe an automated message saying "thanks for the report, we've dealt with the matter now" even though nothing happened.
They would probably figure out eventually, though. Even then, if it would keep them in check, it might be ok.
A smart company would have it pop up the thank you message, but then just make it work the same as the block button otherwise.
I feel like asking what "CSAM" means is going to make me sad.
So I'm not.
It's just another acronym for CP. I don't know why they started using "Child Sexual Abuse Material" instead.
It's one of those "language updates" but this ones actually makes sense.
"Pornography" is a legal and consensual act. Child porn is not "children doing pornography" by definition. It is a record of sexual assault of children, the new name is far more accurate, just a bit more unwieldy
"Revenge porn" suggests otherwise.
By design. It's the same reason they say SA instead of rape. Gotta broaden the definitions to their breaking point so they can be used to smear political opponents by accusing them of the minimum case (when they aren't even guilty of that much) and letting allies assume they are guilty of the worst case.
It's typical lefty language manipulation for their benefit.
Open a site for leftists.
Immediately have a cheese pizza problem.
Probably something to do with the definition of "porn" itself legally and to expand the list of what is illegal.
That's how these things always work, they make it increasingly vague so that way they have more things to get people on if they are after them and so that way when they say "so and so was found with CSAM" people assume the worst when it might just be pictures of their own toddler in the bath.
You're guilty comrade, we just have to determine the crime
Exactly, and "we found Child Material on your devices" is so general and vague that it can mean basically anything, but its strong enough to instantly convict in the court of public opinion.
Including getting a warrant, which gives even more ability to determine a crime.
Groupsink never changes.
weird that they always seem to have the most heinous shit at the ready.
Think about it this way - predators like to go where their prey is at.
It's not that, in the previous centuries the Catholic Church had a problem with pedophiles - the problem was the Church was educating a lot of kids, so if you were a pedophile, the Church was where you wanted to be if you wanted access to kids.
Today, the school system is where pedophiles are - it's not that teachers are pedophiles, but instead pedophiles seek to be teachers to gain access to kids.
Bluesky is just signaling to people, hey, if you wanna spread CP, this is where its at, so the CP creators are just naturally, willingly going over there because they know their audience.
It's pretty troubling that they're already inundated with CSAM. I don't really care what happens to them but pedophiles must burn