Calculus was assembled from previously existing but not understood to be related parts. Fermat and Descartes laid huge amounts of the ground work building off of what the Greek's had discovered in infinitesimals 1600 years earlier.
The initial version of Calculus would be mostly unrecognizable to a mathematics student today.
I've spent a lot of time studying ancient Greece and Rome. The more I've learned about them the more I realized they had more wisdom than us in a lot of ways but also lacked wisdom just like us in a lot of ways. The similarities between us and the ancients is unmistakable though. We just have different technology. Anyone who thinks humanity has "evolved" or "progressed" compared to the past is sorely mistaken. We're exactly the same. All our problems are exactly the same.
Hilariously, this is not an identity attack, but the comment it is replying to is. The meme is that you say "cool it with the antisemitic remarks" to something that isn't supposed to be an antisemitic remark, but the speaker is replying to create an association.
But that isn't the case here. He's replying to a genuine antisemitic remark, thus making it seem like his own meme is actually a genuine attempt to call out antisemitism, and defeating the purpose of the meme.
no you fucking idiot, the comment I replied to said nothing about jews, that was an actual plot line of the show, a literal cult manipulating both sides of the war
The human mind hasn't changed much. Our societies have changed massively. We can reach any point on the globe in less than 24 hours. We have tons of new problems the Greeks couldn't even imagine.
I kind of phrased this badly. We probably agree in the end. I'm just trying to say that any problem we have involving humans has as one of its factors impacting the dynamic of the problem as being "human nature" is the same.
The ancients didn't have the problem of determining what the correct speed limit is in a neighborhood but the ancients did have people who would have believed putting the speed limit low enough to maximize government revenue is ideal, people that would have wanted to minimize accidents, people that would have wanted to minimize road traffic noise because they live near where the speed limit is being place, people who believe the limits should balance the maximization of the flow of traffic while minimizing and people injured through accidents, people who wanted limits to minimize road maintenance and people against speed limits altogether.
All the human elements involved between different people's trying to maximize their interests and perspectives regarding the problem of speed limits in modernity are the same human elements that existed for the ancients.
So yes, the exact nature of our problems differ than the ancients but the human component of all these problems has stayed the same.
its not anti-theatre sentiment, you moron. its anti-actor.
you really cant figure out why a society would not want to grant social cred to people whose job is to lie and pretend? you really cant figure out why a society would want to send the message that lying and pretending, is stuff biotrash does?
Yeah also I think it might have something to do not so much with acting itself, but pursuing it as a career. It wasn't seen as an honorable thing to do - you're not really contributing to society. Also later, as in the United States, acting was a lowly profession. It was for vaudevillians who were usually from lower classes and the sort of gypsy lifestyle wouldn't lend itself to a respectable upbringing.. I'm totally winging this btw - no research behind what I'm saying.
Well let's look at why even now people groan and roll their eyes if someone they know says they are an actor or want to be one.
Sure, a FEW of them make lots of money but the lionshare of them don't and are struggling to get by (by choice of their preferred occupation). They inevitably end up pushing for social welfare programs and begging for hand outs and playing the victim. These programs are a burden to society and people understand this.
It would be one thing if they needed help because of something beyond their control like chronic illness or being born a gimp. But they choose an occupation that results in them requiring handouts so naturally people dislike them.
The more this goes on the more I just want them to shut the fuck up about their politics, their ideas etc. You're someone paid to pretend to be someone, what kind of profound wisdom would you even have? Nothing. I don't care about either the pandas, women's rights, why orange man is Le bad or any other topic you have no expertise or deep interest in. I don't hate movies or series, I hate how entitled these people get.
Probably has something to do with trust and honesty. If someone can get up on stage and convincingly pretend to be someone they aren't, how do you know they aren't still acting when they're off stage?
There might also be some tendency towards narcissism or other antisocial personality traits inherent in people who say "I really want to get on a stage and have other people look at me and do that as my job." Not that they all have to be giant douches or anything, but I'd certainly believe it's more likely.
I mean, have you seen all the sexual ( and sometimes pedophilic ) degeneracy in Holywood? Assuming acting draws a disproportionate % of sex pests, it makes sense they had the reputation of other sex pests.
Pedophilia was common and accepted in Rome so degeneracy would not have been the issue.
By the way, in the case someone thinks I'm saying "Hey it was accepted back then, so it's normal" like they do for homosexuality being common in Rome, know that I'm just stating a fact, and it's also a fact that homosexuality and pedophilia and all sexual immorality is as much as an affront to God whether it's 400 BC or 2024 AD
But there's a massive difference between the 'elite', and normal people. I'm sure that bored Roman elite passed kids around, the same way that our 'elite' do.
I'm also sure that if (Roman) you fucked my 5yr-old, me and my (Roman) family would kill you in the most painful way possible.
On the other hand, I live in Cambodia since 'covid', and, well, you can get what you want if you really want it.
So: functioning society - no pedophilia. Elites/Broken Society - hey, whatever floats your boat.
Oh... I was only questioning the idea that pedos were 'common and accepted'. No one questions that actors are, by and large, pedos. But no one accepts it, except our modern leaders.
It's crazy how many Dan Schneider are out there and people just look away. They should all be deeply investigated, the ones found to be pedos woodchippered and the new ones coming in monitored. The amount of kids being abused has got to be even more than we actually know with how many new cases always get shown, suddenly everyone knew but did not say anything. You're fucking complicit for giving them the platform to even get to kids and it's why this industry just lures them in: they are safe from persecution and are able to do their sick fantasies.
Assuming acting draws a disproportionate % of sex pests
I think these days the entertainment industry (movie and music particularly) draws a properly proportionate number of sex pests, it's just they retain a higher proportion. The ones that aren't tend to get pushed out of the industry.
They get REALLY angry when you tell them that's what they're doing.
When I went to more college theater I used to make a point of calling one of them "the very best pretender" if I ended up at the same restaurant as them or something.
You'll never manage that, unless by some miracle a recording studio that isn't run by retarded commies opens up and manages to get contracts with the publications. And that's not happening without a rich backer.
We'll know it's able to happen when Vic Mignogna, Karen Strassman, Wally Wingert, and Quinton Flynn are able to get new work again.
I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to find among the bit players with "thug #3" or "frightened pedestrian" credits to their name. The stars, however, are less likely to be so humble.
If you watch the old movie Bombshell starring Jean Harlow, it's pretty hilarious and shows just how debased Hollywood is and what agents will do. It's from 1933
This reinforces what I felt when forced to participate in a theater production as a child. Didn't want to do it and hated the whole thing. Felt inherently wrong.
It's more simple than that, nothing psychological.
When you're in a top-down Imperial society that demands all peons contribute back to the top for the survival of the Glorious Government, anyone that isn't contributing back in a meaningful manner is looked down upon as a negative. Entertainers pretty much fit that bill when you think about it, as they're rather extraneous to human survival.
If it truly is the "they can pretend, so they're untrustworthy" mentality, might be more of the average person's lack of understanding the ability to compartmentalize. I don't think all of pre-Industrial era acting had the same kind of problems Hollywood and beyond acting had too. The concept of celebrity didn't really reach it's modern emptiness until mass media became a thing.
The noting of "gravediggers" should point to that it wasn't a full-proof idea in Japan. To my knowledge, this "caste" includes animal butchers, a profession that can also be necessary to society. IIRC, depending on the region this attitude is still practiced to this day.
Give someone a job whose only purpose is to lie convincingly enough for you to believe they are not who they truly are, and wonder where the suspicion comes from.
It's an interesting subject. I did a study on Kabuki last year. Lots of fun. It was more lively than the traditional Noh, which the upperclass preferred. Noh was much slower, it could take a while to cross to the other side of the stage.
Kabuki began with women, who were then offered up at the end of the show. The Shogun demanded they only have men after that.
Great characters like Goemon were entirely told by Kabuki. The scrolls were showing the actors, which then became the videogame series.
Kabuki also influenced TV and movies in Japan. All that over acting in kids shows is from the theater.
Movies and TV shows in the US had a similar thing. The Marx Bros -fellow Germans by the way-, 3 stooges, Laurel and Hardy and more were theater acts for the lowest common denominator. Dracula, Frankenstein and other monsters were stage plays based on the books.
Things like operas and great theater were not shown. The upper class did not want them involved with such riff Raff.
Throughout the study I thought about technology, and other things that moved forward. In the Bible it talks about how a rich man had a dinner and none of his well to do friends came to it. So he grabbed the robber and underclass, then demanded they wear fine clothing. Christ used it as an allegory for something else, but I couldn't help thinking about how true it was in these cases. Our society is led by the whores and miscreants, because the upper class don't want to be involved.
I wonder although my thoughts are a bit later, but how were opera singers considered? Were actors low class entertainment for peasants while music and opera was for the upper class. Just a thought I’ve not researched.
In a time where food and shelter is scarce - if you do nothing to contribute to providing food or building shelter you're a liability to society. This wasn't just true of acting, it was true of any creative art that didn't help with survival.
Painters were necessary as part of communications and the part of doing business. First from recording historical events/people then later advertising.
The artistic aspect evolved from that need.
Sculptors much less so but had their roots in architecture (church building, plumbing systems, etc)
Practical need first, artistic expression later.
It's not until you get your civilization to a point where the basic necessities are easily met and you have an affluent society that can afford art for arts basis.
That also doesn't mean that "art" wasn't done on the side - families still entertained themselves in the evenings along with community events (based around harvest/planting season... naturally) and basic crafting of quilting, clothes making, furniture making, etc; But it would typically have to be of a practical nature as well.
Disneyland can't exist without a highly affluent society behind it that has the dollars AND time to go to it.
I actually made a comment in another thread about a month ago that relates directly to this:
Lying is just about the dumbest thing a person can do, in a general sense. The real world has an infinite depth, so as long as one remains earnest and honest there is no limit to how far they can take things. Start lying, however, and you'll end up 'locked' in place, incapable of moving on to anything else because you're too busy maintaining your lies.
I'm strongly suspicious that human society encourages lying so strongly specifically because it needs people to remain stationary in order to continue it's functions, as things currently are. Take the entertainment industry for example, where the most charismatic of our entire population are lavished with fame, fortune and every luxury money can buy... in exchange for lying constantly to maintain a false image of who they are.
Kind of like calculus being discovered simultaneously by two different people.
Some things are just true.
Calculus was assembled from previously existing but not understood to be related parts. Fermat and Descartes laid huge amounts of the ground work building off of what the Greek's had discovered in infinitesimals 1600 years earlier.
The initial version of Calculus would be mostly unrecognizable to a mathematics student today.
I've spent a lot of time studying ancient Greece and Rome. The more I've learned about them the more I realized they had more wisdom than us in a lot of ways but also lacked wisdom just like us in a lot of ways. The similarities between us and the ancients is unmistakable though. We just have different technology. Anyone who thinks humanity has "evolved" or "progressed" compared to the past is sorely mistaken. We're exactly the same. All our problems are exactly the same.
“In every time, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.”----Legend of the Galactic heroes opening.
Legend of the Galactic heroes anime was pretty much a story about how our problems are cyclical.
Corrupt "democracies," arrogant monarchies, conniving "economists," cultural degeneracy...
Yeah, pretty much.
conniving merchants and cultists that manipulate all sides behind the scenes
Cool it with antisemitic remarks
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks.
Hilariously, this is not an identity attack, but the comment it is replying to is. The meme is that you say "cool it with the antisemitic remarks" to something that isn't supposed to be an antisemitic remark, but the speaker is replying to create an association.But that isn't the case here. He's replying to a genuine antisemitic remark, thus making it seem like his own meme is actually a genuine attempt to call out antisemitism, and defeating the purpose of the you fucking idiot, the comment I replied to said nothing about jews, that was an actual plot line of the show, a literal cult manipulating both sides of the war
You know what, fair enough. I'll restore the comment.
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Comment Removed for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks.
Evolution is a very slow process, especially in long lived species with single offspring like us.
Very little is capable of changing about humans except for the environment we find ourselves in.
The human mind hasn't changed much. Our societies have changed massively. We can reach any point on the globe in less than 24 hours. We have tons of new problems the Greeks couldn't even imagine.
I kind of phrased this badly. We probably agree in the end. I'm just trying to say that any problem we have involving humans has as one of its factors impacting the dynamic of the problem as being "human nature" is the same.
The ancients didn't have the problem of determining what the correct speed limit is in a neighborhood but the ancients did have people who would have believed putting the speed limit low enough to maximize government revenue is ideal, people that would have wanted to minimize accidents, people that would have wanted to minimize road traffic noise because they live near where the speed limit is being place, people who believe the limits should balance the maximization of the flow of traffic while minimizing and people injured through accidents, people who wanted limits to minimize road maintenance and people against speed limits altogether.
All the human elements involved between different people's trying to maximize their interests and perspectives regarding the problem of speed limits in modernity are the same human elements that existed for the ancients.
So yes, the exact nature of our problems differ than the ancients but the human component of all these problems has stayed the same.
The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
its not anti-theatre sentiment, you moron. its anti-actor.
you really cant figure out why a society would not want to grant social cred to people whose job is to lie and pretend? you really cant figure out why a society would want to send the message that lying and pretending, is stuff biotrash does?
not you, op, "you" the dumbass redditor.
Yeah also I think it might have something to do not so much with acting itself, but pursuing it as a career. It wasn't seen as an honorable thing to do - you're not really contributing to society. Also later, as in the United States, acting was a lowly profession. It was for vaudevillians who were usually from lower classes and the sort of gypsy lifestyle wouldn't lend itself to a respectable upbringing.. I'm totally winging this btw - no research behind what I'm saying.
Well let's look at why even now people groan and roll their eyes if someone they know says they are an actor or want to be one.
Sure, a FEW of them make lots of money but the lionshare of them don't and are struggling to get by (by choice of their preferred occupation). They inevitably end up pushing for social welfare programs and begging for hand outs and playing the victim. These programs are a burden to society and people understand this.
It would be one thing if they needed help because of something beyond their control like chronic illness or being born a gimp. But they choose an occupation that results in them requiring handouts so naturally people dislike them.
I'm sure it was similar 3000 years ago as well.
The more this goes on the more I just want them to shut the fuck up about their politics, their ideas etc. You're someone paid to pretend to be someone, what kind of profound wisdom would you even have? Nothing. I don't care about either the pandas, women's rights, why orange man is Le bad or any other topic you have no expertise or deep interest in. I don't hate movies or series, I hate how entitled these people get.
Probably has something to do with trust and honesty. If someone can get up on stage and convincingly pretend to be someone they aren't, how do you know they aren't still acting when they're off stage?
There might also be some tendency towards narcissism or other antisocial personality traits inherent in people who say "I really want to get on a stage and have other people look at me and do that as my job." Not that they all have to be giant douches or anything, but I'd certainly believe it's more likely.
I mean, have you seen all the sexual ( and sometimes pedophilic ) degeneracy in Holywood? Assuming acting draws a disproportionate % of sex pests, it makes sense they had the reputation of other sex pests.
Pedophilia was common and accepted in Rome so degeneracy would not have been the issue.
By the way, in the case someone thinks I'm saying "Hey it was accepted back then, so it's normal" like they do for homosexuality being common in Rome, know that I'm just stating a fact, and it's also a fact that homosexuality and pedophilia and all sexual immorality is as much as an affront to God whether it's 400 BC or 2024 AD
Uh... press (x) to doubt.
Im 32. This was common knowledge my whole life.
If you've ever seen the movie Gladiator, the orginal, movies like that would have a scene implying some sort of relationship like that.
Ancient Greek and Rome, it's a known thing. Is this like a zoomer thing not knowing this?
I'm Gen X.
But there's a massive difference between the 'elite', and normal people. I'm sure that bored Roman elite passed kids around, the same way that our 'elite' do.
I'm also sure that if (Roman) you fucked my 5yr-old, me and my (Roman) family would kill you in the most painful way possible.
On the other hand, I live in Cambodia since 'covid', and, well, you can get what you want if you really want it.
So: functioning society - no pedophilia. Elites/Broken Society - hey, whatever floats your boat.
How can it be argued that the actors of ancient times were simultaneously the lowest rungs of society while also being part of the pedophile elite?
Oh... I was only questioning the idea that pedos were 'common and accepted'. No one questions that actors are, by and large, pedos. But no one accepts it, except our modern leaders.
Get bent fed
It's crazy how many Dan Schneider are out there and people just look away. They should all be deeply investigated, the ones found to be pedos woodchippered and the new ones coming in monitored. The amount of kids being abused has got to be even more than we actually know with how many new cases always get shown, suddenly everyone knew but did not say anything. You're fucking complicit for giving them the platform to even get to kids and it's why this industry just lures them in: they are safe from persecution and are able to do their sick fantasies.
I think these days the entertainment industry (movie and music particularly) draws a properly proportionate number of sex pests, it's just they retain a higher proportion. The ones that aren't tend to get pushed out of the industry.
It's why the Diddy tapes make sense.
That's why Christians get blacklisted plus the whole jews running Hollywood thing
Remember that one episode of ROME on hbo before julius ceasars funeral? No prostitutes, actors and unclean tradesman are permitted at the funeral.
Remember the first episode where Caesar stands around with red paint on his face while Vercingetorix is strangled in front of him and the Temple?
The show depicts him dying with his clothes on. This is not what actually happened.
Rome was equal parts social advancement and extreme barbarism.
One of these days, I'd like some actor to just be up-front about how he sees his profession.
"Hello. I'm (name). I pretend for money."
They get REALLY angry when you tell them that's what they're doing.
When I went to more college theater I used to make a point of calling one of them "the very best pretender" if I ended up at the same restaurant as them or something.
Good times.
I used to voice-act.
If I somehow ever get into anime, I'll delete this account, but you'll know it's me if I ever say the above quote.
You'll never manage that, unless by some miracle a recording studio that isn't run by retarded commies opens up and manages to get contracts with the publications. And that's not happening without a rich backer.
We'll know it's able to happen when Vic Mignogna, Karen Strassman, Wally Wingert, and Quinton Flynn are able to get new work again.
A guy bought Twitter out of spite for what the woke mind virus did to his son, leading to Trump winning the election.
You never know.
I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to find among the bit players with "thug #3" or "frightened pedestrian" credits to their name. The stars, however, are less likely to be so humble.
Just look at Mark Britten, the original Funimation dub actor for Burter of the Ginyu Force.
He's a big fan of Stonetoss.
If you watch the old movie Bombshell starring Jean Harlow, it's pretty hilarious and shows just how debased Hollywood is and what agents will do. It's from 1933
I already had an idea.
It turns out that the theater kids are annoying faggots in every culture.
This reinforces what I felt when forced to participate in a theater production as a child. Didn't want to do it and hated the whole thing. Felt inherently wrong.
What about Mimeing? The Romans were way into that.
Same thing as clowns. Creepy and they're way too serious about it all.
Actors: insufferable faggots since 10,000 BCE
It's more simple than that, nothing psychological.
When you're in a top-down Imperial society that demands all peons contribute back to the top for the survival of the Glorious Government, anyone that isn't contributing back in a meaningful manner is looked down upon as a negative. Entertainers pretty much fit that bill when you think about it, as they're rather extraneous to human survival.
If it truly is the "they can pretend, so they're untrustworthy" mentality, might be more of the average person's lack of understanding the ability to compartmentalize. I don't think all of pre-Industrial era acting had the same kind of problems Hollywood and beyond acting had too. The concept of celebrity didn't really reach it's modern emptiness until mass media became a thing.
The noting of "gravediggers" should point to that it wasn't a full-proof idea in Japan. To my knowledge, this "caste" includes animal butchers, a profession that can also be necessary to society. IIRC, depending on the region this attitude is still practiced to this day.
Give someone a job whose only purpose is to lie convincingly enough for you to believe they are not who they truly are, and wonder where the suspicion comes from.
It's an interesting subject. I did a study on Kabuki last year. Lots of fun. It was more lively than the traditional Noh, which the upperclass preferred. Noh was much slower, it could take a while to cross to the other side of the stage.
Kabuki began with women, who were then offered up at the end of the show. The Shogun demanded they only have men after that.
Great characters like Goemon were entirely told by Kabuki. The scrolls were showing the actors, which then became the videogame series.
Kabuki also influenced TV and movies in Japan. All that over acting in kids shows is from the theater.
Movies and TV shows in the US had a similar thing. The Marx Bros -fellow Germans by the way-, 3 stooges, Laurel and Hardy and more were theater acts for the lowest common denominator. Dracula, Frankenstein and other monsters were stage plays based on the books.
Things like operas and great theater were not shown. The upper class did not want them involved with such riff Raff.
Throughout the study I thought about technology, and other things that moved forward. In the Bible it talks about how a rich man had a dinner and none of his well to do friends came to it. So he grabbed the robber and underclass, then demanded they wear fine clothing. Christ used it as an allegory for something else, but I couldn't help thinking about how true it was in these cases. Our society is led by the whores and miscreants, because the upper class don't want to be involved.
We have Kabuki theater today, except the stage is the US Capitol.
I liken it more to Professional Wrestling.
Actors had a low status in the United States too... I think we should bring back vaudeville so we can throw tomatoes at them again when they suck.
I wonder although my thoughts are a bit later, but how were opera singers considered? Were actors low class entertainment for peasants while music and opera was for the upper class. Just a thought I’ve not researched.
the people (actors) lie for a living. thats why.
In a time where food and shelter is scarce - if you do nothing to contribute to providing food or building shelter you're a liability to society. This wasn't just true of acting, it was true of any creative art that didn't help with survival.
Were sculptors and painters disrespected too?
Painters were necessary as part of communications and the part of doing business. First from recording historical events/people then later advertising.
The artistic aspect evolved from that need.
Sculptors much less so but had their roots in architecture (church building, plumbing systems, etc)
Practical need first, artistic expression later.
It's not until you get your civilization to a point where the basic necessities are easily met and you have an affluent society that can afford art for arts basis.
That also doesn't mean that "art" wasn't done on the side - families still entertained themselves in the evenings along with community events (based around harvest/planting season... naturally) and basic crafting of quilting, clothes making, furniture making, etc; But it would typically have to be of a practical nature as well.
Disneyland can't exist without a highly affluent society behind it that has the dollars AND time to go to it.
I actually made a comment in another thread about a month ago that relates directly to this: