I'm 32 btw, and I don't consider myself "old" like millennials often exaggerate....32 is still young, but time creeps along for all people and there is one thing that when I see it, it makes me have sort of an odd dread feeling.
People will post memes of like "this show is now X amount of years old...feel old yet?"
And that stuff never does. But the one thing that makes me go "that can't be right....that must be a glitch...it can't be that old" is those rare times I come across a Youtube video that was uploaded near the beginning, like a video from 2007 or something and the video will say "uploaded 15 years ago, or 16 years ago"
That one hits me in the gut every time. I remember in middle school Youtube being a new thing and it doesn't feel like the type of thing that is half my lifetime ago..It feels such a modern, part of this crap society that when I stumble across videos that were 16 years ago....I don't know...it gives me a similar feeling like when you watch a black mirror episode...there's something dystopian feeling about it.
Gamergate is more than 10 years old. Now that makes me feel old.
I just wanted to play video games.
Now we have to completely destroy the Neo-Liberal Order.
That is every hobby. If you enjoyed hiking or skiing or shooting or camping, any girls only sport, boy scouts, movies, comics, anime, Star wars, Star Trek, Witcher, LOTR, magic the gathering, whatever, your on niche group that twenty years ago no one knew or cared about has now been infiltrated and subverted and bastardized and molested.
Yes, we have to defend our hobbies from Leftism.
Millennials are the in between stage. We remember what it was like before social media and we are also the first generation to grow up with social media. I personally think life was better before social media. But we had social media at its best, because social media was at its most free and best at the beginning of its conception(partly because it was less censored and partly because there were less idiots on it because only the nerds knew how to use it before)
As for what made me feel old.... someone on conpro talking about his millennial mother made me feel old. its hard to imagine that there are children of millennials that are old enough to be on political forums now.
A lot of the people on ConPro are middle/high schoolers and non-Americans so it’s not too far out of the realm of possibility.
Well that certainly explains why they are less likely to read articles links than people here, and prefer jpg posting from what i noticed lol
Pre obama years were good. Obama, first "black" president, made usa more gay, divided, less free and less safe. Even bush jr was less insidious. Bush jr was just a retard or spoiled brat. Bush jr was the start of political correctness after 9-11.. how muslims were the true victims of 9-11 and not the thousands that burned, crushed or fell to death.
Agreed. Myspace days with your custom music playing and custom font and custom wallpaper. It was just your school locker with music. And no one used it anyway. T9 was barely a thing. Half my friends didn't get cell phones til sophomore year. Some still had pagers. We had the tech but weren't hooked to it. You could leave your cell at home and not miss it. Cash was still king. Now everything is cell, apps, credit, social media, fake and gay.
"I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!"
Grandpa Simpson
someone recently talked to me about how they were in middle school when they played dragon age origins and are so happy to be playing the new one! (she also thinks she's a man and is writing a college thesis on queer theory, so it tracks).
I was at the tail end of college when dragon age origins came out. heck, I was a sophomore in college when Mass Effect 3 dropped.
What really gets me is that there seems to be hardly any nostalgia for A Link to the Past or the SNES era final fantasy games on the internet nowadays. 10 years ago that's all anyone talked about when they discussed their golden age of gaming.
The graphics arms race is not only over, but has reversed course. Multiplayer games are primarily done via match made multiplayer lobbies. in game chat has been replaced by discord servers. kids growing up today will never experience the sheer awe a video games moving from pixels to polygon, from polygons to believable humanoid shapes. most of them will never experience the joys of a sleepover with split screen multiplayer.
we grew up in a world of rapid change, and have it entered a world of stagnation, yet time moves ever onward.
I don't even know what I'm saying at this point, just a bunch of old 30+-year-old rambling I guess
"No screen watching during Goldeneye!"
I would definitely agree with that. Partly, that's a good thing. The obsession with "most graphics" took away from good design and artistry.
except the hardware demands for modern games has only increased, as has the bloat AAA games. Before you'd buy AAA game for a premium experience, largely for the high production value they had.
now they don't even have that. AAA games now are largely just worse versions of indie games
I don't think the hardware demands for modern games is actually that high, I think what's making it that high is the bloat and lack of optimization.
Agreed about the gaming landscape thing.
Every time I hear some soy filled typical gen z type youtuber talk about how this "Wii game was their childhood game", I die a little inside.
Old youtube gaming culture was amazing.
Even though my first console was a genesis, the youtube gaming "scene" up until around 2012 or so gave me so much gaming history and knowledge and I still discover and emulate older gems from before I was born, in large part because of youtube being that way back then.
We are so fucked. All these mental illness people running the show. Bet your friend probably works HR at some fortune 500 company now. Lawl.
nah she's a college senior with a minimum wage job
I'm 43 and it wasn't untill the 2020s until I felt "old". People saying things were 30 years old and I would think no thats from the 90s and realizing that is thirty years ago, made me feel old
The thing that got me was:
"At this moment, I am further away in time from the first episode of Animaniacs, than the first episode of Animaniacs was from the Vietnam War."
It's like those weird temporal/historical stats when you realize shit like: Custer's Last Stand and the moon landing took place in someone's life time.
There's a famous photo of a Civil War veteran posing next to a fighter jet in 1955.
Jesus, I think that might actually be a picture of the last Civil War veteran. Wasn't he a Confederate drummer boy?
37 and same. For me it was 2020. COVID and how retarded 70% of America acted made me realize fuck all these people. Fuck them, fuck their opinions, fuck their demands, fuck everything. And then I realized I was old.
Covid and the following permacrisis broke the perception of time and reality. Months feel like weeks, weeks feel like days, it's a blur now. And it's not just getting old, young people are noticing it too.
I swear just the other day it was early 2020 and I was out dining with a large group of friends, most of whom turned into rabid commies during Covid so we don't talk much anymore. Five years used to be a long time.
seriously? i thought it was just me having that problem
It's fairly widespread but there is not an even split as to how it is experienced.
Those who do notice report that it feels a bit weird (an understatement, frankly), like time became disjunct in roughly around 2020, and those who don't notice seemingly completely accept the lack of novel social input since (and probably weren't paying very much attention to time in any meaningful sense prior to The Event anyway).
There is a fierce rigidity in those who don't notice relative to their nonacceptance that anything seems off, a complete rejection of any event unfoldment which had altered the social machine known as 'the public.' Furthermore, metaphorically, the wheat and the chaff are now subliminally (and openly) arguing with each other about who is actually the wheat in this scenario, which is why each group perceives the other to be acting a bit 'off.'
I've seen some on the left call for reeducation camps and some on the right calling for asylums to be reopened, and neither is a great sign of the times to come if we can't have honest conversations about what actually happened and what that happening has done to the public's psyche.
That's my sibling. They were not impacted by COVID overreaction because they didn't have kids, careers, mortgages, a business to run (all of which I did). So I became super frustrated with the times and they were like wHaT ArE yOu TaLkiNg AbOuT?! When your daily routine consists of day drinking and video games and you have zero responsibility because of nepotism, yeah, nothing seemed to change much.
In old people the inability to measure time is often called being senile, so that unironically sounds like a "mass induced senility".
You hit the nail on the head for me and my close relatives. We've all noted how time feels faster now since 2020, and that dude in the video you linked expressed a lot of me and my family's own sentiments, as well as many of the comments. I think back on the last several years, and remember stuff from 2018 like they occurred, quite literally, just yesterday.
Pretty wild stuff, hearing so many people noticing the same thing.
I've felt this way since I was about 5yo. I've noticed (for myself) time speeding up every year
I'm mid-30s now
Are you me?
Understandable but a difficult metric to use at times because some older YT vids just don't exist anymore. I've had bookmarks for years just stop working one day because of some reason and then needed to go find a re-up of it to use so while the content still exists the originals are now long gone.
This still exists, though.
I wasnt referring to specific videos that I know, but just the rare times you can find some old video whether youve seen it before or not and realize a youtube video can be that old. It doesnt feel like a youtube video should be able to be older than 9 years or something in my mind.
What made me feel old was how anti social everyone has become in the last decade. Places I used to hit up for fun are filled with shitheads now. People aren't friendly anymore, a lot of people are very passive aggressive. Social media makes it worse, but the Covid lockdown broke everybody. I am 35 and I have hit the point where I don't think I will get married, have kids, even though I make good money I am not even sure I will get a house.
Edit: I am still in good shape, don't look any different from what I looked like a decade ago. And it isn't just the young kids, everyone is anti social nowadays. I am not a homebody but I wonder why I bother even going out anymore.
I recently went back into clubbing on occasion here in Germany again. Everytime I encounter at least one huge asshole.
I would mention their traits, but I was banned last time I did some generalization in that regard, so ... All coincidences - nothing to notice :)
I remember being excited as a kid for new episodes every weekend of this and having a VHS tape of the first film.
I'm investing in cybernetics, I fucking feel old now.
What your experiencing is the demoralisation that comes with a never ending cultural stream. The speed of events and propaganda has increased so much that your losing the ability to process it and your sense of time. Normally you use significant events as markers of time. But there's been so many "significant" events that are just moved on it's becoming a blur. Literally. Your losing large chunks of your life.
I don't know if it's intentional, but think of any scene in a tv show or movie where they capture and brainwash someone. They get the clockwork orange scene of having your eyes forced to watch and a dizzying array of images and pictures flashed faster than the victim can process.
That's what modern life is. I believe it's partially intentional because if you lose your sense of time you lose your sense of importance and grounding, and can't form attachments to normality. Thus accept anything that's the "new normal"
I was using the internet before Google existed & I still think Usenet was better than literally anything that came after it.
Also balding. I’m old.
When did it hit you? 42 and for me, the trendline is moving in the wrong direction!
Usenet is still amazing. Can find nearly every movie, cd, book etc. on it and make full use of your bandwidth. Plus with SSL there is no annoying ISP sending you letters.
ok, well since this topic has been brought up i'm gonna have a bit of a rant
tldr - i fucking hate (and get triggered by) ageism & ageists
no idea if I can encapsulate all of my thoughts clearly but i will try to. might be a bit all over the place
so after reading a lot of the other comments, i think most of us are in a similar demographic (30s-40s) guys. not "old" old but pushing it i guess. I've never been one to think about my age and i get annoyed by a lot of people around me who bring up age either as a joke or as a point to something we're talking about
the thing is - at least where i am in australia - pretty much everyone i know has been fucked in the head to either downplay themselves or belittle others over age. usually the young ones dissing the older ones, and even the older ones shaming themselves and bringing others down with them.
like, what the fuck?
everyone bitches to me about age as well, thinking i will relate. i always tell them in some form: "bullshit, stop making excuses. I never think about age". one guy keeps worrying about dying post-70 years old. one guy hits 30 and complains about having bad reactions in the games we play (which is cope - they always had bad reactions and hardly trained them). some of my friends in their 30s now make excuses for not meeting once or twice a year because they say they're old and have responsibilities... when in reality they're just at home gaming or doing shit all. and when we meet, they brag about all the things they've done - which we could've done as friends.
i get crap about my ideas for projects (hobby, offline gaming group) being bad because i'm old and that I should leave it to the younger guys to do things. being told that by the young guys and the old guys. almost every decision i've made has been reasoned and led to good results. now I can't be fucked and have left the gaming group in the hands of some younger guys - who have already started burning bridges and losing money. after that some of the older guys have come back to me and said things along the lines of "yeah your way was better". to which I reply "well, you fucking told me to let those young kids do it their way, so fuck off. let them destroy the group". they know it now.
also, when I was younger I barely got any benefits or shortcuts to success or the society around me giving opportunities. these days the mantra is "old people = bad, dumb, outdated. young people = modern, smart, progress". everyone bends over backwards working to uphold that insanity.
back to the gaming group i had to keep it together when the original organisers dropped off suddenly, used a lot of my time and money to build it up to high point before i stepped down. and the guys that have taken over do the bare minimum and expect so much in return in way of glory and popularity, and the whole time during my tenure i was always told to shut up and listen to these guys.
and then by the same token, "we" are allowed to discriminate based on age, even in hobbies. but we can't discriminate based on whether someone is gay or trans here. or even for providing constructive criticism. i was discriminated against when i was young for being young, and now i'm getting discriminated for being young & old in different circles.
guy turns 25, keeps dooming about how he's too old now and boring. when in actuality he was always generally boring and makes almost no effort to be genuinely present among friends, when there are others in the same friend group who are younger and older (30 40+) who can still make time to hang out, and who are genuinely fun and happy to be out with others.
fucking insanity. ageism and ageists are just hopeless otherwise and use age as an excuse or a cope.
That sounds awful. I don't know if it's that way in America because I'm basically a misanthropic hermit anymore. I don't have any social connections other than my parents...literally. I don't even connect with people or have social connections online, because I've just got anxiety about connecting with people. I interact with posts and comments on this site, but that's the extent of it. I don't go deeper with people, but I don't want to either...it's just how I am at least right now.
If that's the feel of Australia right now, that is ridiculously retarded and I'm sorry you're surrounded by retards.
(Me, remembering the fall of the Soviet Union.)
My take is that if the group at large keeps making the same stupid mistakes over and over again in rapid succession, time itself isn't experienced properly or rather in a narrativizable-enough manner to relate to sensibly.
When everyone goes through the 'Groundhog Day' effect at the same time, no one in the group can adequately make reference to time progressing in a logical, sequential order and years may pass nearly completely unnoticed.
For instance, if I took a movie and kept repeating a certain section of it 50 times in a row, and you know that it should progress a little bit in some meaningful way, you'd begin to notice less and less each time it reoccured unless you're really locked in. Even to describe it, you probably wouldn't relay the scene back to me using the same description each time, you'd just say, 'and the scene repeated 50 times' and no new information would be necessary (or possible). Even if you were locked in, if there were no changes to the scene each time, what could you possibly tell me about the repeated scene without repeating yourself?
I would mentally check out from the description of the scene just as I would to the scene itself.
Very interesting take
What makes me feel old is realizing that the Simpsons are older than you and I was in high school when it first came out.
What makes me feel old is that I remember the national controversy The Simpsons caused when it was first released. Americans were genuinely outraged that Bart said "sucks" and was rude to his parents. It's my yardstick for how degenerate society has grown.
I remember one of my aunts forbidden my cousins from watching Cow and Chicken because they said the word "stupid" in it.
Though in retrospect that's like not even top 20 of the wierd degenerate shit in that show, so maybe she was right.
George H.W Bush said
Strange thinking about the Simpsons being edgy in any capacity in 2024.
If you watch the early Simpsons or even say Family Guy, the families went to church pretty regularly. But as the series' ran on the families stopped going to church. It is interesting/sad to see that part of culture is almost totally gone
Chocolate rain
Having something preserved in perfect stasis, and being able to look back on it without the (debatable) benefit of a memory that's fuzzy around the edges, and seeing the number in black and white - that's a confronting thing. And memory is a weird thing to begin with, especially on the internet where there aren't the same kind of anchor points you might use in real life. It's much easier for something from 15 years ago to feel like it was just yesterday, and make you wonder where all that time went.
I swore I was never going to be unknowing about current day lingo unlike my parents.
Like - I knew that the ship at the beginning of Star Wars was “The Rebel Blockade Runner” and all was good… until about 2010 when I was in a comic book shop and some 10 year old kid and his dad were discussing it and he said “Rebel Blockade Runner” and his kid said “No Daadddd… that’s a Corellian Corvette”
Stupid Millenials.
The worst part about that specific feeling is how impossible it is to share with anyone.
Like, I have an extreme nostalgic love of the AMV Hell* series. I remember seeing 3 and thinking this movie length thing was the peak of humor. And then 4 dropped it felt so clean. Like the quality was so much higher and it was using new anime instead of the more historical and nostalgic ones of the prior entries. Seeing Death Note in it, a recent series, was mind blowing.
AMV Hell 4 was 17 years ago. It can almost vote. The "brand new" series in it are as old now as those ancient 80s anime from 3 were at the time.
But back to my point. Its completely impossible to get the humor of this dumb little series across to people. AMVs as a whole were a 00s phenomenon that nobody really cares about anymore, nor does seeing a shit ton of anime you've never heard of have the same gravitas. AMV Hell specifically is packed full of humor and references to the very specific time period of both American culture and American weeb culture that half the humor will miss and would require hours to explain.
So not only does it make you feel old, you can't even share it with anyone but other old people. Seriously, trying showing a YoutubePoop to anyone who wasn't there and watch the confusion.
*Everyone in my social circle can attest to the very inappropriate level of excitement I had when 8 was announced after a near fucking decade. The release of 8, after seeing 8.5 that just came out, will help me through this election nonsense.
I was once walking to a class for uni with someone and the subject of a book series came up that he loved. He hadn't heard a new one came out that week and literally 180'd to go get it instead of going to class 😂
Funny thing is most memes still reference shows and movies from 1990 to 2010 lol.