I'm 32 btw, and I don't consider myself "old" like millennials often exaggerate....32 is still young, but time creeps along for all people and there is one thing that when I see it, it makes me have sort of an odd dread feeling.
People will post memes of like "this show is now X amount of years old...feel old yet?"
And that stuff never does. But the one thing that makes me go "that can't be right....that must be a glitch...it can't be that old" is those rare times I come across a Youtube video that was uploaded near the beginning, like a video from 2007 or something and the video will say "uploaded 15 years ago, or 16 years ago"
That one hits me in the gut every time. I remember in middle school Youtube being a new thing and it doesn't feel like the type of thing that is half my lifetime ago..It feels such a modern, part of this crap society that when I stumble across videos that were 16 years ago....I don't know...it gives me a similar feeling like when you watch a black mirror episode...there's something dystopian feeling about it.
Millennials are the in between stage. We remember what it was like before social media and we are also the first generation to grow up with social media. I personally think life was better before social media. But we had social media at its best, because social media was at its most free and best at the beginning of its conception(partly because it was less censored and partly because there were less idiots on it because only the nerds knew how to use it before)
As for what made me feel old.... someone on conpro talking about his millennial mother made me feel old. its hard to imagine that there are children of millennials that are old enough to be on political forums now.
A lot of the people on ConPro are middle/high schoolers and non-Americans so it’s not too far out of the realm of possibility.
Well that certainly explains why they are less likely to read articles links than people here, and prefer jpg posting from what i noticed lol
Pre obama years were good. Obama, first "black" president, made usa more gay, divided, less free and less safe. Even bush jr was less insidious. Bush jr was just a retard or spoiled brat. Bush jr was the start of political correctness after 9-11.. how muslims were the true victims of 9-11 and not the thousands that burned, crushed or fell to death.
Agreed. Myspace days with your custom music playing and custom font and custom wallpaper. It was just your school locker with music. And no one used it anyway. T9 was barely a thing. Half my friends didn't get cell phones til sophomore year. Some still had pagers. We had the tech but weren't hooked to it. You could leave your cell at home and not miss it. Cash was still king. Now everything is cell, apps, credit, social media, fake and gay.