I saw a video with a college girl yelling about Judge Clarence Thomas wanted to make interracial marriage illegal. For those not in the know Thomas' wife is a whitie.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. If Trump was even 1/10 of what the left thinks he is, he would actually be a decent President. Unfortunately, Trump is more like the left than most people realize. If Obama ran the USA when Trump was in, outside of the media, no one would have even noticed.
Of all the celebrity opinions that matter the least, the fat black women is the furthest down that pole. And its already a low fucking bar of how little they should matter.
I can truly not think of a single other demographic more detrimental to allow to exist, let alone have an opinion. At least black dudes you can talk about DBZ and sports with to find common ground on something wholesome.
Uh, based?
Too based for Trump.
I'd move to the US just to vote for Trump, if he was even half as based as the left portrays him as. Alas... he is not.
"He poisoned our water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague unto our houses!"
"HE DID?!?"
"No, but are we just gonna wait around until he does?!"
Trump turned me into a newt!!
Whoopi "i changed my surname to Goldberg to get a position in media" wants to lecture us?
If the right wing was 25% as based as the left cries it is, we wouldn't be in such a catastrophic situation.
I saw a video with a college girl yelling about Judge Clarence Thomas wanted to make interracial marriage illegal. For those not in the know Thomas' wife is a whitie.
Thomas following the meme where even black men don't want black women.
You misread the Wikipedia article. He has no biological kids with his second wife, he does with his first wife
edit: didn't see the first wife was black
50 years ago a woman having a hysteronic fit like that would get the pimp hand to reset the CPU.
The View is just a parody now. If you ever run into some woman who watches it and takes it seriously they need to be cunt punched.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. If Trump was even 1/10 of what the left thinks he is, he would actually be a decent President. Unfortunately, Trump is more like the left than most people realize. If Obama ran the USA when Trump was in, outside of the media, no one would have even noticed.
Would be based. Deport the coalburners as well, thanks.
Of all the celebrity opinions that matter the least, the fat black women is the furthest down that pole. And its already a low fucking bar of how little they should matter.
I can truly not think of a single other demographic more detrimental to allow to exist, let alone have an opinion. At least black dudes you can talk about DBZ and sports with to find common ground on something wholesome.
All Hail Commander TRUMP!!
Trump banning interracial marriages, dude doesn't discriminate as he had Black, Latino probably even a few Asian supermodels in his life.
You'd probably get further if you claimed he was going to bleach the other races given his dating history lol
OMG literally genocide!
This Trump guy is really cool, I should vote for him.
The TDS is ramping up to full steam on that media vehicle for crazy harpies.
only if the wife is here illegally in the first place
The worst fate that can befall a black person is to be left with only their own kind.
Yeah, that is pretty crazy. ~80% chance of herpes means it's a very bad idea to have relations with a former race mixer.
No, he's not Jean-Jacques Dessalines