Einstein didn't discover GR in any meaningful way. It was always implicit from Special Relativity, it just wasn't at all interesting. Also, the legend is that it took him 7 years to work it out, but the reality is that it took him six years of milling about, and then a few discussions with David Hilbert who showed him what to do.
Once 'discovered', the entire theory solves one problem -- the precession of mercury. You can also argue that it helps us with certain aspects of GPS timing etc, but not really, because engineers have to calibrate the system anyway, and they're not using GR to do it.
The flights of fancy (wormholes, blackholes etc) are... well, flights of fancy, because they exist within a theory that we know doesn't describe the universe to the required precision. And the connections with the 'BigBang' are somewhat meaningless, because that theory requires the introduction of 'Inflatons' to hold together.
The DOJ is claiming Iran is plotting assassinations against US politicians.
“For years, the Justice Department has been working aggressively to counter Iran’s brazen and unrelenting efforts to retaliate against American public officials for the killing of Iranian General Soleimani,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “The Justice Department will spare no resource to disrupt and hold accountable those who would seek to carry out Iran’s lethal plotting against American citizens and will not tolerate attempts by an authoritarian regime to target American public officials and endanger America’s national security.”
“This dangerous murder-for-hire plot exposed in today’s complaint allegedly was orchestrated by a Pakistani national with close ties to Iran and is straight out of the Iranian playbook,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray. “A foreign-directed plot to kill a public official, or any U.S. citizen, is a threat to our national security and will be met with the full might and resources of the FBI.”
We can trust Merrick Garland and Chris Wray, can't we?
False Flag event into WW3 for the coming year? Will they try for Trump again, or just explode a city in the southern US like they planned with Operation Northwoods?
He’s a goyim in league with the Zionist power. That much is obvious on its face. The US deep state is not 100% Jewish, but it is 100% Zionist or Zionist-compliant.
The US is so polarized that I doubt there is going to be any unity around another 9-11. If they were to hit NY now I doubt most on the right would care and if they would hit something in Texas I doubt the leftists will care.
We may get more 9/11's because of malfunctioning aircraft or the bad guys waltzing in from every border. Whether or not the US government comes to serve our supreme allies probably won't change that.
Post Reported for: Rule 12 - Intentional Falsehoods / Disinformation
The only way this is disinformation is "fight Israel's wars" which doesn't really follow as intentional falsehoods. A hypothetical war with Iran being an Israeli war, but not a US war, is an opinion.
Once the white nationalists here are finished shilling for hamas and the islamists, we will realize they absolutely do hate us and want us dead too. Wanting Muslims to win to spite our strongest ally is retarded. But then again...stormcucks do what they do
Would it surprise you to learn that I despise Muslims and advocate for a very Wallachian approach to dealing with them? It is possible to have more than one enemy in the world.
On the other hand, if you're done simping for hamas and the other goat fuckers, they absolutely do hate us and want us dead too. At best, you should want them to kill each other. Wanting Muslims to win is retarded. But that's the stormfag way
I hope you retards all fuck off to the middle east so you can fight the jews like you want to (and probably die for it). Or you'll get beheaded by Muslims. Either way, no loss to the rest of us.
And if this "stormfag" spergery is about what someone else said in support of Hamas on some other thread? Quit arguing like a schizo and take it to that thread instead.
No, I'm just tired of stormfags shitting up the board.
But that's not popular, as evidenced by the massive amount of down votes. Forum sliding in action. God forbid we have a forum where people don't sperg out about the jews constantly.
Yeah. Because I am mentally tired of seeing this faggotry constantly. You ever get tired of seeing leftists shit on everything? Ruin your hobbies? Congratulations, same thing. Don't be a retard.
He's obviously emotionally invested in this for reasons he will not say because doing so will make him look bad. If it were just repetitiveness, there are other topics he could also sperg about.
Such violent rhetoric, tsk tsk tsk, if the things people say here bother you so much, you can always just log off (tyler_the_creator.png).
You obviously have a deeper grievance with me for undermining Zionist pro-war agitprop than "people are saying things on the internet that I don't like." You are clearly emotionally invested in this and want this agitprop to succeed, hence your violent reaction against me.
I couldn't really care less what jews and Muslims do between themselves on the other side of the world. Just hope the nuclear fallout doesn't get too thick
There are a billion Muslims on this planet. I doubt that most of them would give a shit about us if our government wasn't always fucking around in Muslim countries.
Yes, Islam is definitely the 13/50 of religious violence today. Blowback doesn't explain why countries like Vietnam have managed to get over the US doing far worse things to them than we've ever done to any Muslim country. However, plenty of Muslims drink and eat bacon and marry Christians and don't give a fuck because they're just regular people born into a shitty religion.
And no, I don't wanna import any more Muslims into Western countries, their religion is a problem, but the hysterics about how all Muslims want all non-Muslims dead is weapons grade boomer retardation. Even if you're not a boomer yourself.
BuT a JeW dIsCoVeReD gEnErAl ReLaTiViTy!
(I do get the joke here but...)
Einstein didn't discover GR in any meaningful way. It was always implicit from Special Relativity, it just wasn't at all interesting. Also, the legend is that it took him 7 years to work it out, but the reality is that it took him six years of milling about, and then a few discussions with David Hilbert who showed him what to do.
Once 'discovered', the entire theory solves one problem -- the precession of mercury. You can also argue that it helps us with certain aspects of GPS timing etc, but not really, because engineers have to calibrate the system anyway, and they're not using GR to do it.
The flights of fancy (wormholes, blackholes etc) are... well, flights of fancy, because they exist within a theory that we know doesn't describe the universe to the required precision. And the connections with the 'BigBang' are somewhat meaningless, because that theory requires the introduction of 'Inflatons' to hold together.
And help all the poor Americans finance a higher quality of life. Without Jews we would all be living in shacks on backwater farms somewhere.
Thanks for the laugh man. That's a good one.
Parasites who lie.
This one needs the /s.
Top kek!
Comments Reported for: Troll user
Yes, it's trolling
What an odd thing to say.
It's a warning: "If we don't cut the heads of Islamic extremism, things like 911 will happen again eventually."
Title was worded in the most inflammatory way possible.
Islamic extremists exists because of Israel fucking around in the middle east.
Can’t believe Elon got pulled in by Ben Fucking Shapiro.
It's much cheaper and easier to just ban immigration from those countries.
complete with dancing Israelis?
The DOJ is claiming Iran is plotting assassinations against US politicians.
We can trust Merrick Garland and Chris Wray, can't we?
False Flag event into WW3 for the coming year? Will they try for Trump again, or just explode a city in the southern US like they planned with Operation Northwoods?
I'm thinking they will attack civilians. Politicians are too divisive and hated.
Trump part 2 electric boogaloo?
Those two aren't dual citizens are they? Or just American citizens with a free pass to Israel through right of return when shit falls apart here?
Wray is a gentile AFAIK. Garland would at least have right of return.
Wray seems like a typical insider trash hole. Yale, private NYC upper East side schools. Who are all these freaks?
He’s a goyim in league with the Zionist power. That much is obvious on its face. The US deep state is not 100% Jewish, but it is 100% Zionist or Zionist-compliant.
Should've paid the oil royalties, fatty.
"Oy vey, our golem is turning on us!"
I'm far more concerned about the domestic assassination plots frankly.
The US is so polarized that I doubt there is going to be any unity around another 9-11. If they were to hit NY now I doubt most on the right would care and if they would hit something in Texas I doubt the leftists will care.
If they hit a Texas city, a lot of Texas would be happy because it would make Texas significantly less blue.
The GOP would definitely run with it though. It's a question of how much normal people would resist it.
There would be dancing in the streets, and it wouldn't just be the Muslims this time.
We definitely saw that online with the trump assassination attempt and now they are denying he was ever targeted
The banks get to cash out the insurance on their failing commercial properties.
We may get more 9/11's because of malfunctioning aircraft or the bad guys waltzing in from every border. Whether or not the US government comes to serve our supreme allies probably won't change that.
That sounds like a threat to me. We should treat any "re-run" as an act of war by Israel and respond accordingly.
It sounds like that, because it is precisely that.
The Israeli dance team is already rehearsing.
They did it once, theyll do it again, because that's all they ever do to force endless wars.
screw israel
I hate the star people, star country, etc.
dancing israelis activated!
Post Reported for: Rule 12 - Intentional Falsehoods / Disinformation
The only way this is disinformation is "fight Israel's wars" which doesn't really follow as intentional falsehoods. A hypothetical war with Iran being an Israeli war, but not a US war, is an opinion.
Once the white nationalists here are finished shilling for hamas and the islamists, we will realize they absolutely do hate us and want us dead too. Wanting Muslims to win to spite our strongest ally is retarded. But then again...stormcucks do what they do
Would it surprise you to learn that I despise Muslims and advocate for a very Wallachian approach to dealing with them? It is possible to have more than one enemy in the world.
On the other hand, if you're done simping for hamas and the other goat fuckers, they absolutely do hate us and want us dead too. At best, you should want them to kill each other. Wanting Muslims to win is retarded. But that's the stormfag way
I hope you get drafted first.
I hope you retards all fuck off to the middle east so you can fight the jews like you want to (and probably die for it). Or you'll get beheaded by Muslims. Either way, no loss to the rest of us.
They would rather we get blown up just to spite Israel, talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.
You're correct here, but you're still also a faggot, just in the other direction.
You've gone full leftist.
And if this "stormfag" spergery is about what someone else said in support of Hamas on some other thread? Quit arguing like a schizo and take it to that thread instead.
No, I'm just tired of stormfags shitting up the board.
But that's not popular, as evidenced by the massive amount of down votes. Forum sliding in action. God forbid we have a forum where people don't sperg out about the jews constantly.
It's always only the anti-semitism with the concern trolling.
Oh look, repetitive buzzwords routinely used by shills here. What's up next on the rolodex? Fedjacketing?
No, I'm just tired of your stormfaggotry. It's ironic that you're part of the actual problem, because you're a communist, just not anti white.
As far as I'm concerned, you and the rest of your communist friends could all get shoved in camps and I wouldn't lose sleep over it.
"I feel this" "I feel that"
It's always feels when it comes to your Israel posting
perpetually petulant little children.
They are just women...
Find a quote where I said that, faggot.
You literally said "I'm just tired" like a zoomer who's enacted too much emotional labor
Yeah. Because I am mentally tired of seeing this faggotry constantly. You ever get tired of seeing leftists shit on everything? Ruin your hobbies? Congratulations, same thing. Don't be a retard.
Then leave. You aren't welcome here.
No, you're acting like a spaz. That's why you're downvoted.
You're the woman screaming "misogyny!" as the shit gets flung back over the wall at you, except replace "misogyny!" with "stormfaggery!".
YOU are the problem here, not everybody else.
Ah yeah, the stormfag brigade totally isn't the issue, as you all screech about jews constantly. Leftist tactics. Project project project.
It's really incredible that you can't call out the obvious. Sure makes you think. Or would, if you had a braincell to work with.
I didn't call you a shill, I didn't call you a Jew, I didn't call you IDF or any of that nonsense.
I tried being constructive, but since that clearly won't work I guess I'll meet you at your level.
You're a big stupid head.
He's obviously emotionally invested in this for reasons he will not say because doing so will make him look bad. If it were just repetitiveness, there are other topics he could also sperg about.
Fuck off and suck Dom's kike cock, faggot.
We've got incest. We had forum sliding above. Can we get fedjacketing to complete the bingo?
Such violent rhetoric, tsk tsk tsk, if the things people say here bother you so much, you can always just log off (tyler_the_creator.png).
You obviously have a deeper grievance with me for undermining Zionist pro-war agitprop than "people are saying things on the internet that I don't like." You are clearly emotionally invested in this and want this agitprop to succeed, hence your violent reaction against me.
Comment Reported for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
Comment Removed for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
Do not ask people to kill themselves.
Comment Reported for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
Comment Removed for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech
Do not ask people to kill themselves.
So what part of American blood being spilled on foreign soil for foreigners is "wanting them to kill each other"?
I couldn't really care less what jews and Muslims do between themselves on the other side of the world. Just hope the nuclear fallout doesn't get too thick
There are a billion Muslims on this planet. I doubt that most of them would give a shit about us if our government wasn't always fucking around in Muslim countries.
Yes, Islam is definitely the 13/50 of religious violence today. Blowback doesn't explain why countries like Vietnam have managed to get over the US doing far worse things to them than we've ever done to any Muslim country. However, plenty of Muslims drink and eat bacon and marry Christians and don't give a fuck because they're just regular people born into a shitty religion.
And no, I don't wanna import any more Muslims into Western countries, their religion is a problem, but the hysterics about how all Muslims want all non-Muslims dead is weapons grade boomer retardation. Even if you're not a boomer yourself.