I can't remember who said it but it's true that the crime itself isn't what gets you caught but the attempt to hide the crime is what gets you caught and receive retribution.
If the child is now brain dead and is basically kept alive just so they can go 'look she's not dead, you to stop rioting for her sake' , this'll escalate the violence since (rightfully) people will see the authorities using a child's body as a puppet to not claim responsibility for their actions.
How long are you going to keep up this pretence? No one believes that you give a fuck about this girl or white people in general. Even if this guy gets lynched in the middle of the street we are still never going to fight your wars.
Ah, how rude of me. You were not there at the time, and have no way of knowing. I will explain what happened; The commie shill who came here before you bungled up pretty spectacularly on the talking points you were using.
And as you know, once a communist somehow makes the Narrative look bad, they're taken to a zoom struggle session and accused of being 'white supremacists' and then often beaten and starved until a confession can be made.
I know, I know. You GOOD people have forced yourselves to develop a certain blind spot, a "see no jew, hear no jew, say nothing to a jew" mentality, because it is the only way you can tell yourselves that the BAD people are always wrong. Sadly, for you, I'm not a conpro/stormfront/huwite supremacist, I'm just a guy that hates being lied to. And you, and everyone else should as well, seeing as this is a GamerGate forum and GG was formed when people started noticing all the bullshit they were being fed, all the ways they were being manipulated and used.
So, what it is, is these two guys, bla_bla_bla_2023 and ghostfox_, have pissed me off, with their blatant pro-Israel warmongering. If you haven't been paying attention to their comments you'd see them wearing their agenda on their sleeves. Pretty much the only thing they ever comment on is the jewish shit. If you don't see it, and think I'm a schizo, I don't care. I'm here for myself, and my own peace of mind.
Point is, if you just pop off out of nowhere, it's hard to know what your point is. It was vague, and I honestly thought you were on the side that you hate. Your message was unclear, and the fact that you sperged out out of nowhere made it worse.
I'm just a guy that hates being lied to. And you, and everyone else should as well...
Oh, it's one of my least favorite things, believe me. Again, my point isn't with your message - I had no idea what it even was - it's with your spergy no-context delivery.
these two guys...have pissed me off, with their blatant pro-Israel warmongering. If you haven't been paying attention to their comments you'd see them wearing their agenda on their sleeves. Pretty much the only thing they ever comment on is the jewish shit.
We've had plenty of these types of people, on all sorts of issues. We had a few Ukraine shills too, as well as a few Russia shills on the other side. We have Jew-shills and Hwite supremacist shills. They're single-message, and it's annoying. But if you're going to counter whatever message you disagree with, do it clearly; make your argument. Picking random fights without explaining why does come across, to use your word, a little schizo.
I thought you said you'd block me, motherfucker. And now you're coming to the defense of your alt account by painting me as something I'm not. Stop trying to divide us and use us to kill your enemies.
No, I'm using my eyes to read. Across several different threads. I don't fault you for choosing not to devote precious brainspace on who said what on an internet forum, but I kinda get pissy when I feel deceived.
Why attack bla_bla_bla-2013? His take is reasonable. The Irish establishment is clearly flooding the country with immigrants hostile to the west, like a number of European countries are doing with a couple notable exceptions.
I mean, you could just scroll down a bit and read my reply to Kienan... The guy in question, I suspect, is a professional "opinion swayer", or whatever the spy agency term is, working on behalf of Israel. And the "war" in question is the genocide and/or exile of the Palestinians that they want us to get involved with.
But, what I find fascinating is that a vast majority of forum users here have decided to go full Jan 6. over some girl, whose name they don't even know, and who, some say, might be an immigrant as well. There is zero paranoia or self-awareness shown here. None of the usual assumptions of glow ops, like whenever there is a shooting in the US. You may as well change your name to OldSheepLee, dude.
They're clearly broken, it might be that we need to trying turning them off and on again, although I'm not optimistic that that will fix the problem so much as introduce new ones.
I didn't dv but maybe because you sound like a leftist. Like ApexVeritas points out I'm just waiting for the so-called "anti-racists" to bring it up as a talking point. "The victim wasn't even Irish why do you care?!"
Even cynically it doesn't make any sense to allow hordes of immigrant gangs into your country to fight each other. Japan has been dealing with that too.
America has seen what happens when you permit a parallel nation within your borders. Eventually, inevitably, they make a play to become the dominant culture.
I only think governments are controlled by Jews if those governments are overwhelmingly or disproportionately comprised of Jews or go out of their way to massively aid Jewish interests.
However many western governments exhibit these behaviors really isn’t my fault. I didn’t choose any of this.
When the gun debate got really big under Obama, the racial component of gun crime (and all crime) became glaringly obvious, even in normie right wing spaces. Blacks commit most violent crime, despite being a small percentage of the population. The one (laughable) counter argument the left and anti-racists tried to use against these statistics, is that most of the victims of black crime are other blacks.
Why is that? It's because, despite all the ridiculous multicultural propaganda in the West, people still predominantly prefer to live with their own kind. Even in "diverse" areas, people form ethnic enclaves. I've seen it myself, in numerous locations.
So, when crime happens, the most likely victims will be of the perpetrators own kind.
However, there's obviously bleed over and blending of the populations, leading to interracial crime stats, which skew overwhelmingly towards certain races.
Non-whites, with the exclusion of certain Asians, are more violent than White people, and White people are the predominant victim of interracial crime stats. Just because a violent non-white hurts one of their own in a "spree" doesn't discount the inherent anti-White biases in interracial crime.
Why is that? It's because, despite all the ridiculous multicultural propaganda in the West, people still predominantly prefer to live with their own kind.
Nope. People predominantly prefer to live in white spaces. That’s why homes cost the most in white neighborhoods. That’s why majority white schools are so popular. Black peoples, given the option, prefer to live in the safety and prosperity of white areas, not least because whites are overly altruistic and will give away resources if you call them racist.
Look at immigration as a whole. It’s mostly black and brown people moving to white countries. That doesn’t sound like “everyone prefers their own kind”.
This multiculturalism doesn’t work for white people. For those whose lives are improved by escaping dysfunctional black communities, multiculturalism is a net gain. It’s basically redistribution of prosperity via movement of peoples. It’s a form of communism.
The one exception is Muslims, who legitimately do prefer to live amongst their own. Their strategy is to take over white areas and change the fundamental character of the place to suit Islam.
Nope. People predominantly prefer to live in white spaces
Yes and no.
Non-whites love to live in White countries, and in White predominant areas, but when they move into them, they form their own ethnic enclaves. I've seen it dozens of times, across every racial line, in numerous locations. Don't believe me? Go deliver food or drive around a large city's suburb. The more non-whites sub groups the better. I've seen it among Indians, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Whites (that's why White flight exists), and it can be broken down into specific sub groups, too.
The few "integrated" and seemingly well adjusted non-whites are the higher functioning ones (the outliers on the bell curve), the ones that don't want to be next to their own kind. They're the trojan horse that convinces the local Whites that they're all like that, when they're not. If they were, their home countries wouldn't be shit holes. Over time, more and more non-whites immigrate to the area around the ethnic enclave, and slowly take it over, because White people flee to a Whiter area, and because we're having so few children, especially in suburban and city areas where most of this replacement migration has been occurring. It's also because a lot of non-white migration is being paid for and supported by blatantly anti-White NGOs and politicians.
After a certain amount of time, the once entirely White area is now almost completely devoid of White people, and the ethnic enclaves revert back to what their host countries look like, in every way.
That’s why homes cost the most in white neighborhoods.
It's partly because of White people fleeing to Whiter areas, and because of the higher functioning non-whites wanting to move there (that have the money to do so), and because housing/migrant/economic problems cause problems elsewhere. I live in an area where I can no longer afford a house (the same with most people my age), because of other states fucking up, pushing their people and businesses away, which causes their people to move here, in addition to the open borders and increasing migrant pressures, which has caused a massive balloon of both housing and rent prices.
Look at immigration as a whole. It’s mostly black and brown people moving to white countries. That doesn’t sound like “everyone prefers their own kind”.
This is only because it's massively inorganic, and has been from the beginning. If White people were allowed our own ethnic collective interests, we wouldn't be ruled over by blatantly anti-White leaders, in every institution in our own countries, and those leaders wouldn't be working with globalists and their NGOs to open our borders, and use our own tax money to fund their operations to literally bus, truck, train, and boat non-whites into our countries 24/7. If White people were allowed to espouse for our own ethnic interests, none of this would be happening. We'd have closed borders and keep our immigration White only.
The reason why non-whites want to come to White countries is because globalists have convinced them they can come, and because they know White countries afford them better opportunities. They're parasites and leeches. This is why a lot of the money "migrants" make is sent back to their families in their home countries, to the tune of tens of billions every year.
people still predominantly prefer to live with their own kind
All the proof you need is looking at a high school cafeteria. Look at who sits together. Sometimes it isn't along racial lines, but people ALWAYS sit with those like them, they never sit with people who are different than them.
Non-whites, with the exclusion of certain Asians, are more violent than White people, and White people are the predominant victim of interracial crime stats. Just because a violent non-white hurts one of their own in a "spree" doesn't discount the inherent anti-White biases in interracial crime.
Ok, but what about the counter of the fact that there's simply more White targets than non-White targets? It would make sense to see higher numbers of White victims on account of there simply being more White people overall.
That's exactly what interracial crime stats show in every single White majority country. White people are the predominant victim in interracial crime stats.
if you believe the latter then why is it hard to believe they do so with muslims also.?
The difference there is that I listened to the media for the better part of a decade after 9/11 with the constant mantra of, "it's not Islam, it's just a lone wolf crazy dude."
Then I started listening to actual Muslims and they all say, "no, it's Islam. We want you dead and cheer for your destruction."
Which white supremacist attacks are you referring to specifically?
It's hard to compare without specifics. But considering everything, I think it's obvious that the people who carry out false flag events have a much larger interest in creating ones that help perpetuate the lie that white supreme is the biggest threat to western countries.
Do you believe all those "White supremacist attacks" were real or false flags? if you believe the latter then why is it hard to believe they do so with muslims also.?
Because there are millions of Muslims being shuttled around the globe and the Imams openly call for a worldwide Caliphate and white supremacist groups are as scarce as hen's teeth AND the establishment's demonization of white people includes endless accusations of "white supremacist violence."
You make a fair point, and have accrued a suspicious amount of downvotes. Clearly some jimmies have been rustled.
It should also be noted that Mossad and the CIA played a large hand in leading, training, funding, arming, and creating ISIS, as well as many other terrorist organizations. Many terrorist attacks have been false flags meant to manipulate public opinion and push for globalist policies.
I can't remember who said it but it's true that the crime itself isn't what gets you caught but the attempt to hide the crime is what gets you caught and receive retribution.
If the child is now brain dead and is basically kept alive just so they can go 'look she's not dead, you to stop rioting for her sake' , this'll escalate the violence since (rightfully) people will see the authorities using a child's body as a puppet to not claim responsibility for their actions.
How long are you going to keep up this pretence? No one believes that you give a fuck about this girl or white people in general. Even if this guy gets lynched in the middle of the street we are still never going to fight your wars.
The fuck is this...?
That other commie faggot is currently getting a pretty rough struggle session so they hired a fresh diversity hire.
What a waste of american tax dollars.
They're not sending their best.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Ah, how rude of me. You were not there at the time, and have no way of knowing. I will explain what happened; The commie shill who came here before you bungled up pretty spectacularly on the talking points you were using.
And as you know, once a communist somehow makes the Narrative look bad, they're taken to a zoom struggle session and accused of being 'white supremacists' and then often beaten and starved until a confession can be made.
I know, I know. You GOOD people have forced yourselves to develop a certain blind spot, a "see no jew, hear no jew, say nothing to a jew" mentality, because it is the only way you can tell yourselves that the BAD people are always wrong. Sadly, for you, I'm not a conpro/stormfront/huwite supremacist, I'm just a guy that hates being lied to. And you, and everyone else should as well, seeing as this is a GamerGate forum and GG was formed when people started noticing all the bullshit they were being fed, all the ways they were being manipulated and used.
So, what it is, is these two guys, bla_bla_bla_2023 and ghostfox_, have pissed me off, with their blatant pro-Israel warmongering. If you haven't been paying attention to their comments you'd see them wearing their agenda on their sleeves. Pretty much the only thing they ever comment on is the jewish shit. If you don't see it, and think I'm a schizo, I don't care. I'm here for myself, and my own peace of mind.
Point is, if you just pop off out of nowhere, it's hard to know what your point is. It was vague, and I honestly thought you were on the side that you hate. Your message was unclear, and the fact that you sperged out out of nowhere made it worse.
Oh, it's one of my least favorite things, believe me. Again, my point isn't with your message - I had no idea what it even was - it's with your spergy no-context delivery.
We've had plenty of these types of people, on all sorts of issues. We had a few Ukraine shills too, as well as a few Russia shills on the other side. We have Jew-shills and Hwite supremacist shills. They're single-message, and it's annoying. But if you're going to counter whatever message you disagree with, do it clearly; make your argument. Picking random fights without explaining why does come across, to use your word, a little schizo.
They see jews everywhere. And ironically, the jews live rent free in their heads.
I thought you said you'd block me, motherfucker. And now you're coming to the defense of your alt account by painting me as something I'm not. Stop trying to divide us and use us to kill your enemies.
Unfortunately, using the block function on you isn't actually working.
I'm still not a jew, I don't have any alts, go suck a shotgun off and kill yourself.
Leftists love to project through mindreading, don't they
No, I'm using my eyes to read. Across several different threads. I don't fault you for choosing not to devote precious brainspace on who said what on an internet forum, but I kinda get pissy when I feel deceived.
Why attack bla_bla_bla-2013? His take is reasonable. The Irish establishment is clearly flooding the country with immigrants hostile to the west, like a number of European countries are doing with a couple notable exceptions.
And what "wars" do you refer to?
I mean, you could just scroll down a bit and read my reply to Kienan... The guy in question, I suspect, is a professional "opinion swayer", or whatever the spy agency term is, working on behalf of Israel. And the "war" in question is the genocide and/or exile of the Palestinians that they want us to get involved with.
But, what I find fascinating is that a vast majority of forum users here have decided to go full Jan 6. over some girl, whose name they don't even know, and who, some say, might be an immigrant as well. There is zero paranoia or self-awareness shown here. None of the usual assumptions of glow ops, like whenever there is a shooting in the US. You may as well change your name to OldSheepLee, dude.
Man, you guys really trying to cover every possible angle, huh. Dealing with you lot is like trying to pick an embedded tick off a dog
The police who protect politicians from the wrath of righteously angry citizens are equally guilty, and deserve the same fate as the traitors.
The more time goes by, the more I think governments should be dismantled. They are all insanely corrupt and drunk on power.
They're clearly broken, it might be that we need to trying turning them off and on again, although I'm not optimistic that that will fix the problem so much as introduce new ones.
Ancap is the way
witness Milei
I didn't dv but maybe because you sound like a leftist. Like ApexVeritas points out I'm just waiting for the so-called "anti-racists" to bring it up as a talking point. "The victim wasn't even Irish why do you care?!"
Even cynically it doesn't make any sense to allow hordes of immigrant gangs into your country to fight each other. Japan has been dealing with that too.
America has seen what happens when you permit a parallel nation within your borders. Eventually, inevitably, they make a play to become the dominant culture.
They might be assuming your position points back to (((sneaky tricks))) based on
because some people here would suggest government==da joos.
I only think governments are controlled by Jews if those governments are overwhelmingly or disproportionately comprised of Jews or go out of their way to massively aid Jewish interests.
However many western governments exhibit these behaviors really isn’t my fault. I didn’t choose any of this.
Does it?
He spent 20 years on government welfare planning his revenge against <checks notes> free cash
Not necessarily.
When the gun debate got really big under Obama, the racial component of gun crime (and all crime) became glaringly obvious, even in normie right wing spaces. Blacks commit most violent crime, despite being a small percentage of the population. The one (laughable) counter argument the left and anti-racists tried to use against these statistics, is that most of the victims of black crime are other blacks.
Why is that? It's because, despite all the ridiculous multicultural propaganda in the West, people still predominantly prefer to live with their own kind. Even in "diverse" areas, people form ethnic enclaves. I've seen it myself, in numerous locations. So, when crime happens, the most likely victims will be of the perpetrators own kind.
However, there's obviously bleed over and blending of the populations, leading to interracial crime stats, which skew overwhelmingly towards certain races.
Non-whites, with the exclusion of certain Asians, are more violent than White people, and White people are the predominant victim of interracial crime stats. Just because a violent non-white hurts one of their own in a "spree" doesn't discount the inherent anti-White biases in interracial crime.
Nope. People predominantly prefer to live in white spaces. That’s why homes cost the most in white neighborhoods. That’s why majority white schools are so popular. Black peoples, given the option, prefer to live in the safety and prosperity of white areas, not least because whites are overly altruistic and will give away resources if you call them racist.
Look at immigration as a whole. It’s mostly black and brown people moving to white countries. That doesn’t sound like “everyone prefers their own kind”.
This multiculturalism doesn’t work for white people. For those whose lives are improved by escaping dysfunctional black communities, multiculturalism is a net gain. It’s basically redistribution of prosperity via movement of peoples. It’s a form of communism.
The one exception is Muslims, who legitimately do prefer to live amongst their own. Their strategy is to take over white areas and change the fundamental character of the place to suit Islam.
Yes and no.
Non-whites love to live in White countries, and in White predominant areas, but when they move into them, they form their own ethnic enclaves. I've seen it dozens of times, across every racial line, in numerous locations. Don't believe me? Go deliver food or drive around a large city's suburb. The more non-whites sub groups the better. I've seen it among Indians, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Whites (that's why White flight exists), and it can be broken down into specific sub groups, too.
The few "integrated" and seemingly well adjusted non-whites are the higher functioning ones (the outliers on the bell curve), the ones that don't want to be next to their own kind. They're the trojan horse that convinces the local Whites that they're all like that, when they're not. If they were, their home countries wouldn't be shit holes. Over time, more and more non-whites immigrate to the area around the ethnic enclave, and slowly take it over, because White people flee to a Whiter area, and because we're having so few children, especially in suburban and city areas where most of this replacement migration has been occurring. It's also because a lot of non-white migration is being paid for and supported by blatantly anti-White NGOs and politicians.
After a certain amount of time, the once entirely White area is now almost completely devoid of White people, and the ethnic enclaves revert back to what their host countries look like, in every way.
It's partly because of White people fleeing to Whiter areas, and because of the higher functioning non-whites wanting to move there (that have the money to do so), and because housing/migrant/economic problems cause problems elsewhere. I live in an area where I can no longer afford a house (the same with most people my age), because of other states fucking up, pushing their people and businesses away, which causes their people to move here, in addition to the open borders and increasing migrant pressures, which has caused a massive balloon of both housing and rent prices.
This is only because it's massively inorganic, and has been from the beginning. If White people were allowed our own ethnic collective interests, we wouldn't be ruled over by blatantly anti-White leaders, in every institution in our own countries, and those leaders wouldn't be working with globalists and their NGOs to open our borders, and use our own tax money to fund their operations to literally bus, truck, train, and boat non-whites into our countries 24/7. If White people were allowed to espouse for our own ethnic interests, none of this would be happening. We'd have closed borders and keep our immigration White only.
The reason why non-whites want to come to White countries is because globalists have convinced them they can come, and because they know White countries afford them better opportunities. They're parasites and leeches. This is why a lot of the money "migrants" make is sent back to their families in their home countries, to the tune of tens of billions every year.
On the rest, I agree with your sentiments.
All the proof you need is looking at a high school cafeteria. Look at who sits together. Sometimes it isn't along racial lines, but people ALWAYS sit with those like them, they never sit with people who are different than them.
Or prisons, where there's more danger involved, which pushes people towards natural inclinations.
Ok, but what about the counter of the fact that there's simply more White targets than non-White targets? It would make sense to see higher numbers of White victims on account of there simply being more White people overall.
That's exactly what interracial crime stats show in every single White majority country. White people are the predominant victim in interracial crime stats.
You say that like Muslims haven't been attacking people everywhere stupid enough to let them in.
I wish you the best of luck trying to explain the obvious to these people.
The difference there is that I listened to the media for the better part of a decade after 9/11 with the constant mantra of, "it's not Islam, it's just a lone wolf crazy dude."
Then I started listening to actual Muslims and they all say, "no, it's Islam. We want you dead and cheer for your destruction."
Which white supremacist attacks are you referring to specifically?
It's hard to compare without specifics. But considering everything, I think it's obvious that the people who carry out false flag events have a much larger interest in creating ones that help perpetuate the lie that white supreme is the biggest threat to western countries.
Do you believe pre-2020 fbi crime statistics? Because you don’t need to false flag non-white crime. It’ll just happen.
Because there are millions of Muslims being shuttled around the globe and the Imams openly call for a worldwide Caliphate and white supremacist groups are as scarce as hen's teeth AND the establishment's demonization of white people includes endless accusations of "white supremacist violence."
You make a fair point, and have accrued a suspicious amount of downvotes. Clearly some jimmies have been rustled.
It should also be noted that Mossad and the CIA played a large hand in leading, training, funding, arming, and creating ISIS, as well as many other terrorist organizations. Many terrorist attacks have been false flags meant to manipulate public opinion and push for globalist policies.