Most cucked country on the planet
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Basically give women arbitrary power to sic police on any man that doesnt kiss her ass.
any man that isn't chad*
I knew this was the UK immediately. They did the whole "being offensive is an offense" LGBT police banner.
Anyway, be me on london subway
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
"sorry maam you are so obese no matter which direction I look, you are occupying that space"
Oh but it's totally the responsibility of the basement-dwelling porn-addicted man-children to get off their fat asses and go ask women out. Their fear of interacting with women in any social situation just makes them a bunch of pussies. They need to man up and get out there. The dating market and social norms haven't changed since I was their age. They're just faggots for not chasing pussy or trying to start families.
-Boomer tradcucks.
Women now want to flirt and then maybe have sex. Dating and marriage is for "later" when they're "adults." Combined with the shit I've seen in my personal and professional life I'm probably going to die single
Speaking as a Gen X married with multiple children, I think you misunderstand the sentiment. Not surprising given that boomers are atrocious communicators and couldn't sell ice water in hell.
There are decent women out there. There are even exceptional women out there. I'm married to a based bombshell who cooks like a pro because she is one, and the first words I ever heard her say was "gas the trannies.".
But they aren't going to fall into your lap. Same thing for any ladies listening. You aren't going to find a pureblood man without looking. Finding a worthy mate means going out of your comfort zone and putting work in.
That's the idea. If you want a woman go get one. Bitching doesn't fix problems.
Once again, it's not that simple. The reason I left the above comment in this thread is that this poster, and the sentiment behind it, perfectly encapsulate the absolute minefield that modern dating and social norms have become for men. Especially young men.
I'm sure most of the gaming-addicted, porn-addicted young men who spend their time alone, alienated and isolated would absolutely prefer to be able to be in a healthy relationship, and wouldn't even mind risking a few rejections in order to find one, but as this poster clearly illustrates, that is not all they're risking.
Is it worth risking your job, your reputation, your freedom or whatever friendships you might currently have in order to put yourself out there, when any woman you do ask out might accuse you of sexual assault for just having the nerve to speak to her? Secure, when she does so, in the knowledge that she can ruin a man's life with complete impunity because the previous generations of men were such a collection of spineless, simping cowards that they offered up no resistance or pushback as feminism conquered every institution in our society.
Sure it's a minefield. Life is a minefield.
As for women, that's a matter of doing your research and looking in the right places. Bars, clubs, work? All bad choices.
Apparently so is the bus. So is the sidewalk. So are dating apps, if you are in any category other than the best-looking and highest achievers. Doesn't leave much.
The bus? Yeah definitely. Dating apps? The worst possible choice. Those are for moderately attractive women to ride the dick carousel.
Your alternative is to throw up your hands and not participate in the future.
Being alone is preferable to being homeless, unemployed or in prison because some crazy cunt took offence at your raw temerity in asking her out or even just looking at her.
You want young men to "participate in the future" as you put it? Start holding women accountable for their behavior, instead of constantly bullying, lecturing and haranguing men about how they're not living up to their responsibilities.
No, being alone because of a crippling fear of women is not a preferable alternative to anything.
First of all, who says I don't? I'm critical of all evil, especially female selfishness, vanity, backbiting and thoughtless sluttery.
Secondly, who are you to demand anything? Your ideals die with you, because you've given up. You aren't participating in the future so as soon as you die you're just meat. Raising children is a civilizational imperative, and anyone who doesn't would have to be a Tesla level genius inventor to meaningfully contribute otherwise.
Seems to me some people need more bullying, because they aren't moving their sorry asses. Just sitting around bitching and demanding someone else do it for them and if not then they refuse to lift a finger. Something that, I might add, isn't attractive to worthwhile women.
I met some very fine women via Had one of my longest relationships with a woman I found there. Also found Great Love Number 2 there, but that didn't end well.
That said, I met the love of my life (Great Love Number 1) while she was tending the beer bar in the student union.
Exceptions to every generality, I guess.
P.S. What a lucky SOB to find a woman who said "gas the trannies" during the getting-to-know-you phase..
I know, I'm definitely fortunate. It wasn't all luck though, she herself was looking for a based guy as well. I said it earlier, ladies are having a tough time too. Pureblood men are in short supply, so they need to put in work if they want a man. Post fake pandemic the dating scene is actually pretty strange.
As for dating, throughout my life I have remained surprised at the willingness of women to date outside their age range.
Match ain't really a "dating app" though, not the kind he meant.
I'm in both of those camps according to lots of really attractive women and my earning potential but I'm still single because of how shit it is trying to date. Lots of assholish and shallow women. I don't care how hot you are if our values are opposed
I agree with you on another of things but it's 1 in 10000 and even then you actually have to have matching life goals to make it work. Dating today is a travesty that you can't quite get if you haven't experienced it
Oh I certainly agree that the ratio of decent women is pretty low. There isn't someone out there for everybody. But not looking is a guaranteed loss. I for one didn't like that, so I went out and got to looking.
As for the modern dating scene I've been in as recently as the last few years. My wife and I only got together a few years ago.
“Asians” excepted most likely.
You don't know they stare. As far as we know, they only do raping. That's totally different. Part and parcel, etc.
*Prosecution depends on ethnicity of defendant
Migrant rapefugees be like: "That sign can't stop me because I can't read!"
Wow they really trying it, but it's not working.
Don't get me wrong, the authorities are cucked towards the feminists, probably more on the TERF side, and major parties are just different degrees of leftists
But they are having to try displays of force to try and show they are the legitimate authority....and it's not working. People think of them as a joke and that sentiment is spreading. The solution to stop all this is really simple, get all the disaffected conservative voters instead of not voting, voting for parties like Reclaim and presto, they're all fucked.
That certainly isn’t vague
But dont text "who"
So "looking while poor and ugly"
This is anti-natalism.
Change my mind.
And you say I have retarded takes.
You can construe all actions of female supremacy as anti-natalism, but only an idiot would.
If men can't even look at women without getting thrown in the gulag then they'll never form relationships and subsequently families.
You're just salty because you are also anti-natalist and can't bear to be associated with this because it induces a ton of cognitive dissonance.
I hate having to post this every time someone claims Imp wants the human race to go extinct, but artificial wombs =/= human extinction, even if they aren’t viable yet.
And I hate that you keep posting it because I disagree with your assertion.
I knew this was the UK from seeing other coverage of this, but I'd say that despite the best efforts of the UK, that NZ and CA are still worse off.
To know who rules you, know who you can't even look at?
Sexual harassment line. They could charge for that
Shameless plug for similar content over at c/ChurchOfCurrentThing
Originally I was thinking of Canada and Britain when I read the headline, but who the fuck am I kidding? Any anglo-countries are cucked.
London increasingly reminds me of that book I read once with the bloke with the gammy leg.
Prove that it was "sexual in nature".