Nintendo is the least shitty developer currently in my mind. US games have become overrun by sjws, even art style in our games are becoming worse not better.
Ninja edit: if this is a duplicate notification, sorry about that, WIN is giving me issues.
Nintendo of America has been converged for some time now, getting worse once Reggie "My body is ready" Fils-Aimé retired (ex: the Nintendo of America twitter post about Biden in Animal Crossing happened after he left). On the other hand, Nintendo of Japan has started yanking their leash in the mean time. Whether that will amount to anything, time will tell.
But overall, Nintendo, at least in more recent years, is mainly shitty for non-woke reasons, including:
Hyper aggressive (bordering on malicious) copyright enforcement, even in instances where it wasn't truly necessary (ie cracking down on online Smash tournaments knowing in person events were impossible at the time)
Charging for an online service that is somehow inferior to their previously free iterations (Wii, WiiU, 3DS), as well as the netcode for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate being an infamous example of Nintendo's continued ignoring of major problems
Setting an ominous precedent with how they handled Super Mario 3D All Stars (fun fact: they sold and got rid of an officially licensed English translation of the original Fire Emblem for Famicom in the exact same time frame)
The intentionally slow pace at which they are addressing Joycon drift (the Switch Lite has those same faulty Joycons hardwired in, making it that much more likely for the entire system to become part of a landfill in the long run.)
There are instances where Nintendo would DMCA a fan made game, only to release something just like it a bit later. That is how Super Mario Maker came about, as well as their remake of Metroid 2 (RIP AM2R). Contrast that with Sega, who when put in the same situation, either leave them alone, or go as far as to take them under their umbrella , which is how we got Sonic Mania. Sega does what Nintendon't! /s
All of this is just off the top of my head, and I'm sure I'm still missing quite alot considering how long all of this has been going on.
When dealing with Nintendo, always remember they think most of the people they work with are Yakuza trying to kill them. They fight with enough lawsuits to drown an enemy.
When they first entered the US to do arcades, they just assumed everyone in the room was the mob.
The problem is, they aren't wrong. The other problem is, they can't do business without working with companies that are part of this or that mafia. So, they come in hard and protect their assets.
There is only one company that Nintendo noped right out of working with.
I'm still very happy with my Switch. It's the only console I still play. Great local multiplayer games (I'm not fond of online gaming), and the portability is wonderful.
My left Joy-Con did eventually go haywire, so I replaced the Joy-Con set with a wonderful third-party product that feels better and has better analogs, and were a fraction of the cost of the original Joy-Cons. This isn't that big a deal because anyone who grew up in the old-school era of the 90s knows how many PlayStation controllers they would have to go through because they were prone for breaking (Sega Genesis, SNES, and Nintendo controllers seem to last forever), oh yeah and GameCube and OG Xbox controllers had to be replaced a lot, too.
So far I only had to replace the one left Joy-Con on the Switch, all the other controllers work fine.
Most of the games I purchase are also free of wokeness, and majority of them are all first-party Nintendo titles, with the exception of Animal Crossing. That's not allowed in the house. Boot times are fast. Load times are good. And the graphics are acceptable enough.
I was thinking the same thing. Why does it matter? At its core wokeness is disingenuous as it is wholly performative. If you're white and trying to overcome whiteness, you're not allowed to say you're improving or you're no longer "enacting whiteness". For example, a conservative CEO could do nothing political and then go home, kiss his wife, homeschool his 2 kids, and go to the shooting range OR he could enact company policies that could push his ideology actively, like by tweeting against mask mandates on the company twitter. However, the woke mob doesn't consider someone woke unless they actively try to "perform" it. A woke CEO MUST be tweeting or using discriminatory "affirmative action" policies or giving minorities/women special benefits for them to be considered woke. Thus acting woke and being woke are equivalent.
Japanese game companies, because I'm sick and tired of hearing "muh based Japan":
-SEGA are true believers. They sponsor the Pride parade alongside MIcrosoft and Soyny, and implement the oppressive American LGBT hiring practices.
-Square Enix are a combination of true believers, panderers, and anti-SJW employees. The true believers are gaining power if their E3 is any indication.
-Capcom USA are true believers, and are trying to force Capcom Japan to become true believers. Right now I believe Capcom Japan are panderers. The recent Resident Evil was made with Americans in mind first, which is why I skipped it. A lot of my friends weren't ecstatic with Village, even though it wasn't the trainwreck RE3 was with Jill.
-Bandai Namco are starting to pander to the West, they could reverse course depending on their Western sales (more Western sales = bad).
-ArcSystemWorks are pandering hard to both the West and China with all the recent dumbing down of their games, character designs to appeal to Twitter & Reddit, and censorship of Taiwan in some of their entries. I wouldn't be surprised if they go woke in the next couple of years.
Maybe it’s wishful thinking but I feel Bethesda is just pandering to look woke. Skyrim is my favorite game and I’m hoping the keep Starfield and ES6 free from that garbage. Fallout as well.
Slip in as few as 3 people into key decision-making positions into a studio and it's the difference between Last of Us 1 and Last of Us 2. One un-vetoable asshole in a creative spot can tank a whole franchise.
Then they blame the community because it's the consumer who is the toxic party.
It really warms my cockles to see I'm in the company of real gamers that respect Nintendo...the amount of shit they get from idiots online is untrue.
Sure they aren't the Nintendo they were but they are far from dead and still to this day represent the beating heart of gaming, and every other game company knows it, who would the other companies copy off if they went away?
They get a lot of shit these days but I'd like to see Konami back full strength, I doubt they'd be too woke if they did, there's signs it's happening too.
I've never really had much respect for western games, past Doom and Command and Conquer there's not much to inspire there.
I'm unexpectedly excited about Metroid 5...Lords of Shadow is one of my favourite games so it's interesting they are tackling it, I hope they tell Sakamoto to shut up (politely) this time.
Oh, I've been rambling about games, sorry about that, sadly most US games companies seem to be very woke and there's no end in sight, I'd guess that most of the staff of all the companies aren't too keen on it but are too scared to oppose it.
To my knowledge, no company has put more research into innovating interface than Nintendo. Sure Sony and MS make very powerful rigs capable of admittedly beautiful graphics, but they dutifully follow in Nintendo's wake when it comes to interface innovation, taking almost no risks, unless Nintendo bloodies its nose first.
most US games companies seem to be very woke"
I feel like this is why the Indy market has seen such a surge in the last few years; the market is saturated with woke trash, but if you just make an interesting game that eshews politics, somebody's bound to notice.
Ubisoft is totally compromised, just look at the recent Watch Dogs and Assassins Creed games.
It's important to know that companies that are only buying into progressive politics to avoid controversy are also compromised by low level employees. They will continue to get pressured from them as well as from up above by banks and government to implement more "diversity" until the upper management has been totally subverted as well.
Basically if they have staff that speak in English and have an HR department they are on the path to being totally ruined.
Tbh, my only experience with Ubisoft is from R6 Siege and The Crew 2. There's a few too many female operators in the former and far too many female drivers in the latter.
I don't disagree, that's why I don't make these distinctions when buying, any support of feminism is blacklisted, unless it's Microsoft, because I have to use and pay for everything they make anyway.
A lot of female characters mean nothing though. Black desert online has 2 female char for every male char, but female char gets sexy outfits and most can be customized to be supermodels.
Japanese games often have all female characters as well. But usually they all are sexy, cute or look like females.
Sidenote: is it weird that I stopped caring about Assassin's Creed after they killed off Desmond Miles? I never finished AC4, because the gameplay was repetitive and the story did nothing for me. How the hell did the framing character become more important to me than the "main" playable characters?
Also, I couldn't help notice the under current of "authoritarianism is actually good when you really think about it," that pervaded all of the games. Like the Templars were these great moral heroes, and those well-meaning idiots, the assassins kept screwing everything up.
The Coalition is part of that initiative as well, which is why Gears 5 was so feminist and why future Gears games will be all about feminist lesbianism. Here's the She Talks Gaming panel, where they discuss more about it and Gears 5:
Even Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed games -- full of wokeness these days -- have fallen off the cliff in terms of long term sales. They've been on a decline funnily enough ever since Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, where they let you play as a girl. All those cries about "Ubisoft is ignoring 50% of the market" was just that... cries. Actual sales data for Syndicate tanked compared to Assassin's Creed: Unity:
So while it had a hot start during the first week, sales tapered off real quick right after launch, so much so it was getting beat by Mario Kart 8 in the sales charts a couple months later. Assassin's Creed 3 didn't have a long tail end either, but it still managed to move 12 million units from November to December of 2012. Ubisoft has been mum on Valhalla's sales after touting the launch week numbers, same as they did with Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, which also didn't perform as well as past games.
Oh, I know Gears 5 sucked. I had to play through it for the 10,000 reward points deal MS were doing. One of the worst games I ever played, why do people shit on Epic so much? They would have made something far better.
Nothing they've done there is more than the typical "we'll do this so you don't destroy us." attitude of all Nasdaq companies since the Nasdaq CEO threatened to delist companies that didn't bow to a feminist agenda.
If Microsoft were true believers, they'd have taken Five Nights at Freddy's off Game Pass when there was the big push to cancel the creator. There's a lot of times they could have gone full retard and chose not to, I still consider them the most sane of the big tech companies.
It wouldn't matter if they weren't though, through work and prior purchases, I'm tied to Microsoft for life anyway.
If Microsoft were true believers, they'd have taken Five Nights at Freddy's off Game Pass when there was the big push to cancel the creator. There's a lot of times they could have gone full retard and chose not to, I still consider them the most sane of the big tech companies.
Nothing they've done there is more than the typical "we'll do this so you don't destroy us." attitude of all Nasdaq companies since the Nasdaq CEO threatened to delist companies that didn't bow to a feminist agenda.
Putting out a basic message is one thing, opening up entire divisions and joining a coalition with Facebook to displace male employees for female hires is a whole other thing.
Gears of War 4 was terrible, but adding in an "empowered" female sidekick is the kind of lip service you would expect to keep the harpies off your back.
Rebranding their most masculine franchise into a feminist power-trip and using it to promote the globohomo agenda is way beyond the pale.
It wouldn't matter if they weren't though, through work and prior purchases, I'm tied to Microsoft for life anyway.
Ah, so you're just a fanboy. I can understand that. I used to be one way back in the day, but I have more of a zero tolerance policy these days for any company openly supporting the globohomo agenda and advocating to replace skilled (male) workers with female diversity hires.
Notch did some questionable things that implied anti-Semitism, which is a lot more likely to get you canceled than being anti-SJW.
It's still less than most other tech companies have done, unbelievably.
All the Gears games since Epic lost the license have been total shit. That's why they turned it into a propaganda mill, at least it has a use that way. Look at Microsoft at E3, they were nowhere near the level of insanity that others reached. They did their show and left, others did massive zoom meetings about racism and sexism for people to watch.
I'm not a fanboy, I just understand that I'm stuck with Office and Windows and I'll never play PC so I'm stuck with Xbox.
PC is full of cheaters, there's no good racing games (No, I'm not paying for iRacing. I could literally buy a real life car for how much it costs to play that shit.), I prefer to keep my work separate from my games, I can't be bothered to constantly upgrade parts, AMD is run by a woman and Intel is full woke, the only computers I've used that I liked were from Lenovo, that's Chinese and I give enough money to China through Epic.
PC is full of cheaters, there's no good racing games
Have you tried Forza 7 on PC? Looks much better than on the Xbox, plus it has native steering wheel support. Works great with Fanatec's gear. Force feedback isn't as good as it is on Assetto Corsa, though.
Speaking of Assetto Corsa... the PC version has the content manager, which is perfect for downloading all sorts of awesome vehicles. Many of the vehicles I wanted were part of the DLC pack (including the Toyota AE86). But I also nabbed the Ford Interceptor (Mad Max FTW) and a few other classics. Great selection of tracks and the handling is decent enough, especially if you have a steering wheel set.
I can't be bothered to constantly upgrade parts, AMD is run by a woman and Intel is full woke, the only computers I've used that I liked were from Lenovo, that's Chinese and I give enough money to China through Epic.
I used to browse PC Parts Picker:
...but eventually just went with a gaming rig back in 2017 and haven't had to touch it since. Still runs everything at 4K and 60fps where possible, and the ability to use stuff like NucleusCoop makes it perfect for playing online-only games via split-screen without having to worry about cheaters or hackers.
You are aware Xbox and PlayStation are both pretty much PCs with a closed off os. They even use amd parts. You don’t have to constantly upgrade just don’t buy the cheapest pc on the market. And Forza, the crew and pretty much every other racing game is on pc. And I recall playing halo 2 against cheaters on the Xbox.
One of the worst games I ever played, why do people shit on Epic so much? They would have made something far better.
Nobody was shitting on Epic in the days of the original Gears. Nobody cared about Epic in general until the EGS, and if they did it was mostly positive regard.
Funny how a major controversy like that can 180 public opinion. And not even talk about their competency as a developer, just a company.
Probably true. I'll keep supporting Epic until Fortnite goes irreparably woke, which at the rate they're going will be Chapter 2 : Season 10, considering the main protagonist of this season (C2:S7) is a black woman.
If the Chinese made a condition of the contract to open services there that the application has to spy for them, do you really believe Valve would reject?
People shit on epic because some time after leaving the gears franchise they took a massive investment from tencent which is essentially a tech arm of the Chinese communist party. Despite the claims of others tencent is a minority stake holder with Tim Sweeney holding 50+% of the stock. Tim also frequently makes claims that Epic is doing “x” thing because they care about the consumer when in reality is it’s an excuse to weasel in on market share. And trying to take a competitors market share is fine but the we care about the consumer signaling screams bs.
Gearbox has a horrific record making anything playable (Borderlands is the only franchise they seem to polish) but the last installment was so woke it was a downright betrayal to fans. Non-offensive jokes. Non-binary and openly gay or pansexual characters everywhere. PERMA-BANS for misgendering thenon-binary robot character. I'm not sorry to watch them fail but they went all in and destroyed what little they had going for them.
I don't concern myself with the names of publishers. I just ask a simple question:
Is there hot animu waifus?
If the answer is "yes", I'll look into the gameplay and reviews.
I find this sorting method filters about 95% of woke trash. Lol-cow-lizers like the fucking Treehouse (F U Nintendon't) and NISA aside, it does a good job.
EDIT: You can reach 99% successful filter if you add a mere one more question: "Is the English version censored compared to other versions?". Usually that's done by the lol-cow-lizers who also insert the woke trash into the games.
"Is the English version censored compared to other versions?". Usually that's done by the lol-cow-lizers who also insert the woke trash into the games.
I've seen examples where it was done by the Japanese studio just to head off any stupid criticism from western media. You can usually download the uncensored version online or mod it back to original.
Lgbt complaining overwatch not doing enough for pride month lol... lgbt want rainbow shit in overwatch. Turning the logo on twitter and discord to rainbow isnt enough.
I play black desert online and there is ZERO mention of any pride stuff lol.
If the end result is the same, then does it really matter if they're acting sincerely? This also has the problem of potentially allowing certain companies a cop-out. Basically the woke equivalent of "I was just pretending to be retarded".
The question isn't really well formed. Every large studio has a large number of employees who are indoctrinated into the Cult, and the leadership of the studio is pretending in order to avoid walkouts. They're all feeding the alligator.
Nintendo is the least shitty developer currently in my mind. US games have become overrun by sjws, even art style in our games are becoming worse not better.
The only flaw with Nintendo is Nintendo of America for obvious reasons.
Ninja edit: if this is a duplicate notification, sorry about that, WIN is giving me issues.
Nintendo of America has been converged for some time now, getting worse once Reggie "My body is ready" Fils-Aimé retired (ex: the Nintendo of America twitter post about Biden in Animal Crossing happened after he left). On the other hand, Nintendo of Japan has started yanking their leash in the mean time. Whether that will amount to anything, time will tell.
But overall, Nintendo, at least in more recent years, is mainly shitty for non-woke reasons, including:
Hyper aggressive (bordering on malicious) copyright enforcement, even in instances where it wasn't truly necessary (ie cracking down on online Smash tournaments knowing in person events were impossible at the time)
Charging for an online service that is somehow inferior to their previously free iterations (Wii, WiiU, 3DS), as well as the netcode for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate being an infamous example of Nintendo's continued ignoring of major problems
Setting an ominous precedent with how they handled Super Mario 3D All Stars (fun fact: they sold and got rid of an officially licensed English translation of the original Fire Emblem for Famicom in the exact same time frame)
The intentionally slow pace at which they are addressing Joycon drift (the Switch Lite has those same faulty Joycons hardwired in, making it that much more likely for the entire system to become part of a landfill in the long run.)
There are instances where Nintendo would DMCA a fan made game, only to release something just like it a bit later. That is how Super Mario Maker came about, as well as their remake of Metroid 2 (RIP AM2R). Contrast that with Sega, who when put in the same situation, either leave them alone, or go as far as to take them under their umbrella , which is how we got Sonic Mania.
Sega does what Nintendon't! /sAll of this is just off the top of my head, and I'm sure I'm still missing quite alot considering how long all of this has been going on.
When dealing with Nintendo, always remember they think most of the people they work with are Yakuza trying to kill them. They fight with enough lawsuits to drown an enemy.
When they first entered the US to do arcades, they just assumed everyone in the room was the mob.
The problem is, they aren't wrong. The other problem is, they can't do business without working with companies that are part of this or that mafia. So, they come in hard and protect their assets.
There is only one company that Nintendo noped right out of working with.
You missed the part where they're subtlety changing gender to "style" in all their games.
Splatoon 3, Mario Golf, and Animal Crossing are some examples. In Fire Emblem 3 Houses, it was called "form".
As a reminder, Nintendo of America employees helped ResetEra doxx Japanese developers to get all of that accomplished.
I spoke too's this guy with the list of stuff the internet reckons Nintendo is bad for doing...and I say fuck all that, how are the games?
I'm still very happy with my Switch. It's the only console I still play. Great local multiplayer games (I'm not fond of online gaming), and the portability is wonderful.
My left Joy-Con did eventually go haywire, so I replaced the Joy-Con set with a wonderful third-party product that feels better and has better analogs, and were a fraction of the cost of the original Joy-Cons. This isn't that big a deal because anyone who grew up in the old-school era of the 90s knows how many PlayStation controllers they would have to go through because they were prone for breaking (Sega Genesis, SNES, and Nintendo controllers seem to last forever), oh yeah and GameCube and OG Xbox controllers had to be replaced a lot, too.
So far I only had to replace the one left Joy-Con on the Switch, all the other controllers work fine.
Most of the games I purchase are also free of wokeness, and majority of them are all first-party Nintendo titles, with the exception of Animal Crossing. That's not allowed in the house. Boot times are fast. Load times are good. And the graphics are acceptable enough.
Nice. Thanks for the tip. I'll give it a try sometime and see if it works.
Also shoutout to Shin Megami Tensei 3 rerelease. Mario Golf is a great party game and Samurai Warriors 5 is coming end of July. Fuck Sony.
I was thinking the same thing. Why does it matter? At its core wokeness is disingenuous as it is wholly performative. If you're white and trying to overcome whiteness, you're not allowed to say you're improving or you're no longer "enacting whiteness". For example, a conservative CEO could do nothing political and then go home, kiss his wife, homeschool his 2 kids, and go to the shooting range OR he could enact company policies that could push his ideology actively, like by tweeting against mask mandates on the company twitter. However, the woke mob doesn't consider someone woke unless they actively try to "perform" it. A woke CEO MUST be tweeting or using discriminatory "affirmative action" policies or giving minorities/women special benefits for them to be considered woke. Thus acting woke and being woke are equivalent.
Respawn Entertainment that make Apex Legends it's a team of true believers.
I knew that game was made by faggots the moment I saw it.
Japanese game companies, because I'm sick and tired of hearing "muh based Japan":
-SEGA are true believers. They sponsor the Pride parade alongside MIcrosoft and Soyny, and implement the oppressive American LGBT hiring practices.
-Square Enix are a combination of true believers, panderers, and anti-SJW employees. The true believers are gaining power if their E3 is any indication.
-Capcom USA are true believers, and are trying to force Capcom Japan to become true believers. Right now I believe Capcom Japan are panderers. The recent Resident Evil was made with Americans in mind first, which is why I skipped it. A lot of my friends weren't ecstatic with Village, even though it wasn't the trainwreck RE3 was with Jill.
-Bandai Namco are starting to pander to the West, they could reverse course depending on their Western sales (more Western sales = bad).
-ArcSystemWorks are pandering hard to both the West and China with all the recent dumbing down of their games, character designs to appeal to Twitter & Reddit, and censorship of Taiwan in some of their entries. I wouldn't be surprised if they go woke in the next couple of years.
I might update the list if I remember any more.
I hope Bandai doesnt go woke.
affirmative action AKA discrimination against whites, men, and hetero is inherently activistic in nature. so the distinction is pointless.
SJW is wokeness, wokeness is virtue signaling, virtue signaling is SJW.
Maybe it’s wishful thinking but I feel Bethesda is just pandering to look woke. Skyrim is my favorite game and I’m hoping the keep Starfield and ES6 free from that garbage. Fallout as well.
It's wishful thinking, Bethesda's under Microsoft's jurisdiction now, and Microsoft are true believers.
They'll turn some of the Behthesda employees just for the sake of convenience.
I'm by default passing on Starfield and ES6. If there isn't ANY woke stuff in them, maybe I'll pick up a copy of the games.
Slip in as few as 3 people into key decision-making positions into a studio and it's the difference between Last of Us 1 and Last of Us 2. One un-vetoable asshole in a creative spot can tank a whole franchise.
Then they blame the community because it's the consumer who is the toxic party.
Just mod tits into into it hehe
It really warms my cockles to see I'm in the company of real gamers that respect Nintendo...the amount of shit they get from idiots online is untrue.
Sure they aren't the Nintendo they were but they are far from dead and still to this day represent the beating heart of gaming, and every other game company knows it, who would the other companies copy off if they went away?
They get a lot of shit these days but I'd like to see Konami back full strength, I doubt they'd be too woke if they did, there's signs it's happening too.
I've never really had much respect for western games, past Doom and Command and Conquer there's not much to inspire there.
I'm unexpectedly excited about Metroid 5...Lords of Shadow is one of my favourite games so it's interesting they are tackling it, I hope they tell Sakamoto to shut up (politely) this time.
Oh, I've been rambling about games, sorry about that, sadly most US games companies seem to be very woke and there's no end in sight, I'd guess that most of the staff of all the companies aren't too keen on it but are too scared to oppose it.
To my knowledge, no company has put more research into innovating interface than Nintendo. Sure Sony and MS make very powerful rigs capable of admittedly beautiful graphics, but they dutifully follow in Nintendo's wake when it comes to interface innovation, taking almost no risks, unless Nintendo bloodies its nose first.
I feel like this is why the Indy market has seen such a surge in the last few years; the market is saturated with woke trash, but if you just make an interesting game that eshews politics, somebody's bound to notice.
True believers : Soyny, Dice, Naughty Dog, Respawn.
Just hiding from controversy : Ubisoft, Microsoft, Take2.
Trading political favors with feminist governments : EA.
Ubisoft is totally compromised, just look at the recent Watch Dogs and Assassins Creed games.
It's important to know that companies that are only buying into progressive politics to avoid controversy are also compromised by low level employees. They will continue to get pressured from them as well as from up above by banks and government to implement more "diversity" until the upper management has been totally subverted as well.
Basically if they have staff that speak in English and have an HR department they are on the path to being totally ruined.
Tbh, my only experience with Ubisoft is from R6 Siege and The Crew 2. There's a few too many female operators in the former and far too many female drivers in the latter.
I don't disagree, that's why I don't make these distinctions when buying, any support of feminism is blacklisted, unless it's Microsoft, because I have to use and pay for everything they make anyway.
A lot of female characters mean nothing though. Black desert online has 2 female char for every male char, but female char gets sexy outfits and most can be customized to be supermodels.
Japanese games often have all female characters as well. But usually they all are sexy, cute or look like females.
You really love them cars eh?
Sidenote: is it weird that I stopped caring about Assassin's Creed after they killed off Desmond Miles? I never finished AC4, because the gameplay was repetitive and the story did nothing for me. How the hell did the framing character become more important to me than the "main" playable characters?
Also, I couldn't help notice the under current of "authoritarianism is actually good when you really think about it," that pervaded all of the games. Like the Templars were these great moral heroes, and those well-meaning idiots, the assassins kept screwing everything up.
Gotta disagree. Microsoft is full-on the woke train.
They aligned with Facebook's Women In Gaming initiative to displace men in the gaming industry with more female hires:
The Women In Gaming initiative is a $200 million upstart from Facebook. Here's the video message from Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook :
The Coalition is part of that initiative as well, which is why Gears 5 was so feminist and why future Gears games will be all about feminist lesbianism. Here's the She Talks Gaming panel, where they discuss more about it and Gears 5:
Here's some more info about it:
A List of companies who are part of Facebook's initiative (notice plenty of people from EA and Ubisoft are there):
Also, Microsoft is part of the whole globohomo agenda, again using Gears 5:
How they're joining globohomo organizations to provide further "inclusion" of the homo agenda in their products:
And the proverbial diversity initiatives:
And Microsoft joining your favorite day of the year:
Also, there's no money in any of this.
That's always been a lie. Gears 5 performed so horribly they refuse to release the data on the actual product sales. Even Lefty-news outlets had to call them out for that:
Even Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed games -- full of wokeness these days -- have fallen off the cliff in terms of long term sales. They've been on a decline funnily enough ever since Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, where they let you play as a girl. All those cries about "Ubisoft is ignoring 50% of the market" was just that... cries. Actual sales data for Syndicate tanked compared to Assassin's Creed: Unity:
They use a lot of wordplay to mask the fact that Assassin's Creed: Valhalla had a hot start of 3.5 million sales during the quarter, but they completely fail to talk about its tail end:
It had dropped into seventh place by March, 2021:
And by May, it was in 16th place:
So while it had a hot start during the first week, sales tapered off real quick right after launch, so much so it was getting beat by Mario Kart 8 in the sales charts a couple months later. Assassin's Creed 3 didn't have a long tail end either, but it still managed to move 12 million units from November to December of 2012. Ubisoft has been mum on Valhalla's sales after touting the launch week numbers, same as they did with Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, which also didn't perform as well as past games.
Oh, I know Gears 5 sucked. I had to play through it for the 10,000 reward points deal MS were doing. One of the worst games I ever played, why do people shit on Epic so much? They would have made something far better.
Nothing they've done there is more than the typical "we'll do this so you don't destroy us." attitude of all Nasdaq companies since the Nasdaq CEO threatened to delist companies that didn't bow to a feminist agenda.
If Microsoft were true believers, they'd have taken Five Nights at Freddy's off Game Pass when there was the big push to cancel the creator. There's a lot of times they could have gone full retard and chose not to, I still consider them the most sane of the big tech companies.
It wouldn't matter if they weren't though, through work and prior purchases, I'm tied to Microsoft for life anyway.
Except they did bar Notch from attending an event for the game he created:
Putting out a basic message is one thing, opening up entire divisions and joining a coalition with Facebook to displace male employees for female hires is a whole other thing.
Gears of War 4 was terrible, but adding in an "empowered" female sidekick is the kind of lip service you would expect to keep the harpies off your back. Rebranding their most masculine franchise into a feminist power-trip and using it to promote the globohomo agenda is way beyond the pale.
Ah, so you're just a fanboy. I can understand that. I used to be one way back in the day, but I have more of a zero tolerance policy these days for any company openly supporting the globohomo agenda and advocating to replace skilled (male) workers with female diversity hires.
Notch did some questionable things that implied anti-Semitism, which is a lot more likely to get you canceled than being anti-SJW.
It's still less than most other tech companies have done, unbelievably.
All the Gears games since Epic lost the license have been total shit. That's why they turned it into a propaganda mill, at least it has a use that way. Look at Microsoft at E3, they were nowhere near the level of insanity that others reached. They did their show and left, others did massive zoom meetings about racism and sexism for people to watch.
I'm not a fanboy, I just understand that I'm stuck with Office and Windows and I'll never play PC so I'm stuck with Xbox.
Seriously, why?
PC is full of cheaters, there's no good racing games (No, I'm not paying for iRacing. I could literally buy a real life car for how much it costs to play that shit.), I prefer to keep my work separate from my games, I can't be bothered to constantly upgrade parts, AMD is run by a woman and Intel is full woke, the only computers I've used that I liked were from Lenovo, that's Chinese and I give enough money to China through Epic.
I think that's enough reasons.
Have you tried Forza 7 on PC? Looks much better than on the Xbox, plus it has native steering wheel support. Works great with Fanatec's gear. Force feedback isn't as good as it is on Assetto Corsa, though.
Speaking of Assetto Corsa... the PC version has the content manager, which is perfect for downloading all sorts of awesome vehicles. Many of the vehicles I wanted were part of the DLC pack (including the Toyota AE86). But I also nabbed the Ford Interceptor (Mad Max FTW) and a few other classics. Great selection of tracks and the handling is decent enough, especially if you have a steering wheel set.
I used to browse PC Parts Picker: ...but eventually just went with a gaming rig back in 2017 and haven't had to touch it since. Still runs everything at 4K and 60fps where possible, and the ability to use stuff like NucleusCoop makes it perfect for playing online-only games via split-screen without having to worry about cheaters or hackers.
Love my gaming rig.
You are aware Xbox and PlayStation are both pretty much PCs with a closed off os. They even use amd parts. You don’t have to constantly upgrade just don’t buy the cheapest pc on the market. And Forza, the crew and pretty much every other racing game is on pc. And I recall playing halo 2 against cheaters on the Xbox.
How is this relevant? Who do you think makes the chips that drive the consoles?
here you go, fren. I've yet to see the Office file it can't handle
Dude, 90% of what runs in windows can run in Linux without any tweaking, And since most of that is games and you'll
odds are you should be fine.
In the rare instance that something absolutely refuses to bend to your will and run under Linux, dual-booting/virtual machines are always options.
Nobody was shitting on Epic in the days of the original Gears. Nobody cared about Epic in general until the EGS, and if they did it was mostly positive regard.
Funny how a major controversy like that can 180 public opinion. And not even talk about their competency as a developer, just a company.
I still don't see why the EGS is such a big deal. People are acting like Epic makes them buy a new PC, all they have to do is install a program.
If it's the Tencent ties, may I remind everyone that Valve partnered with China for Chinese Steam to exist.
If you don't see why people have such an issue with it by this point, you never will.
However, they do have that issue with it, and that's why people shit on it so much.
Probably true. I'll keep supporting Epic until Fortnite goes irreparably woke, which at the rate they're going will be Chapter 2 : Season 10, considering the main protagonist of this season (C2:S7) is a black woman.
If the Chinese made a condition of the contract to open services there that the application has to spy for them, do you really believe Valve would reject?
People shit on epic because some time after leaving the gears franchise they took a massive investment from tencent which is essentially a tech arm of the Chinese communist party. Despite the claims of others tencent is a minority stake holder with Tim Sweeney holding 50+% of the stock. Tim also frequently makes claims that Epic is doing “x” thing because they care about the consumer when in reality is it’s an excuse to weasel in on market share. And trying to take a competitors market share is fine but the we care about the consumer signaling screams bs.
Gearbox has a horrific record making anything playable (Borderlands is the only franchise they seem to polish) but the last installment was so woke it was a downright betrayal to fans. Non-offensive jokes. Non-binary and openly gay or pansexual characters everywhere. PERMA-BANS for misgendering the non-binary robot character. I'm not sorry to watch them fail but they went all in and destroyed what little they had going for them.
I don't concern myself with the names of publishers. I just ask a simple question:
Is there hot animu waifus?
If the answer is "yes", I'll look into the gameplay and reviews.
I find this sorting method filters about 95% of woke trash. Lol-cow-lizers like the fucking Treehouse (F U Nintendon't) and NISA aside, it does a good job.
EDIT: You can reach 99% successful filter if you add a mere one more question: "Is the English version censored compared to other versions?". Usually that's done by the lol-cow-lizers who also insert the woke trash into the games.
I've seen examples where it was done by the Japanese studio just to head off any stupid criticism from western media. You can usually download the uncensored version online or mod it back to original.
That moment when you realize the weebs might save us all...
Lgbt complaining overwatch not doing enough for pride month lol... lgbt want rainbow shit in overwatch. Turning the logo on twitter and discord to rainbow isnt enough.
I play black desert online and there is ZERO mention of any pride stuff lol.
One in the same Get woke go broke
If the end result is the same, then does it really matter if they're acting sincerely? This also has the problem of potentially allowing certain companies a cop-out. Basically the woke equivalent of "I was just pretending to be retarded".
The question isn't really well formed. Every large studio has a large number of employees who are indoctrinated into the Cult, and the leadership of the studio is pretending in order to avoid walkouts. They're all feeding the alligator.
Not an answer, but this next Battlefield may be a turning point for EA if they stick to their guns
CDProjektRED. Their over-the-top virtue signaling during 2077 development feels fake. Unfortunately it's pandering all the same.