what is this crap?
Not just giving but bribing and coercing people to inject it.
And I say you're a retarded faggot - thus completing the circle of life.
c/fatpeoplehate lives on
I remade c/ChurchOfCurrentThing cuz fuck those faggots.
All in all, the troons won.
"How can you kill, that which has no life?"
Creating busy work for useless women, while unintentionally giving them great control of the company? What could go wrong?
After how many RNA changes can we still call it "COVID-19" the cause of a GlObAl pAnDeMiC?
Why won't that deranged grifting faggot just 41% already?
A chick with her breasts chopped off ain't no man, man.
I too like a good freak show.
Shameless plug for similar content over at c/ChurchOfCurrentThing
Unfortunately they've upped their grooming efforts 200%
science of gender care
Literally no such thing. Fucking faggots.
The violence is inevitable - it's just a question of when.
"We won't rest until every child's anus is prolapsed, brain completely addled on cross sex hormones and body consumed by full blown aids" - Disney, probably
Now how do they define chromosomes?
"Hate speech"
I don't understand how a tiny subset of a minority of mentally ill weirdoes came to assert so much influence.
Of course, but they're mentally retarded narcissists - there is no logic.
Reminder that the Linux Foundation has nothing to do with kernel development. It's a bunch of blue haired grifters
What part of "dindu nuffin" don't you turbo notsees understand?
He also announced features to cater to gender identity extremists and banned everyone who complained, causing him to lose donations.
How so? Did they put in troon dwarfs?
I thought all wahmen and troons were reduced to atoms Sept. 2014 by gooblegrape?
It was the idea of what you could become.
Say it xister! He could have at least had receptive anal sex with men if he truly cared about his strong, agender cluster-b spawn.
Fuck this clown with a rake.
They undo themselves.