throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +1 / -0

. I think it's something that should be celebrated by this sub.

Promoting lesbian feminism is no different than what Disney is doing, they're just doing it with fancy graphics in a decently wrapped story.

Basically, if you're okay with it then it means their slow simmer is working and they have their foot in the door.

throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +3 / -1

It always starts with faggotry and escalates to furries/bestiality. It then progresses to pedophilia.

Unfortunately, nearly every aspect of media is too captured to reverse course now, and way too many normies support the degenerate agenda to turn back for fear of being labeled a "bigot".

The collapse cannot come soon enough.

throwawayaccount2037 6 points ago +6 / -0

Some of us see for what it is.

Just like Baldur's Gate 3 or the Fallout show.

It's how people continue to accept what comes next in the woke line-up of agenda pushing.

People already accepting it will defend it wholeheartedly because they don't want to be told they're wrong, and have -- in some way -- either found a community for which they have bonded over this media, or have accepted that the messaging is fine because the media appears to be good.

throwawayaccount2037 4 points ago +4 / -0

Women are always the wedge.

The foot-in-the-door tactic is already in full effect. People will be juxtaposing Arcane S2 with the Acolyte, talking about how "great" Arcane is by comparison, and that it does "female characters right".

What a lot of people don't understand is that this is the agenda.

You have people in a boiling pot by Disney jumping into a simmering pot by Netflix. And vice versa -- when Netflix turns the pot to scorching hot, they hop into the boiling pot by Universal, or Hulu, or Apple, or whatever other company has out some woke movie or series that's slightly less woke than what the general public perceives to be "too extreme" for the time.

Either way, everyone is still hopping into pots that are one way or another set to eventually boil the frog.

throwawayaccount2037 11 points ago +11 / -0

Cue the stereotypical bug-eyed, butch, black lesbian who will happen to be her partner/rival/love interest with embarrassingly cringe-worthy dialogue.

All these games and their devs follow the exact same patterns every single time.

throwawayaccount2037 14 points ago +14 / -0

Speedtree from IDV handles a lot of it as well; anyone who isn't using middleware for procedural foliage is just wasting time and money, unless it's a game using a very specific kind of art-style where those suites don't fit.

throwawayaccount2037 5 points ago +5 / -0

He was all set to stream it with Elon on Slavtube but no... these dirty devs ruined Putin's weekend by IP banning him. Now he'll have to go back to playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R... alone.

throwawayaccount2037 6 points ago +6 / -0

Exactly. Every time Jesus spoke of love he also spoke of turning from sin. For those he healed from sickness or impairment, he also warned them never to return to sin.

That is what all of them conveniently ignore because it means it does not affirm their debauchery.

John 5:14 is a perfect example of this, and I've found myself quoting it a lot on various "Christian" channels that keep trying to edge closer to accepting faggotry. There was one woman constantly talking about how her son was gay and he and his partner were accepted in their church -- I had to politely explain to her that her son and his partner were sinning and wasted a lot of time pointing out scripture for the parent's responsibility to chide their child away from sin. In the end she just admitted she was going to live life her way and support her son regardless -- so she would rather doom herself and her son in a false church than accept the truth.

That's the state of a lot of so-called "Christians" these days.

throwawayaccount2037 6 points ago +6 / -0

She's got some Brie Larson-tier bitch-face going on there....

throwawayaccount2037 4 points ago +4 / -0

...and coached into narcissistic behaviour; common in circles of degeneracy as a coping mechanism for the suicide-tier shame they accumulate.

throwawayaccount2037 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yup. For everyone who complained about people like Don Mattrick, he won in the end.

How many Xbox owners use Game Pass? Congrats, you are part of the "all digital future" where you own nothing and will be happy.

The spyware initiative never ended, they just scaled it back enough to reduce major public outcry.

They will keep doing this until everyone has no mouth but must scream.

throwawayaccount2037 6 points ago +6 / -0

Same here. Too much personal info required just to see stuff that would make my blood pressure hit boiling point. I can do without that in my life.

throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only recent game I know from them was Generation Zero. The concept of that game was awesome and the weapons and mechanics were really cool, but it was wasted on a stupid story and a goofy premise with a "diverse" set of teenage characters.

I recently replayed the game because I had been itching for a good open-world horror-style FPS, and I realised that it was a perfect structure for a Terminator game but the whole story was off-putting and the gameplay flow was really poor. And of course, because it's made for "modern audiences" the obligatory lesbian super-scientist had to be the focal point of the overarching story.

throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +2 / -0

3 is where they peaked.

4 is where they scuttled "Communist dictators are bad!" and switched to "Corporate capitalism is bad!".

throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's a fair number of perfectly mature reasons to at least be a little hesitant of committing to the *state *institution of marriage. Divorce law being amongst the top reasons.

Oh definitely. Divorce laws make it where state recognised marriage is not viable. Even still, you can have common religious marriages outside of the court, but that's again assuming these are people are wanting to pair up for the right reasons, but a lot of people (judging by the relationship data) do not.

throwawayaccount2037 11 points ago +12 / -1

It sickens me whenever people use this term because it's just confusing. I'm almost always left scratching my head whenever people use this completely nebulous and useless relationship term. I'm then usually forced to go look up to see who the person's "partner" is just to make sure I'm not supporting a faggot content creator.

You can always tell the people who are converged versus those who are not. The converged talk about their boyfriend/girlfriend in these opaque terms, which lets you know there is nothing serious about their relationship other than the person being there as a form of comfort to compensate for their loneliness. The right kind of people get married because they have long term goals and plan on attempting to sustain or proliferate their lineage, and these people refer to their significant other as their husband/wife, which is how it should be.

throwawayaccount2037 6 points ago +8 / -2

"boyfriend" or "girlfriend" might sound insufficient after being together for so long

No, it fits. It means both are too immature to grow up and get married. They're just hooking up because they don't want the responsibility of commitment and monogamy. So "boyfriend"/"girlfriend" is a perfect representation of their paper-thin relationship, no matter how long it has been going on.

throwawayaccount2037 6 points ago +6 / -0

Is DEI money really worth more than providing what the fans want and get them more hyped for your product?

It's not about the money but the message. In this case, we're dealing with zealots.

And you have to ask yourself, is anything more important to a zealot than their ideology?

We're seeing in real time that even their lives aren't worth more than the message, as plenty of Leftists have put themselves in harm's way to literally die to support the DEI agenda. We're not dealing with rational people, but fanatical radicals with an absurd amount of cultural influence due to their control over the media.

throwawayaccount2037 17 points ago +17 / -0

That's their main goal: compliance or death.

throwawayaccount2037 5 points ago +5 / -0

I occasionally post this link to the editorial of a former homosexual and what really goes on in that lifestyle (NSFW): https://archive.is/l4pVu

It's required reading for anyone who remotely thinks the homosexual lifestyle is "normal" or "okay". It corroborates what's mentioned in the post above and every other negative stereotype associated with the homosexual lifestyle. It's usually something I link for the Liberals/Lefties/Moderates whenever they attempt to downplay the harmful effects of the Rainbow Reich and that lifestyle.

There is no positive outcome for them, for gays or lesbians (though the health effects lesbians incur are quite different but still as detrimental due to a number of other circumstances).

throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks. I knew they have been altering legacy media, didn't know they were so egregious about it even for seemingly infinitesimal offences to their woke ideology.

throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +1 / -0

ET and the original lyrics to the Aladdin theme are two examples that spring immediately to mind.

I apparently have not been keeping up with censorship in media. What did they change with ET and the Aladdin theme?

throwawayaccount2037 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yup. I saw one clip where a Christ-pilled guy, Chase, was about to go in on the faggotry movement and how it's negatively impacting society when debating Destiny, and Brian quickly cut him off and whispered they couldn't go any further on that topic because it was against YouTube's TOS.

throwawayaccount2037 3 points ago +3 / -0

Absolutely will be checking out Godzilla Minus One. Several others here have also recommended it; I'm not sure why I hadn't come around to watching it yet, but it's high up on my watchlist.

throwawayaccount2037 3 points ago +3 / -0

You can sit in the comfort of your own home watching 1080p or higher these days depending on how much money you spend and you've got fancy as fuck projectors now for that cinema feel.

This. I've done about the same thing, even picked up an HF8 haptic feedback device for the chair, which works great when watching blockbuster action films on the big screen. No sense travelling to the theatre when you can get the full movie-going experience sat at home.

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