I have a subscription that includes all the TVP.info related channels and today the pozzed blackout started sigh. Wish I could get one of those autographed fire extinguishers as compensation.
People aren't even upset that the statue got wrecked. It's not like anyone had much respect for it.
What has people absolutely furious was that Christians were celebrating something. Specifically "the wrong kind of Christians", are happy about this and that infuriates them.
Even if the only thing accomplished was revealing the secret terms of those yuan swaps poured on the previous administration I'd still consider it a success.
By the way, has anyone been held accountable for those fabricated indigenous mass graves? Any apologies?
My blood is boiling. Several farmers killed just this week alone including a father and his 10-year old son. Nothing stolen, just cold-blooded execution.
The US has become an apartheid state for the smoke alarm people.
Better join OPEC quick or else Analmerica will have sanctions ready by tomorrow.
Alas, gen mutt is not going to be willing to fight to bring drag to those democracy-loving semiconductors.
Elections are fake and gay and bad for my mental health. Unfortunately even if there was a way to block all election news I'd find out about the predetermined result eventually.
The reactions to Walker I saw tonight make it seem like everyone forgot Perdue was White.
I miss r/hookers, didn't even get the "courtesy" of a quarantine.
I think I'm qualified to be dictator of Poland for a day which is necessary to end the wuflu security theater.
Just a reminder that case numbers are a completely useless metric. Though that meme has been somewhat replaced by muh variants.
If Libya's water infrastructure didn't want to be demolished it shouldn't have given NATO that funny look.
Standing is a legal fiction cowardly judges pulled from their rectum to avoid making difficult decisions.
Wake me up when Sami/Domino gets into smash. Maybe they can complain about her midriff or something.
I can't find it right now but there was a lengthy, detailed post that explained the pay scheme that assclown cuomo cut with the nursing homes.
The constitution is primarily a contract among the union of states - the Bill of Rights was tacked on as an afterthought. States should have the utmost standing of any party at all and there is no graver concern than for a state than to see its representation disenfranchised by a conspiracy of other states, conducting fraudulent elections to steal then and seat their favored political party. A state (and hence the citizens of said state) should have the very highest standing of all in such matters - Texas, and all those states that backed its filing.
SCOTUS just made it clear to them that when they are disenfranchised by a conspiracy of other states, there is no avenue of redress of grievances. That is abject tyranny of the highest order.
This post summed it up best I think. As it turns out, anyone that wasn't a rat would never have gotten McConnell's approval to begin with.
I don't know what legal options trump had besides the potential of a competent doj breaking up big tech with anti-trust suits which would drag on for years. Shaming big tech has no impact. Big tech lying to congress has no impact. Legislation making it illegal to censor government officials? Maybe but it would never get though.
Will Milwaukee, Maricopa, Detroit, etc., be brought to heel in my lifetime? I don't know.