Which Chinese dynasty fell for that reason?
I think it's doing an about face at the moment.
The harris campaign is overtly running a Woman campaign. Using "weird" as the thing is purely for and by Women. I'm genuinely surprised they didn't go with "creepy" I guess weird focus tested better.
Honestly it's not a bad thing as it means the Trump campaign will have to use masculine messaging and focus on actual stuff at the same time.
The parties are already split along Men/Women lines anyway and the Women party is an inherently losing position anyway as Women don't actually want other Women to be their bosses/leaders.
you forgot the pocket sugar.
Two tier policing isn't as good as anarcho tyranny but it's probably good enough. It's great that it's entered the public lexicon.
Australia 100% would as we are all about e safety at the moment.
Every opening ceremony is a country’s opportunity to present an idealized version of itself.
Sacre Bleu!
Hitler was stunned. But, in a bitter twist of irony, he was willing to wave and congratulate Jesse Owens, while US President Roosevelt wouldn’t even host him at the White House for fear of political implications. Jesse Owens later reflected that he felt better treated in Nazi germany than he did in the United States.
Do these morons take a 2nd pass at what they write at all?
Good question. Anytime someone effective is developed it's used once and immediately forgotten. I'm sure there's some deep seated psychological reason as it's almost a complete separation between based and debased.
This campaign is pure 100% feminine covert character assassination and name calling "so weiiirdddd" yet there's 0 policy on kamala's website. (it's all bullshit but it should be there) The world is falling apart and the Women are talking about couches. I think the 19th amendment is going to be a more common talking point.
Number of arabic/urdu translators required for these court cases?
I can't wait till they developed new testing devices and retest her old stored samples and she fails them all.
Google products are getting less useful because their use is based around "knowing everything" if the needle moved a few % it affects their services.
google maps is worse than it once was, google search is essentially useless for certain topics. The topics you can't use google for is increasing. This is a good trend. Deny them data, and when you have to give them data, pollute the meta data, lie about your demographics. Make google ads less and less worth it to spend on.
While the UK isn't a complete totalitarian surveillance state, it is enough to disrupt any actual organisation to create a meaningful resistance.
What's going on isn't enough because despite the high view count on X. Most people aren't going to see it. You actually have to win the information war, and go offline to do it. Stickers, graffitti, banners, ads, tv shows etc. Look at the globalist messaging, from the BBC down to antifa graffiti. And it's organised too. If you want to know how to stick up those marxist posts you see everywhere, here you go: https://crimethinc.com/categories/how-to
And obviously you need a state that permits you to operate which doesn't exist. That means you have to go underground. Which required a committed and disciplined group. The Blade Runners is probably the closest thing to it. Hopefully it grows but I doubt it.
This also requires organisation to nurture and grow it, which will be disrupted, see the sticker guy getting 2 years in jail.
So unless it grows and grows outside of any control, these won't go anywhere.
Couple of other points that are useful to consider in situations like this:
1 - you really only need a few % of the population to be "doing something" as a whole, not even on the streets but at the level of lie to the police about what they saw etc. Ambivalence is the overwhelming majority opinion. I think it was Lord Miles travelling in Afghanistan recently and he talking to a family/village about the country and their opinion was "we don't care/not even aware the American's had left, or even really aware about the war as a whole" after 20 years they had that opinion.
2 - It's relatively normal for young Men to be on the streets, when the anger becomes enough to drive people from other demographics onto the streets that's a key indicator. When your Dad or grandparents are on the streets the regime has a problem.
Equity equalises down.
Equitable is the next phase in equality. It's out and our marxism.
For those unaware this is a great example of a bot/scripted response. Read through it a few times.
I want the civil war movie. But that dude in the red glasses who kills journalists for the whole movie.
i don't care what the tranny has to say
That's the source of the allegation though. So you do care.
they're already doing it.
Offended by everything, ashamed of nothing
what a great quote. I'll try to remember and use that.
I'm seeing photos on X of autists freezing and enhancing on the watch face showing 6:10pm.
That's literally their plan. It's a negative ideology, if they just keep "Critiquing" the core belief is that the revolution will occour, and the revolutionaries will become the new ossified ruling class and be overthrown in turn. It's a never ending cycle that will supposedly end up in the perfect communist utopia at some point.
It's akin to shooting at a block of marble, and checking to see if it's a status yet, if not blowing it up and repeating. You're not allowed to work towards a positive identified goal, because that's structure and heirarchy. You just have to keep chipping away at everything that's "not it" and it will magically appear.
James Lindsey may be the literal poster boy of "staying in your lane" but he's really good at getting to the core of this shit.
The revolution never ends. Listen to them when they say that.
"The personal is political"
What do you think that means?
marxism is about constant agitation and "progress" towards the revolution.
OP If it was deliberate you'd see more zendaya and rachel ziegler type stars as "attractive"
I think a simple thing that you're overlooking is the prevalence of tights, something which didn't exist in the 90's too ubiquitous today. Tight are essentially pushup bras for butts, and shape any fat there. Even a pushup bra can't make excess fat into extra boob. It shows the shape but not what's actually there so you can't tell if it's fat or legit glute muscle.