Haven't been able to enjoy a Tekken game this much since 3 and Tag1. And my waifu main Jun is back, so yeah.
Incredible Crisis, PS1 game.
Mostly because I hate it, simply because I cannot do timing so I sucked at the basic combos.
Having played it with everybody in my mian party at least once (even maxed all of Lavitz's Additions, interestinng to find the differences between his and Albert's despite being basically the same), Kongol and Shana/Miranda was a solid choice. Kongol's D.Attack even maxed out at 4 so it was easy as fuck.
My one complaint is how it can start to drag later on, parrticularly with the later dungeons. A combinationn of the absurd encounter rate and the length of battles in them, even when doinng the fights optimally, really started ot make it unenjoyable. Everybody probably remembers how annoying that stupid puzzle dungeon was because of that.
In Wales they have in fact been looking at implementing a 20mph speed limit.
It went into effect a couple of weeks ago. It's just as awful as anybody with sense expected.
Public transport is a mess since they can't keep to their schedule and don't have the additional vehicles to cover it and they're not going to increase their fleets (and relevant staffing) by 25-50% to do so. Fresh food in supermarkets is stocked dangerously low but it's not hit long shelf life goods yet as more of their space in delivery vehicles is taken up just trying to keep up with fresh food. Christmas will very likely break a great deal of the supply chain.
Never mind emmisions, fuel efficiency and just general traffic from the increased number of vehicles on roads concurrently.
Like evrything else these retards seem to put in place, it's well meaning but unfathomably short sighted.
I think my favourite part is how it was probably lifted out of some retard's Organic Chemistry classes. We know they don't know their Latin prefixes but there's a high probability that was their first encounter with it and it was seen as nothing more than an opposite to trans-. Which is technically true but misapplied as you outlined.
I feel attacked! I mean, I wasn't in reality and I know that, but I feel it and that's what matters!
Thread in a nutshell.
I'd expect them to gloss over it and ignore it before the event but then fill the cast with a whole bunch of FtM for after and do some handwaving for explanation/reasoning.
When they put themselves in that kind of corner, they will just go out of their way to not acknowledge it or get creative with angles and only show them leaning against one wall of that corner.
Don't let them forget they were effectively stripped of those titles for not performing the duties they came with when they 'stepped away'.
I just don't think the rank and file are doing it knowingly, only reacting to stimuli as trained.
The proper tin foil hat is: it was almost guaranteed so they're deliberately gunning for mistrial/appeal etc. to make faith in the system plummet. Not guilty would be a failure of the system despite the supporting evidence while mistrial etc. could be spun as the system being incapable of prosecuting because [insert racist reasoning] so burn loot murder until we reform that system.
That's too muh tinfoil for my blood but still not outside the realm of possibilities, shockingly. (They're too independantly retarded and ideologically driven for it, those above them though?)
Yeah, I boil it down to indifferent on party but opinionated on issues. Those opinions vary with which side of the divide they're on. I'd take a single issue vote every weekend over party backing bullshit where I'm not going to agree with even half of any one party's position. It's not always diametric opposition if you were to go through each party position on each issue either. Small merits in each aren't enough for me to support either of them when they're chained to a whole host of other things I disagree with. Both sides are in fact bad, in aggregate, but people refuse to see the nuance in that position due to team sport mentalities around it.
Voting for the lesser of two evils isn't something I'll ever support or participate in.
Made a new raid group for FFXIV so I've got a bunch of babby's first raid to look after for a bit. Besides that I've been making a 95% BT PCSX2 memory card for Star Ocean 3, only 4D left to do on that one.
It's always been shit, let me know when OED does it.
He may be overzealous but he's right on this one. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of situation, except the non-aggression option is consistently the better outcome in the longer term. The third option of walking or running away is also seen as a greater weakness than just standing there to take it. It may seem counter-intuitive but of those 3 options available less people will take the opportunity to mess with them because he stood there and took it. He got lucky in getting a favourable outcome from this, that's all.
Suprlus implies too many in relative terms before your reduction to 10% in total. So we need that number first.
How did I know it'd be you answering that particular rhetorical question? It also ignores the 'white' part in white men so significantly lower than that but we all know your focus. All immutable characteristic quotas are bad, no exceptions. It's why I specified the implied quota.
Surplus implies quota, so I'm left wondering what's the 'correct' amount of this immutable characteristic?
The insult is a bonus, not the basis of an argument. This would be the Argument from Fallacy in that pretty picture you learned them all from.
You are one dense motherfucker. You once again ascribed a position not taken after it was pointed out that you'd done exactly that in the first place. You might as well triple down and go for the hat trick at this point.
Now there's some poor reading comprehension if I've ever seen some.
Speak for yourself, I didn't rally or support anybody. It was just more news cycle and retards to laugh at. You've fallen into the trap of ascribing a position to everybody just as your supposed opposition does. Well done.
From a /v/ thread.
いいの いいの アタイのことは 気にしないで
どうせ お姉さまたちと いっしょに いても ちょっとも いいことないし。。。
それに じつは アタイ。。。 体は オトコのコだけど ココロは カワイイ オンナのコなの
あなたの やさしい キモチに アタイも オトメゴコロで こたえたいの