someone spike his coke with fent
some pedophile thinks its opinion matters.
the system in question just declared this guy innocent
no, they correctly changed what he was guilty of to "not rape". he's still guilty of anything else he's beeen charged with.
baby ghosts, weird ghosts
your compliance isn't a factor.
your buzzword isn't an argument.
none of that is legal
the only people that "won" ww2 were the bad guys
because those two groups go apeshit when one of their own is inconvenienced.
thenative english just sit back and take it.
paranoia doesn't develop in a vacuum
this is probably the gayest and pettiest thing i've ever seen tourists care about.
don't start none, won't be none.
how do you class action someone for telling the truth?
and to tell the soviets to back the fuck off. "we've got more than one of these things"
who the fuck cares about palestinians.
how about we send some money to east palestine ohio
remember them?
much closer to your home state mr SENATOR OF NEBRASKA.
explain your current job then mr. perfect.
never said we would ;)
we'll have won when these creatures are on their knees begging for our mercy.
she voted for this, she can have it.
she should be fired, her diplomas shredded, and her name erased from the records.
ttd is a moral imperative
never should have gone to trial. he should have been given a handshake and extra ammo for his trouble.
ahhh france
if your narrative can't survive questioning, it might just be false.
step up yourself fed