state enforced homosexuality
heritage germans matter more than the feelings of any foreigner
and all employees with it
whatever caused it needs to happen to more banks
lady, the proper response to your husband's murderers is to want to see them dead, not plead for them to get their shit together.
the only communist nation that can claim to have any appreciable amount of european diaspora is venezuela
reform are controlled opposition since they pulled candidates when shit leftists whined about them instead of doubling down.
they don't like it when their toys are taken away.
this will not enlighten them in any capacity.
no, when The Diversity does bad things, it's your fault.
interesting that she jumps right to the seth rogan "who are YOU" line when he starts noticing.
i want everyone here who supports either side or wants either side supported sent there.
total tourist death
absolutely retarded lawsuit and they'll win it because the legal system is even MORE retarded.
heritage germans matter more than any foreigner in their land.
people who are open about their communism are the ones pushing everything i'm worried about though.
communists are worse than nazis in every. possible. way.
he's a jesuit
come, englishman. you must fight and die for foreign rapists and a government that hates you.
how is vaccine passports libertarian?
'nam protests were cringe since they didn't mind war, they just opposed fighting commies.
mises caucus where
never should have been charged in the first place.
has anyone ever sued to get access to that? would such a lawsuit even work?