repeal hart-cellar, invalidate all fraudulent citizenships, and deport everyone who came here since 1965. and anyone that gets in the way of their deportation.
the sentinelese are our only hope
why shouldn't we have an advantage in our country?
that's why it's bad. language is exclusive by design.
nobody wants your tranny nonsese, that's why you have to lie and sneak.
yeah i'm sure the cartels are gonna respect a woman president.
saint marvin of reasonable men
shut up
silly woman
protesting against a genocide that isn't happening in front of a group that has earned one.
crying "baseless" doesn't make it baseless.
pennsylvania's voting law was changed illegally. no vote from that state was legitimate.
go home nimarata
somehow trump is to blame for his lawyer paying a whore to fuck off and then billing him for doing so.
state enforced homosexuality
foreigners out guys eating good tonight.
you're an embarrassment.
no amount of whining will make me call it a woman.
i think even as far gone as they are, they DO NOT want another waco. they don't want another oklahoma city.
oh, it's that thing they said we were conspiracy theorists for noticing.
enough faggots
deport both sides, they're free to have their foreign blood war in their foreign land.
why was the adl allowed to get to this point?
all i get from this is that the birch guys were right and this is just them gloating about having gotten away with it.