randomuser88385 11 points ago +11 / -0

His progression throughout the game is fascinating to watch as he moves from inconveniencing citizens, making them ill, killing indirectly, and finally killing directly all in the pursuit of making money in the stock market.

Commenters quickly saw parallels in the behavior of politicians. Too bad lefties will only look right in this case and not at their own cities failings.

randomuser88385 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's decent, not very challenging. I wouldn't play it on my own, but with my daughter it is fun. She likes to go around catching the Pokémon and only does the story parts when I can convince her to try something different. So by the time we get to a gym or titan battle her Pokémon are so leveled up it is too easy.

The performance on Switch sucks, clearly the hardware is holding the game back. We haven't encountered any serious bugs though.

Finally, we don't do online play at all. So I can't comment on that aspect. I have no desire to try to play against (or with) 11 year olds with too much time on their hands, and she is too young to do that on her own.

randomuser88385 5 points ago +5 / -0

On PC I've been playing FS2020 mostly, pretty much exclusively.

On switch been playing through some old games on emulator box. Star Fox 64, Mario Kart 8 with my daughter, and lately, helping my daughter play through Pokemon Violet. My (and her) first ever Pokemon game.

randomuser88385 7 points ago +7 / -0

The worst (best?) part of it all is that the leftists accuse us of all of these same things and more. They say "The right is in a cult, ignores facts and logic, brainwashed, etc. etc."

Normies don't stand a chance and I don't know what to do other than ask questions to try to pierce the programming.

randomuser88385 2 points ago +2 / -0

1 There has been literal decades of R&D poured into fuel cells, The last time hydrogen was big was the early 2000s, and there were times before that as well. There is a lot of desire to cash in on that investment.

2 Now with the infrastructure bill of 2021 there is a $3/kg tax credit for green hydrogen, meaning electrolysis of water. Sure it will take 55 kWh to produce that kg of (compressed) hydrogen, but $3 per kg goes a long way toward covering the cost of electricity On top of that the hydrogen can be sold at retail (currently) for $10/kg or more.

Of course that "cheap" green hydrogen is going to cost taxpayers a lot of money, and will inflate electrical costs for everyone (green hydrogen producers will buy all cheap electricity, leaving the expensive stuff for residential customers). However get the formula right and green H2 producers will be printing money like crazy.

There is also a huge subsidy for direct air capture of CO2, $180/ton. This will also consume massive amounts of electricity and be a license to print money for those that can do it for less than $180/ton.

How exactly this is going to play out is difficult to say, but look for your electric bill to be sky high, recharging your electric car at night will be very expensive. heck you will be lucky to even own a car

randomuser88385 12 points ago +12 / -0

I detest them both, and if I could never hear from/about them again then I would be happier. However they both continue to make media appearances (didn't they have an interview with Oprah) and apparently this show (which I fully intend to never watch 1 second of) that I assume they have a part in.

If you don't want media attention then sit down, and shut up. And from me personally, please sit down and shut up.

randomuser88385 29 points ago +29 / -0

Yes there is that much money, it will have to be diverted away from productive capacity and into "carbon reduction", which will not increase standard of living for people. The bill can also be paid via inflation, either way the hardest hit will be middle class and poor.

I'm sure when an electric bill is $1000 /month people are going to be so thankful that atmospheric CO2 is 421.3 instead of 421.7 ppm.

randomuser88385 9 points ago +9 / -0

This article is insufferable to read. The government failed, the government needs to do better, no where is there a shred of personal accountability. Clearly it is racism and whitey to blame.

"I myself am a trained disease detective." Maybe you should have used your detective kit on the asses first...

randomuser88385 7 points ago +7 / -0

Martha's Vineyard "fair share" based on population would be several hundred, or about 60 per million "asylum seekers".

randomuser88385 15 points ago +15 / -0

I've been thinking about this some lately, and likely there is a specific name for it. Essentially inflation has been trickling down over the course of decades. Everything is becoming too expensive without federal funds.

State budget infrastructure too expensive, need federal funds for roads. Education too expensive, need federal funds Health care too expensive Rents Food

Eventually everything and everybody is receiving federal funds, then everyone is under the control. See how healthcare workers were forced to take the vax because of federal funding.

randomuser88385 7 points ago +8 / -1

I understand he doesn't owe his fans anything, but what a black pill. With friends on the right like this, who needs enemies?

randomuser88385 6 points ago +6 / -0

This comes across to me as is satire. Am I the only one seeing it that way? Unless "Facts by Guff" is some well known publication that I'm out of the loop on.

randomuser88385 2 points ago +3 / -1

Has the dust settled over the billion $ liability yet? I wonder how much that is playing into the election?

randomuser88385 12 points ago +12 / -0

I saw on twitter it's well over 250k now. Even funnier are the massive numbers of people calling it beautiful. For the record it's face does look like a larger version of the digits poking through be belt loops.

randomuser88385 4 points ago +4 / -0

It reads like research to aid lawsuits against gun manufacturers. Smoking ads created smokers, gun ads create mass shooters? Give me a break.

I've never seen any gun ad that makes me want to murder anyone.

randomuser88385 5 points ago +6 / -1

The issue I have is that governments regulate taxis super hard. Including requiring taxi medallions that can cost $1 million or more (back when $1 million was a lot of money anyway). While Uber provides a generally better service, they also sidestep the regulations that were put in place for taxis.

Without the burden of regulations of course Uber can out compete traditional taxis. It isn't fair to any side, and it allows Uber to keep a larger cut than would be otherwise possible. The solution is to roll back regulations on taxis to help level the playing field.

Of course most blue cities wouldn't dream of giving up any regulations, lest some politicians lose out on kickbacks. So everything will remain corrupt and fucked, likely the same in France...

randomuser88385 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm trying to figure out what angle Brandon's puppeteers are trying to take here. Oil is fungible, and Russia's border is so massive embargoing it is impossible. So when they drive up the price of oil via policy that is more money for Putler.

Then, because the USA is removing itself from being the middle man (petrodollar) results in waning influence globally. This could what the puppeteers want I suppose...

TLDR: Stopping US domestic energy (driving up oil prices) only helps Putin.

randomuser88385 11 points ago +11 / -0

Another brain dead take by the staffer who runs the twitter account for the brain dead administration.

randomuser88385 31 points ago +31 / -0

Anyone with industrial hygiene experience could have predicted this. Even so, my workplace wanted people to wear surgical masks that wouldn't be approved for work with hazardous dusts.

It's madness. Surgical masks and false sense of security is running DEEP. Just today I was helping clean out an old building that has a mold problem. People were wearing surgical masks, and even after I explained that those masks leak like a sieve and are pointless for mold spores people still wore them.

It doesn't matter how many times it is explained that surgical masks keep spit from flying out of your mouth into a wound or blood drops/debris out of your mouth, that's it, people are going to use them as talismans of protection for years.

I saw and experienced the same thing in China. The difference in effectiveness of a proper N95 mask (worn properly) and a poorly fitted N95 or a surgical mask is night and day.

randomuser88385 10 points ago +10 / -0

Does anyone use toe clips any more? The only people that do are those that don't know any better or people who haven't biked since the 1970s. Even still why bother with them when you're pushing 80 as it is unless already an avid rider? If I were on his staff I would have taken those stupid things off and had flat pedals the second I saw it.

I'm sure ol' Joe will use this experience to lecture us all about how we need to be cycling everywhere instead of driving though. He's a man of the people!

randomuser88385 9 points ago +9 / -0

I've refused to fuck more girls than have refused to fuck me. Checkmate bitch.

by folx
randomuser88385 32 points ago +32 / -0

This is a specific soy formula for infants that can't tolerate milk based. You can see ingredients list here for regular stuff.


randomuser88385 9 points ago +9 / -0

Hard no. Best of luck to you though.

randomuser88385 10 points ago +10 / -0

I knew things were fucked when my mom bought a house in 2003. I didn't understand how the shitbox was selling for so much money, and how it was justified when there was buildable land all over. It was cemented when at a "welcoming party" for residents I got to talking to one fellow and he was saying "house prices go up, I'll sell for a bunch more in 5 years". I was asking, who, who would pay more than you did? I sure as shit wouldn't.

Little did I know how much more fucked things got through 2007, and even early in the collapse people were in total denial. Then it all got bailed out and you are right, the malinvestment was never really purged from the system.

At this point, I hope you are right. This house of cards is way over built.

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