randomuser88385 13 points ago +13 / -0

They mean give up individuality and join the hive mind. Also decency and the golden rule.

randomuser88385 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ngo posted just after the above that they were raided, so that fits with what you heard.

randomuser88385 26 points ago +26 / -0

It's really too bad that Romania joined the EU.

randomuser88385 6 points ago +8 / -2

Sorry but no, you got the anarchy part right, but the tyranny will/is there for the "right wing people". So no, they won't be able to "ignore police and stop paying taxes" without the gov putting the boot down right away.

Also there is no "if" the fix is in Kamala will win so plan accordingly.

randomuser88385 32 points ago +32 / -0

Before September 11 2001 there were media campaigns highlighting "the plight of women in Afghanistan" with the implication that something should be done about it. We know how that turned out. Media ramped up a bit after too, but the terrorism angle was a better sell at that point.

Now apparently the warmongers are back at it again since Ukraine $$$ may be coming to an end. For fucks sake it has been only what, less than 3 years since we got out of that shit hole?

Fuck this gay earth that they want to do it again.

randomuser88385 11 points ago +11 / -0

Right, so turning a human into a Vulcan without the training and discipline built up over a lifetime would have terrible consequences.

I'm with the others that Star Trek died after Enterprise.

randomuser88385 12 points ago +12 / -0

I've been wondering if our way of thinking makes us dinosaurs, soon to be extinct. It feels like what we stand for is logical, but there are precious few that see things that way.

Why can't the people of the UK see the example of Germany and France what Labour is going to get them?

randomuser88385 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sure. The amount of plant mass on earth could increase as a result, and lower the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere a bit, but a new equilibrium would be established pretty quickly.

There is a lot of CO2 in the atmosphere, and more every day. There is no danger of running out or having the plants die from lack of it. Going "carbon negative" is a pipe dream of the greenies and would either take a spectacularly massive amount of green electricity or.......

They kill us all and make the survivors dirt poor. That's the real danger, not plants running out of CO2 to breathe.

randomuser88385 10 points ago +13 / -3

I hate climate alarmism as much as the next guy, but this argument is poor. It doesn't help our side except making us look ignorant.

In general the carbon cycle would keep CO2 levels stable. Most CO2 the plants "breathed" is released back into the atmosphere when they die. Food would be CO2 neutral, except fertilizer manufacturing releases extra CO2. Therefore meat results in a lot of CO2 emission.

I have no doubt that this is a way to pay lab meat cronies/pump up their stock prices with a fat military contract. There are better ways to reduce CO2 than lab meat.

randomuser88385 8 points ago +8 / -0

Even if this character was trans in 2004, they changed the dialog to rub our noses in it. Nintendo can fuck right off. Oh and he's still a man.

randomuser88385 9 points ago +9 / -0

Damn, I was looking forward to playing this one. Well, not now, though I know it will sell like crazy

randomuser88385 17 points ago +17 / -0

I don't have any issue with mRNA technology in general, and think it should be explored. HOWEVER, they threw their credibility in the trash with "safe and effective". Now even if they follow 2019 protocols for proving safety and efficacy I will not believe them. So no, I'm not taking your shit, and I don't have a concept for how you can get your credibility back.

randomuser88385 4 points ago +5 / -1

I'm having a hard time following this because I've always seen the left as being pro Palestinian.

In my city in 2021 the cops shut down major streets for an unpermitted "protest" downtown, saw it happen with my own eyes, by leftist Palestinian supporters. I know they were lefty because some of them were wearing BLM shirts, but the slogans "Occupation is a crime" etc. were being shouted into a bullhorn.

What am I missing here?

randomuser88385 26 points ago +26 / -0

How is it possible for the streaming service to lose this much money?

It feels like some sort of accounting game where they are recharging lots of money for "rights to stream" legacy shows to the streaming service business unit. Thus all of NBC losses can be concentrated into one place?

I don't know this seems fishy as hell.

But fuck NBC, Comcast, Disney, etc.

randomuser88385 34 points ago +34 / -0

They need to know when to aid "protesters" in shutting down critical roadways.

randomuser88385 2 points ago +2 / -0

UK can't spend its way to prosperity like US can.

randomuser88385 9 points ago +9 / -0

The amount of vinyl box houses going up in my area is astronomical. They bulldoze absolutely everything before building, and build everything way too close together. The neighborhoods look terrible right away and in 5 years are absolute trash with tarps on roofs, melted siding from the sun, dead trees, fetid retention ponds, etc.

The amount they charge for the shit construction is even worse. My neighborhood is better (brick, stucco, plank only) but it's hard to compete with all the new construction around here. I need to GTFO.

randomuser88385 -1 points ago +5 / -6

If you have ever toured Auschwitz-Birkenau (I have, not sure about other places) they put on a very good presentation. I had difficulty understanding it all at the time, no difficulty any more, all is clear in my mind.

randomuser88385 10 points ago +10 / -0

Can someone ELI5 what this means?

Isn't this just $160 billion? Isn't that like a week's worth of government spending? Does that amount even matter?

randomuser88385 11 points ago +11 / -0

There was a WA governor election in the early 2000s. IIRC King county (Seattle) found uncounted boxes of ballots, 9 times, during the recount. The D won of course after that. Wish I had kept the article about it.

randomuser88385 12 points ago +12 / -0

As many open areas between US and Mexico at least there are some natural barriers, but it is totally impossible to stop them once in CA or AZ. Red states would have to checkpoint everywhere.

randomuser88385 14 points ago +14 / -0

Can't they just do nothing and pipeline all of the illegals to AZ and CA? At the end of the day it doesn't matter what TX does without the other border states.

Also can someone explain to me why the illegals can't declare asylum at an official border entry point? Surely millions do every year at airports too? TX has plenty of both official entry points and airports to pick up the slack.

randomuser88385 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sex-addicted suicidal tranny pilots coming to a cockpit near you!

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