posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +23 / -2

This was coming, I think anybody who knew anything about the UK knew what the normies would do but I admit I am surprised at just how retarded the normies are in this country. Instead of giving any kind of support for reform which I would understand if people who hated the uniparty wanted to do even though I'm extremely sceptical of Farage due to his past antics in politics they looked at the Lib Dems and went "Yes, we're going to vote for those guys" or they simply flipped their votes to Labour if at all.

I am so fucking pissed off at this country but seeing it actually unfurl in real time with zero resistance to the WEF while even the French, the French of all people are being more based than us pissed me off more than I expected. That isn't the scariest shit though about this new government, the conservatives were fucking awful but Labour are going to go all in with speech laws among other things.

The parents are going to be targeted heavily in schools over misgendering but also we're going to see tech companies become regulated to the extreme in terms of their speech. Things like mandatory pronouns and the like could be a very real possibility. If you see a games studio that's based in the UK for example, don't trust them if they stay here willingly they're inevitably going to cuck themselves hard for the sake of staying on the good side of regulators.

The Lotus Eaters were making the point on their livestream very correctly that there were politicians whining about how Ofcom needed to regulate podcasters and how they should fall under Ofcom rules. So even the Lotus Eaters now are considering, okay, how do we get around jurisdictions.

I do not fucking blame Rumble either for not setting foot inside this country because of how much the UK government might fuck with them. I know I've bitched about this a lot lately, but it's finally happening now, guess I better start up that Spanish learning seriously.