Before September 11 2001 there were media campaigns highlighting "the plight of women in Afghanistan" with the implication that something should be done about it. We know how that turned out. Media ramped up a bit after too, but the terrorism angle was a better sell at that point.
Now apparently the warmongers are back at it again since Ukraine $$$ may be coming to an end. For fucks sake it has been only what, less than 3 years since we got out of that shit hole?
Fuck this gay earth that they want to do it again.
I remember neocon rags saying that the US military was a force for women's rights in these shitholes and that's why we should stay. This was back in the late 00s. The Republicans are almost as feminist as the Democrats. It just manifests itself in different ways. The shit show in the West is proof that the goat fuckers are right to put the boot back on women's necks and keep it there.
I realized proving that “women can do it too” is not important. Yeah, there are some exceptional women that can fairly succeed in professions dominated by men. It doesn’t matter. Women producing and raising children is more important.
Before September 11 2001 there were media campaigns highlighting "the plight of women in Afghanistan" with the implication that something should be done about it. We know how that turned out. Media ramped up a bit after too, but the terrorism angle was a better sell at that point.
Now apparently the warmongers are back at it again since Ukraine $$$ may be coming to an end. For fucks sake it has been only what, less than 3 years since we got out of that shit hole?
Fuck this gay earth that they want to do it again.
I remember neocon rags saying that the US military was a force for women's rights in these shitholes and that's why we should stay. This was back in the late 00s. The Republicans are almost as feminist as the Democrats. It just manifests itself in different ways. The shit show in the West is proof that the goat fuckers are right to put the boot back on women's necks and keep it there.
I realized proving that “women can do it too” is not important. Yeah, there are some exceptional women that can fairly succeed in professions dominated by men. It doesn’t matter. Women producing and raising children is more important.