milkcowhplus 22 points ago +22 / -0

Only 20,000 more of these, and I might be able to drive to work in the morning without being stuck for 40 minutes behind a throng of cars clogging a major traffic artery going 5 mph like they’re cruising through downtown Tegucigalpa

milkcowhplus 15 points ago +15 / -0

As others have said, this isn’t limited to entertainment companies / franchises. I work for a company whose founders built it up from an idea into being worth many billions of dollars. I joined on about halfway through that journey, and it was probably a year or two before the vultures descended on my company to start leeching the value out of it. At this point, 20% of our company is actually doing valuable work, and the remaining 80 percent are either gen z retards doing fake email jobs and larping like they’re doing real shit and then old asshole corporate politicians whose only competency is kissing the right people’s asses.

Obviously we added a DEI function along the way.

milkcowhplus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now I’m gonna have that Duran Duran song stuck in my head all day

milkcowhplus 1 point ago +1 / -0

I like the drawing of the hippie girl who was double-fisting dicks at Woodstock and helped fuck HIV and various other diseases into existence

milkcowhplus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Pretty much, but you’d be surprised. Many of the people who grew up here without a silver spoon up their ass are pretty cool…and some of the most insufferable people around are transplants from places like North Carolina and Georgia who have gone turbo-woke because they’re insecure about having grown up in a place that’s considered redneck, or because “fuck you, dad” or whatever

milkcowhplus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly. In some ways I get where their guilt comes from, because their success is totally unearned. I’d probably feel guilty too if I were grifting my way to a mid-six-figure salary…but their way of coping with that by agitating for society-destroying clown world bullshit is completely idiotic

milkcowhplus 21 points ago +21 / -0

Socioeconomic class is a huge deal in the US, too. Hatred of populism is in large part just poorly concealed hatred and disgust for working-class white people by coastal upper middle class professionals.

Source: Grew up white working class, am now coastal upper middle class professional.

milkcowhplus 2 points ago +3 / -1

As others have noted, they’ve correctly identified several problems, but their proposed solution is always “hand over total control to the government”, not realizing or not caring that the government almost exclusively employs people who are power-drunk and/or retarded and therefore will inevitably exacerbate whatever problem they were trying to solve (see: SARS-CoV-2).

milkcowhplus 12 points ago +12 / -0

I know a lot of Greek-Americans, and I can tell you that 1) those fuckers are proud of their national mythology and origin story and 2) they’re kind of fucking insane - like, Muslim-level, we might kill you if you piss us off insane.

So there might be some significant blowback to all this.

milkcowhplus 13 points ago +13 / -0

And yet even the vast majority of women think pronouns are retarded, if you’re looking for a small white pill in the data

milkcowhplus 4 points ago +4 / -0

As other people have said, you kind of had to be there. Grunge was a breath of fresh air after two decades of disco, gay British shit, and hair metal. Eventually the market for grunge got saturated and there were a lot of shitty acts by the end as everyone tried to cash in on the trend, though. And yeah, the lyrical content probably was a precursor to today’s clown world shit, which is unfortunate.

That said, “My Wave” by Soundgarden is a libertarian anthem and kind of a banger to boot: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HEbYxEXM2cE

In general, soundgarden seems like the grunge act whose work has held up the best over time

milkcowhplus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Her dad’s fb is still up for the time being. I nuked my fb long ago, but in case anyone has the time, inclination, and autism to dig in, here it is: https://m.facebook.com/jeff.rupnow/

milkcowhplus 12 points ago +12 / -0

When she says she’s had to restrain violent people many times, I assume she’s referring to herself in the buffet line

milkcowhplus 13 points ago +13 / -0

This is tangential to your post, but I fucking hate banter, and I hate the value that girls place on banter. I get that they watched every episode of Gilmore Girls or whatever and think that’s how normal people should interact with one another, but I just couldn’t do that shit back when I was single. It’s so god damn phony to participate in, and it’s so god damn embarrassing to watch other people try to do it. I find that the people who are most into “banter” are dipshits who think they’re clever as fuck when they actually have all the wit of a piece of plywood.

milkcowhplus 4 points ago +6 / -2

yOuRe UnSuCcEsSfUl WiTh WoMeN bEcAuSe Of YoUr PeRsOnaLiTy

milkcowhplus 3 points ago +6 / -3

Your downvote’s as good as an upvote to me, giz

milkcowhplus 2 points ago +6 / -4

Oy, it’s not going to be a happy Hanukkah in the Yoran household.

Alexa, play whatever the saddest indigo girls song is

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