lgbtqwtfbbq 9 points ago +9 / -0

My friends and I used to go to this breakfast place in Seattle that'd put out coffee and ceramic mugs for people to drink while they were waiting for a table. And they were always quick on the draw to replace the thermos when it was empty.

After awhile they replaced the ceramic mugs with paper ones, presumably because people were stealing them. And they didn't replace the empty thermoses as quickly. I think the last time we went there a few years ago they didn't even have coffee out.

lgbtqwtfbbq 14 points ago +14 / -0

The US is really big in relation to its ability to enforce its will, so it tends to over-project its power with the hope of encouraging self-compliance. This is best done with a combination of soft power and high visibility examples of hard power.

A draft would require hard power. You can only do a hard power move when you're sure people will fall in line; otherwise you just look weak. Feds tried this with the OSHA vaccine mandates, and there were even big companies who refused to enforce it. I don't think they're in a position to exercise hard power, and I think they know it.

lgbtqwtfbbq 17 points ago +17 / -0

The Terminator 2 scene but instead of petting the dog at the door you wish Hitler a happy birthday.

lgbtqwtfbbq 6 points ago +6 / -0

Walmart is an interesting micro-chasm of how high-trust the community it's in is.

Mine is pretty normal, but I've been to some where merchandise is strewn all over the place, where basic things like hair-gel is under lock and key, when you go there at certain times you see "people of Walmart"-tier things/people.

I figure if I ever see any of those things at my local Walmart I need to seriously re-evaluate whether I want to continue living where I live or if I'm far enough away to be insulated from it.

lgbtqwtfbbq 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've been surprised that Walmart's house brand of groceries is often less of a "science experiment" than similar major name brand items. Which given their (deserved) reputation for being cut-throat on forcing suppliers to cut costs surprised me when I started noticing it. They'd advertise "no corn syrup", they'd use olive oil instead of seed oils for certain things, etc...

This isn't universal by any stretch, and you should be skeptical; but at least where I am Walmart has gotten leaps and bounds better for groceries than it was a few years ago..

lgbtqwtfbbq 7 points ago +7 / -0

I still remember when the Walmart opened in my home town in the early 90s the gigantic banner hanging from the ceiling as you walked through the entrance that read "We Buy American So You Can Too"

How quickly things change. And it wasn't just Walmart's fault either: NAFTA was entering its modern form around that time.

lgbtqwtfbbq 2 points ago +2 / -0

MGS2 has an HD texture pack with upscaled models and textures so they look better running at higher resolutions on an emulator. Comparison video

Better than a remake because no PMs trying to make a name for themselves by making the game "better" were involved.

lgbtqwtfbbq 7 points ago +7 / -0

House of Cards was an Obama-era show that immediately felt incredibly dated the moment Trump took office.

The show would (eg.) make a big deal about needing to have someone go on CNN to defend some policy decision, and whenever that happened I'd ask myself "Why does CNN need to be involved? Why doesn't he just tweet what he wants to say the way Trump does?"

lgbtqwtfbbq 2 points ago +2 / -0

OBS is broadcasting software. If you think about (eg.) the sort of thing a network would use to compose a live news or sports broadcast from all the various cameras, file footage and photos, animations, etc... before sending it to the satellite that actually beams it to everyone's TV, that is what OBS is.

But you still need the "satellite" (ie. streaming service).

lgbtqwtfbbq 14 points ago +14 / -0

In the mandatory harassment training I had to take for my contract gig at MegaCorp it was made clear that not using them constituted workplace harassment.

Even if it's not "mandatory" it's taught by all the standard training modules and adopted as standard practice, so you can be fired for not going along with it.

lgbtqwtfbbq 0 points ago +1 / -1

My last experience with LAN gaming was trying to play Left4Dead 2 on the xbox 360 about 10 years ago. After being forced to download something like 20 GB of updates that was going to take a couple hours before the console and/or game would let us play, we just said "fuck it" and hit the bar instead.

lgbtqwtfbbq 26 points ago +26 / -0

A lot of the Evangelicals kinda hitched their wagon to George W Bush 20 years ago and are still licking their wounds from the brow-beating they got for having done so.

Also they get taken advantage of like no other cohort. They're the most loyal supporters of the GOP and get essentially nothing in return. Maybe they're starting to wonder when their support is going to actually pay dividends.

lgbtqwtfbbq 2 points ago +2 / -0

When Bret Weinstein went into some sort of struggle session with a bunch of blacks a few years ago, he told them he "wasn't sure [he] was white" because he was Jewish.

The response from the blacks: "You're 'spicy white'"

Sides may be "insulted" with the equation, but it holds a lot of predictive power regarding who sides with whom among the Western "activist" class.

lgbtqwtfbbq 1 point ago +1 / -0

XML make files / dependency trees are a good way to do it. IDK if Microsoft thought of that.

You are basically describing MSBuild, of which Visual Studio project files are (used to be? the last project I worked on which made heavy use of it used VS 2012) a subset. It's not a bad system all things considered, at least once you install/start using the MSBuild Extension Pack

You used to be able to embed MSBuild commands into VS project files, but you had to be careful because you could very easily confuse VS by doing so.

lgbtqwtfbbq 10 points ago +10 / -0

Even when they're not they seem like the most unhinged people totally unsuited for a job which is essentially one part "Baghdad Bob" and one part "punching bag".

lgbtqwtfbbq 6 points ago +6 / -0

Did anyone hounded off of Evergreen in 2017 vote any different? Nope. Here is what happens:

  • The consequences of their beliefs vaguely start to affect them: "The left has lost their mind". Demand someone do something
  • The right does that thing in a vaguely right-wing way (ie. they actually start to solve the problem in a tangible way instead of making the problem worse) like perhaps allow the police to arrest a "protestor" throwing bricks into windows or throwing molotovs at buildings
  • This "protestor" cries in the process of being arrested; onlookers verbally ask why he's being arrested despite bodycam footage showing him doing the thing he's being arrested for
  • A "journalist" takes a photo of the "protestor" being arrested while he and the onlookers cry.
  • Their shitlib reddit mind activates: "See, this is why I can never be a Republican: you guys are just so heartless! There had to have been a better way to handle that!"
lgbtqwtfbbq 16 points ago +16 / -0

I'd rather NYPD just not step foot on the campus and let Campus Police deal with it (or more probably not deal with it).

Every single one of these people on both sides of the conflict is a Biden voter. This whole thing is an internal factional dispute among the left. Treat university campuses as though they were Sovereign States and let the (left-wing) university admins try to clean up the mess they've spent 70+ years creating.

To do anything else is to be a stranger trying to mediate an argument between a married couple: instead of being mad at each other they'll just end up being mad at you for trying to involve yourself in their affairs.

lgbtqwtfbbq 3 points ago +3 / -0

Every N/A PS2 release ever (approx. 5TB uncompressed; I think it took me something like 2 months to download):

lgbtqwtfbbq 8 points ago +8 / -0

Burnout Paradise (2008, PC). All of the Burnout games are fun, but that one is really my jam.

Black (2006, PS2). One of the first "destroyable environment" FPS's. The last levels get pretty intense.

NFS Hot Pursuit 2 (2002, PS2). Just a fun game. Play the PS2 version; it's way better than the others.

If you can find the copy that was leaked, the unreleased xbox 360 remaster of Goldeneye is a lot of fun. They did it the right way and kept the levels and gameplay exactly the same and just upgraded the graphics.

lgbtqwtfbbq 12 points ago +12 / -0

If you're in a resort I don't know to what extent you can consider that "Mexico" since they by design keep you separate.

That said, when I was in Mexico City some years back there were Feds fucking everywhere. Someone asked in the thread "how do you know they were Feds?", and the answer is "Because they were in a fucking Humvee (ed. maybe they were Suburbans or something less expensive) with a machine gun mounted in the back driving around town, and no one else gets to do that in Mexico City but the Feds". The normal (eg.) bank security were just allowed to loiter about with shotguns, not drive around in fucking Technicals.

lgbtqwtfbbq 15 points ago +15 / -0

And the weakness of the "right" is that it will invite all these "leftist until 5 minutes ago" people into the Rep party with open arms and put them into positions of power and influence, because they will demand it so as to not feel "icky" about being a "conservative" (shudders).

lgbtqwtfbbq 8 points ago +8 / -0

I didn't read much until my mom made me a deal that I could see Jurassic Park once I read the book (which was a crazy deal to make, because the book was way more violent and "adult" than the movie).

Then after that I started reading all the Michael Crichton books, and 10-12 year old me got to learn about sexual harassment and murdering prostitutes and all the other fun stuff in his books that my mom would absolutely never let me see if it was in a movie.

lgbtqwtfbbq 14 points ago +14 / -0

Multiply the expected cost of a divorce - A - by the probability of a divorce - B. A times B equals X. If X is greater than the cost of the AI VR girlfriend, we buy the AI VR girlfriend.

- Narrator, Fight Club Gen Z remake.

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