This is my problem with this whole debate. Yes I acknowledge that young people face serious challenges starting out in the workforce. Yes I agree that we are importing foreigners to take American jobs and that is hideously evil and unfair.
Once we’ve agreed on that, what then? What is a young adult supposed to actually do tomorrow? What is your plan? Complaining about it incessantly on Twitter is not a plan. Calling for policy solutions is fine and I agree that we should work on those. But what about tomorrow? What is the demoralized young person supposed to actually do in his life tomorrow?
I say that he must get up in spite of it all, get the best job he possibly can, and work as hard he can to achieve what he can. He has a difficult road. Far from the most difficult compared to the vast majority of humans who have ever lived on Earth, but difficult. I acknowledge that. But he still has to get up and walk. What else would we have him do?
Listen Matt, this is very simple. You don't need to tell young white men to get up and walk. People learn how to do that by age 2. You need to start fighting to abolish the H-1B visa program.
Yes, you're one of the few Con Inc influencers who says H-1Bs should be stopped. But strangely enough, you spend your time defending the ones who think it's amazing? Why?
Get to work ending the H-1B, or shut up.
Can't he fight for policy change while telling young white men not to buy into the victim mentality? It's obviously a difficult time, but it's far from hopeless. Maybe you have to have multiple jobs, 60 to 80 hours a week for a while. Maybe you have to drive an old car for a while. Maybe you gotta say no to alcohol, nicotine, Marijuana, and coffee shops (preferably forever for most if not all of them). Maybe you can only eat homemade meals. Maybe you have to shop at goodwill for clothes and buy used furniture on offerup. But if you skrimp and save and work your ass off for a while, you will enjoy your 40s and beyond. If you keep overspending, trying to work the bare minimum, and simply hope someone will save you, you will never be successful. Nobody cares about you, nobody is coming to save you. Hopefully when you pull yourself up and enter a position of power you will remember the struggle and you will try to help people going through what you did
That's just plenty of people's baseline lives already.
I see alot of young people (people my age) driving brand new cars while having no money and complaining they can't save.
Exactly what I see too. I've worked in multiple industries, blue and white collar. White collar people my age finance nice cars, houses way bigger than they need (even after accounting for the outrageous prices), buy overpriced coffee, and buy expensive liquor that tastes 5 percent better than the cheap stuff, all while paying the minimum balance on their student loans. The blue collar guys I worked with would drive to the gas station in the morning to get a pack or two of cigarettes and an energy drink (or two). The few that were married would have packed lunch, but the single ones would eat out every day. Then after work they'd buy enough beer for the night and maybe pick up some dinner and some Marijuana. I did the math on most of them and they averaged out to about 300 a month on beer, 300 a month on nicotine, and 300 bucks on Marijuana. I absolutely get why they feel the need for those things to cope, but 900 bucks a month at the time was a mortgage. Now it's half of one in most cases.
All of that was to say most people should budget their money and they will be horrified at how much money they are casually spending on temporary distractions.
I saved enough money to buy a house in one year because I don't spend on anything unless I'm saving money and i buy food in bulk. My car is old and reliable and I don't take vacations often nor drink. I agree with him that you can pull yourself up because I went from poverty to middle class but the problem with what he's saying is that the government literally tries to disadvantage us