lgbtqwtfbbq 1 point ago +1 / -0

XML make files / dependency trees are a good way to do it. IDK if Microsoft thought of that.

You are basically describing MSBuild, of which Visual Studio project files are (used to be? the last project I worked on which made heavy use of it used VS 2012) a subset. It's not a bad system all things considered, at least once you install/start using the MSBuild Extension Pack

You used to be able to embed MSBuild commands into VS project files, but you had to be careful because you could very easily confuse VS by doing so.

lgbtqwtfbbq 10 points ago +10 / -0

Even when they're not they seem like the most unhinged people totally unsuited for a job which is essentially one part "Baghdad Bob" and one part "punching bag".

lgbtqwtfbbq 6 points ago +6 / -0

Did anyone hounded off of Evergreen in 2017 vote any different? Nope. Here is what happens:

  • The consequences of their beliefs vaguely start to affect them: "The left has lost their mind". Demand someone do something
  • The right does that thing in a vaguely right-wing way (ie. they actually start to solve the problem in a tangible way instead of making the problem worse) like perhaps allow the police to arrest a "protestor" throwing bricks into windows or throwing molotovs at buildings
  • This "protestor" cries in the process of being arrested; onlookers verbally ask why he's being arrested despite bodycam footage showing him doing the thing he's being arrested for
  • A "journalist" takes a photo of the "protestor" being arrested while he and the onlookers cry.
  • Their shitlib reddit mind activates: "See, this is why I can never be a Republican: you guys are just so heartless! There had to have been a better way to handle that!"
lgbtqwtfbbq 16 points ago +16 / -0

I'd rather NYPD just not step foot on the campus and let Campus Police deal with it (or more probably not deal with it).

Every single one of these people on both sides of the conflict is a Biden voter. This whole thing is an internal factional dispute among the left. Treat university campuses as though they were Sovereign States and let the (left-wing) university admins try to clean up the mess they've spent 70+ years creating.

To do anything else is to be a stranger trying to mediate an argument between a married couple: instead of being mad at each other they'll just end up being mad at you for trying to involve yourself in their affairs.

lgbtqwtfbbq 3 points ago +3 / -0

Every N/A PS2 release ever (approx. 5TB uncompressed; I think it took me something like 2 months to download):

lgbtqwtfbbq 8 points ago +8 / -0

Burnout Paradise (2008, PC). All of the Burnout games are fun, but that one is really my jam.

Black (2006, PS2). One of the first "destroyable environment" FPS's. The last levels get pretty intense.

NFS Hot Pursuit 2 (2002, PS2). Just a fun game. Play the PS2 version; it's way better than the others.

If you can find the copy that was leaked, the unreleased xbox 360 remaster of Goldeneye is a lot of fun. They did it the right way and kept the levels and gameplay exactly the same and just upgraded the graphics.

lgbtqwtfbbq 12 points ago +12 / -0

If you're in a resort I don't know to what extent you can consider that "Mexico" since they by design keep you separate.

That said, when I was in Mexico City some years back there were Feds fucking everywhere. Someone asked in the thread "how do you know they were Feds?", and the answer is "Because they were in a fucking Humvee (ed. maybe they were Suburbans or something less expensive) with a machine gun mounted in the back driving around town, and no one else gets to do that in Mexico City but the Feds". The normal (eg.) bank security were just allowed to loiter about with shotguns, not drive around in fucking Technicals.

lgbtqwtfbbq 15 points ago +15 / -0

And the weakness of the "right" is that it will invite all these "leftist until 5 minutes ago" people into the Rep party with open arms and put them into positions of power and influence, because they will demand it so as to not feel "icky" about being a "conservative" (shudders).

lgbtqwtfbbq 8 points ago +8 / -0

I didn't read much until my mom made me a deal that I could see Jurassic Park once I read the book (which was a crazy deal to make, because the book was way more violent and "adult" than the movie).

Then after that I started reading all the Michael Crichton books, and 10-12 year old me got to learn about sexual harassment and murdering prostitutes and all the other fun stuff in his books that my mom would absolutely never let me see if it was in a movie.

lgbtqwtfbbq 14 points ago +14 / -0

Multiply the expected cost of a divorce - A - by the probability of a divorce - B. A times B equals X. If X is greater than the cost of the AI VR girlfriend, we buy the AI VR girlfriend.

- Narrator, Fight Club Gen Z remake.

lgbtqwtfbbq 8 points ago +9 / -1

In the US it's a felony to deposit/withdraw smaller amounts with the intent to evade the reporting requirements. Given that law, even transactions under the limit could be seen as suspicious, especially if they all happened in a short period of time.

lgbtqwtfbbq 3 points ago +3 / -0

In Chapel in high school one time they brought in these performers who did stuff like break bricks with their heads and rip phone books in half "for Christ". They kept their clothes on, though.

Even if this conference had replaced the stripper with the brick-breakers, I think an even better use of the conference's time would be (eg.) telling young men to be wary of dating/marrying "reformed" OF whores.

The fact they have any sort of people dancing on stage at all tells me the conference organizers don't understand how late the hour is.

lgbtqwtfbbq 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've had my eye on a Mahindra Roxor, which is basically the old WWII-era Wiley's Jeep design with some very slight modern upgrades. Legally they're classified as an off-road utility vehicle, so they don't have to do all the emissions and safety crap that modern cars/trucks have to.

lgbtqwtfbbq 18 points ago +18 / -0

There are in my opinion two options for "stable" relations between the West and the Middle East:

  • The Ann Coulter "Invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity" option
  • The Star Trek "No interference with their social, cultural, or technological development" option.

Since the US wasn't founded as an Imperial project (despite it now being one) my personal preference would be the latter, though the ship may have already sailed on it being a viable option.

lgbtqwtfbbq 8 points ago +8 / -0

They don't even need "regulations" per se. The byzantine policies of large companies are burdensome enough for small players to navigate.

If you wanted to, say, create an alternative to CloudFlare you're going to have to place servers in ISP datacenters, and there's going to be policies around that, and those policies are (probably) going to be a huge pain in the ass. And if they make them complicated enough said company may just give up, and now there's no more alternative to CloudFlare.

lgbtqwtfbbq 3 points ago +3 / -0

Got it: you believe it's acceptable to slaughter children for any reason (or no reason) provided they're young enough, but instead of "championing" it maybe you feel a little bit bad when it happens.

So if I understand correctly, the primary moral innovation modernity has discovered with regard to child slaughter is "we still do it, but now some of us feel a little bit bad about doing it while still defending the practice".

If I had a point other than simple mockery it would be "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones".

lgbtqwtfbbq 9 points ago +9 / -0

> Be atheist

> Criticize religion for killing children

> Cheer on the killing of millions of children (the unborn) so their mothers can work their email job without interruption.

It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for him.

lgbtqwtfbbq 8 points ago +8 / -0

Someone on twitter posted a clip from Oprah when the verdict was read. All the blacks were cheering, most of the whites were sullen with a handful cheering with the blacks. And the "cut to commercial" at the end is telling too.

I was in elementary school when the trial was going on, and I vaguely remember my dad saying the trial/verdict probably set race relations back a number of years. I don't think I fully understood what he meant at the time, and now I think he was probably being optimistic.

lgbtqwtfbbq 2 points ago +2 / -0

The BSDs (Free, Open, Net) are starting to become the option for trimmed down Unix-like systems.

You can also go with deeply embedded Linux systems like buildroot, but you will have to really know what you're doing to get something usable.

lgbtqwtfbbq 34 points ago +36 / -2

You see even "moderate" Jews flip off the Arch of Titus and think "I'm sure I could look up who was subjugating my people 2000 years ago (because most people were under someone's thumb), but it's not something that's always on my mind"

Honestly I didn't even have an opinion on the JQ until I saw that. Then I started thinking "maybe you guys need to learn how to let go of a grudge."

lgbtqwtfbbq 4 points ago +4 / -0

I acknowledge it may be the case that breast milk may be contaminated and that some sort of formula may be a preferable alternative.

When the formula shortages were going on about a year ago I did a simple search for a homemade baby formula out of simple curiosity (I had no direct need for this information since I didn't know anyone with a baby). All I came up with was a WHO recipe for "emergency formula (not to be given for longer than a month)" and a bunch of medical universities which flat out stated "there is no safe homemade baby formula; you must buy FDA approved formula (for all the good that does because you can't actually buy FDA approved formula right now)."

But you wouldn't be asking the question if you didn't have a need for an answer to this question. And it is an answerable question, otherwise commercial baby formulas couldn't exist. So where are the "medical experts" with the courage to provide an answer? As many issues I have with the WHO, at least they provided an answer with the caveat to not use it long-term.

Wouldn't it be nice if the people most qualified to give an answer would actually do so?

lgbtqwtfbbq 12 points ago +12 / -0

I occasionally watch game streamers in their early 20s who dip into "retro" games, and it always amuses me when they play (eg.) a PS2 game featuring an attractive, skantily-clad woman; and they inevitably react positively like "oh, whoa, that's not something you see in games anymore".

Poor guys don't even know what they missed, but I never got to play with lawn darts; so I suppose we're all living in the ashes of a lost civilization.

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