The turn over of RvW hasn't made anything illegal. These people are delusional.
These people are fucking deranged.
What an amazing time to be alive.
Exactly. The heterosexual relationship exists as an apolitical dominant group within society as it is the basis for society and the major group from which all others spring.
Heterosexuality has zero government protection & promotion. Convincing a heterosexual child that he or she is gay is not illegal in any state while doing the reverse is considered conversion therapy that in at least 12 states that I'm aware is illegal. Here's a exercise: Go to any search engine and look for heterosexual summer camps. You'll find none. Do the same for gay summer camps. You'll find aplenty. Heterosexuality has no institution (marriage) that is uniquely protected by government.
The sub-groups, homosexuality, bisexuality, non-binary and transsexuality are all politically active groups that receive both government backed protection and promotion with ever increasing breadth across our social fabric influencing a younger and younger audience year over year. If one doesn't believe it, one merely needs to examine the over representation of homosexuality in education and popular media.
I'm not sure I understand. Queer is subverted how? Queer = faggot = homosexual = non-binary= trans, although trans is an order of magnitude more perverse and degenerate with self-mutilation as part of its doctrine.
Compromise and tolerance is why we are here.
Minorities bring to employers up to $15K in tax credits per employee per year.
That proves everything.
It doesn't look like , at least for some, they are trying to hide the fact that they are biased. One of them says, paraphrasing, "Why not do it and add our own flare to it?". Their argument is why only translate for those "in the know" which is a flippant statement demonstrating that they don't care if it's accurate or not.
The true unemployment rate is over 22%.
There's no way Amazon has exhausted its labor pool. It's exhausting the pool of labor that is willing to work the conditions of those warehouses and management for the paltry amount Amazon is willing to pay.
This is little more than Amazon signaling to legislatures that more immigration needs to take place.
And yet people who complain about it still go to see these bastardizations. That's what I can't understand. They lament the travesties these franchises have become, but there they are paying to see the movies, consuming the merchandising. I just don't get it.
My personal belief is that such statements about brain development are the most dis-ingenuous statements. It's not untrue, but your brain never quits developing.
You are not the same person at 20 as you were at 10, 30 as you were 20, 40 as you were 30, so on and so forth.
Pick up any history book and most men of great achievement started their journey in their teens as men. Those experiences carried them through their rest of their lives making them the men we know today. We have thousands of years of such examples. And yet you would have us believe that the teen brain, as elastic and malleable as it is, is not primed and ready to have experiences shape the coming decades of their lives while wringing your hands lamenting the exponential growth of dysfunctional adults, deviants, homosexuals and transgenders like it's some mystery.
Hey, lets follow the science! When I see people who prop up the brain development statement to justify stunting the growth of individuals through experiences I have to wonder why they're not devout quadruple vaxxed fanatics.
As children, we normalize all positive experiences whether we understand them or not. We carry those experiences through the rest of our lives until we learn differently. However, until we learn differently we will always be accepting of similar experiences and advocates.
This is why faggots want access to children as soon as possible.
Interestingly enough, if you've been paying attention you will see a stark contrast in the sexual activities that are being reinforced and those at are being discouraged. Taking kids to gay bars, exposing them to transgenders, encouraged. Post pubescent adolescents having sex with the opposite sex, discouraged. Every male teen who has had sex with his female teacher has spent months in psycho-therapy so that he can understand why it's bad when in reality it's perfectly normal for an older woman to introduce a younger man to normal sexual behaviors.
IMO delaying the experience of normal sexual behaviors so long after sexual maturation, especially for males, while submitting adolescents to a constant barrage of homosexual messaging is directly responsible for where we're at in the current year.
Steampunk mentioned the unmentionables.
EA was prominently displaying support for BLM a couple of years ago in their games. A buddy of mine asked me to purchase a game to play together. Once I loaded it up and saw the messaging I immediate closed, uninstalled and got a refund.
Since, I've not purchased any EA and will not.
If past events are a predictor of future events then he isn't wrong.
After the prequels, harassment from fans drove Jake Lloyd insane. He developed schizophrenia. Harassment was so bad for the actor that played Jar Jar Binks that he said he contemplated suicide. I seriously doubt that last statement, but the fact is there were many examples of harassment of the actors due to the disappointment many felt from the prequels. None of it was justified against the actors. They just happened to be the most easily identifiable targets.
Star Wars since has been one disappointment after the other with identity politics interjected at every turn. People have a right to be disappointed. Some will voice their disappointment. Others will lash out at what they rightfully see as identity politics.
Because, in an ideal world they should be. Dems are idealists.
Context is everything. What was the context of the statement?
This is not an act borne out of fear. It is borne out of the desire to have you fear them so that they can enact their degenerate program to destroy your children's potential before they even have a chance.
It's interesting that on the heels of Netflix telling their woke employees that it may not be the place they want to work that 150 employees were fired but the msm plays it off as economic problems.
That's probably not far from the truth, but it would be more accurate to say 150 woke employees were let go. Unfortunately, for Netflix they've spent the last 15 years doing everything they can to dis-enfranchise their center and right of center user-base. Now all they're doing by telling their woke employees to leave is dis-enfranchising their left of center user-base.
I wish Netflix all the luck they deserve pissing off the entire spectrum of their potential users. After what they've foisted on the American cultural landscape in the guise of social justice they deserve everything they're going to get.
Population control juice only mandated for citizen. Aliens can travel freely without it.
But replacement theory is just a paranoid delusion.
This guy is a leftist troon furry bundle of sticks. Sorry, but I'll never believe anything to the contrary. I've seen too many times that where there are furries there are troons.
His rampage was the physical manifestation of just so many crazy liberals I've seen who project their own hatred onto anyone who disagrees with them. His manifesto was written simply to lay blame at the feet of his political enemies. Don't be surprised if it ever comes out that this guy, privately, feels like he's a martyr for the left.
NPR, lying? Say it ain't so.
My GF was freaking out when the leaks came out. We had a long discussion about abortion and what we both felt to be true. I told her that the likelihood that abortion would become illegal in all cases was absurd. Health of the mother would insure that abortion would still be available, but that maybe abortion for birth control might be curtailed, which I agreed with.
She adamantly decried that women use abortion as birth control, so I told her about a previous gf who had admitted she had 4 abortions before meeting me and I knew she wanted a 5th 13 months after I broke up with her because she called me asking if I'd help her get one. I told her, 'no', of course. My current GF half didn't believe me so I pulled some feminist admissions from the net of women proudly announcing the number of abortions they've had like a badge of honor.
You'd think looking at abortion statistics you'd be able to figure out on average how many abortions that women have, but you'd be wrong. I've tried. What I've concluded is the abortion stats don't make fucking sense and therefore are suspect.
All abortion stats are based on women age 15 - 44. That's 62,445,858 women.
In 2020 there were 930K abortions.
About 2% of women each year have abortions. This is the only statistic that I've found that quantifies the number of women who have abortions. That's 1,248,917 women a year having abortions. Are you beginning to see the problem?
After scouring multiple sites all stating the same number of abortions per 1000 women, only one mentioned the 2% of women have abortions figure and it just doesn't make sense.
I think that's because women who have abortions will typically have more than one abortion using it as birth control