fvckface 9 points ago +9 / -0

Cuba did this in the 70's and 80's, and the filmmakers used it as the premise of Scarface.

It's a standard socialist/communist move.

fvckface 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't even get the t-shirt unless I open google search in a private tab

fvckface 2 points ago +2 / -0

I noticed that. It also seems to have blur streaks that indicate speed, like it's shooting through space or something.

fvckface 3 points ago +3 / -0

In a nutshell, yes.

This is an excellent analogy. I'm stealing it.

fvckface 6 points ago +6 / -0

I've been playing the shit out of a Warhammer game recently that features no women at all. Just killing tons of orcs, xenos, etc.

Nothing has made me want to harm women more in my life than the videogames I play, many of which feature no women at all.

The games that I've been using to escape the bullshit of this world caused by radical feminists and their ilk (a certain sect of billionaires who created it & fund it) are 100% to blame for my toxicity. The games are.

Not the radical left-wing feminism created to break western society and demonize me based on my fair skin color, gender, and heterosexuality.

It's the games.

That's what makes me toxic. Fucking video games.

fvckface 30 points ago +30 / -0

Levin: "I'm really Jewish."

Also Levin: "We need to achieve political and human rights for the Palestinian people."

AIPAC spent $4,000,000 against Levin, he lost by 20 points.

fvckface 11 points ago +11 / -0

I've got some bad news for the OP and Gateway Pundit. This has been going on for decades with Tyson. Literally decades.

I grew up in a rural town 20+ years ago and there was a Tyson "farm" about 45 minutes away. Knew a kid who got expelled from school after a senior prank. He got a job at the Tyson "farm" and I picked him up his 2nd or 3rd day and there was not a single white person there when I picked him up. Not one. Everyone I saw was latino and some extra dark brazilians maybe.

There wasn't even a business office or anything, unless it was on the backside of the big building I peeked into. Just steel barns and a big commercial building with a bunch of loading docks. I went back to my car and just waited and smoked a cigarette with my windows up trying to get rid of the smell. And I was a country boy with horses and cattle at home but the smell there was unbearable.

Anyway, he got stabbed from behind at work his 2nd week while at his station, and he didn't know why but he was called puta and gringo and stuff in spanish right after but he didn't speak it so had no clue wtf had happened that caused it. No argument or anything. One of them just stabbed him and walked away yapping in spanish.

He quit, no worker's comp or anything, he just never went back. He said he told a cop at the doctor's office he was taken to and they never even filed a police report, idk if that's true but I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was.

Anyway the white kid went back to school for a semester the next year and graduated a year late. Better than working with no HS diploma surrounded by illegal aliens.

And the small town that was closest to the plant is basically gone. The houses are still lived in but all the small local businesses that were on main street 20-25 years ago are boarded. I think the county sheriff's office has to patrol it now, there weren't enough tax payers left to pay for the fire department and police station anymore. There are a couple gas stations and all the old houses and that's it. 10 years ago it looked like an entire town in decay. When the plant eventually closes it'll be a ghost town.

And this is right smack in the middle of middle America, and that farm or plant or whatever wasn't a freshly built farm or plant back in the 00's, it was probably all or mostly illegals working there all the way back in the 80's, for sure in the 90's. This has been an issue with Tyson for at least 3-4 decades, possibly longer.

fvckface 13 points ago +13 / -0

Based af.

IIRC, I rented it back when Swordfish was in theaters and it referenced Dog Day Afternoon.

Swordfish's premise for escalated retaliatory violence against terrorist groups, including murdering thousands or more of their "innocent" civilians was pretty fucking based for it's time, but that shouldn't have been the subplot for the bad guy imo. Should have been the main plot for the whole damn movie.

fvckface 7 points ago +7 / -0

This reminds me of the Sickle Cell "Believe It" commercial

"you can't see our pain, but please, believe it."

I had never given it any thought before, at all, but it immediately triggered Ron_Burgundy_i_dont_believe_you.gif in my head the first time I saw it.

fvckface 5 points ago +7 / -2

Didn't Tucker bury the Hunter Biden laptop story for weeks despite every other Fox show covering it?

I honestly don't know, I don't watch news programming. But I remember seeing/hearing someone speculate that he buried it because he and his wife were friends with Hunter.

fvckface 9 points ago +10 / -1

Neither mentioned (((them))) but it's hard not to put 2+2 together when jews own & operate over 90% of the media.

fvckface 0 points ago +1 / -1

You live in Texas faggot? Many of those gates openings have never had a fucking "gate" welded to them. Period.

And Gov. Greg Abbott just razor wired that section that was wide open for optics/political points, he's not closing gates or posting anyone in front of them. He's a member of the World Economic Forum, and he's open about his WEF shit, and also does photo ops wearing a tiny hat and kissing the jew western wall.

The whole fucking things is for optics.

Buy a plane ticket and get a rental car and drive the wall. Idk where you're from but spend $500 and go see for yourself. Go take photos. Walk up to the open gates. It's mind boggling how many fucking sheep just blindly follow what people said on tv.

fvckface 8 points ago +9 / -1

And it still wouldn't matter.

Video about Eagle Pass, Texas border wall. Skip ahead to about 0:50 and you can see the razor wire section that's about a mile wide, then almost all of the gates that are built-in to the finished wall are on video, there is one like every half mile or so, almost all of them open and many have never even had gates. Even when Trump was in office, wide open and unguarded.

fvckface 0 points ago +2 / -2

Exactly. I'll be buying more Pepsi that I ever have now, just need to know who to support on the other side?

Gotta supply weapons to both, since I support both of them genociding each other out of existence.

fvckface 4 points ago +5 / -1

Can't we all just get along and find pleasure in watching them both genocide each other off the face of the earth?

Is that so hard?

fvckface 3 points ago +4 / -1

Out of curiosity, why don't you have a radio in your car?

Did some joggers jog by and steal it?

fvckface 25 points ago +25 / -0

An FCC commissioner dubbed the rule a product of activists who want ‘to see businesses pressured into hiring people based on their race & gender.’

If this shit gets legally challenged in court, and holds up, the door could swing the other way and preferential hiring of White and Straight could be made de facto legal on the same grounds.

fvckface 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's north alright, by 90 kilometers, or about an hour and ten minutes by car.

I can't drive 55.

Taking Chicago as a distance example, if you drive an hour north, you're no longer in Illinois.

If you drive an hour north of Chicago, you were in the drink at least 45 minutes ago.

Totally off topic, but Minnesota is known as the land o' lakes. Michigan is surrounded by the Great Lakes and borders 4 of the 5, but Minnesota is the land o' lakes? WTF?

And I agree, if the town doesn't vote the mayor out next election, they deserve whatever retaliation he implements in the future.

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