- Yandex founder... (((Arkady Yuryevich Volozh))) + (((Ilya Segalovich)))
- Google founder... (((Lawrence Edward Page))) + (((Sergey Mikhailovich Brin)))
To demand implies asking by authority of others, hence authorizing others to command law and justice...a bitch move, that gets one bitch-slapped.
Hamburg is Warburg territory... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warburg_family
Tfw millions of lives touched, yet neither showed up to rub your belly...
Meanwhile the real assassins.... https://img.gvid.tv/i/2FhRMQpQ.png
This is blunt, agenda-driven rewriting. It is idea injection. And it will be continual once it starts...
All (perceivable sound) was continual before it (suggested words) started...
I don't really trust AfD
AfD aka Alternative für Deutschland aka ALTER (another) + NATIVE (offspring)...trust implies holding onto; off-spring implies letting go.
what you see in real life
Seeing implies ones sight as center (perception) within circumference (perceivable).
at a glance
Glancing implies ones choice to focus one suggested, while ignoring perceivable.
exposed cleavage, extremely tight-fitting pants
Aka suggested temptations for ones consenting sight to focus on. One needs to resist wanted temptations.
We just talk about anime and jews.
Anime/animation + jew/you(phonetic) = You (life) within animation (inception towards death).
The bigger picture that needs addressing is out of our pay grade
The highest value (perceivable) implies evaluation (perception)...everyone already has it.
talk about anime
One Piece...Luffy's Joy Boy transformation aka warrior of liberation was within him and transforms everything around him.
a) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Wall#/media/File:Westernwall2.jpg (also known as wailing wall)
b) WAIL, verb - "to lament; to moan; to bewail"
It's also why I whine...
Case and point.
a) insane aka "in sanus" (within sound); hence being able to hear surrounding.
b) can you describe any two things that are the same (identical) without existing apart (distinct) from one another?
c) can you see sameness without it being different from you?
Oh hey.
Oi vey? That's some slightly veiled...
identity attacks
a) IDEN'TITY, noun - "sameness; as distinguished from similitude and diversity"... https://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/Identity
b) being implies different (diverse), hence one apart from one another; perpetuated by intercourse for off-spring (a setting apart).
Suggested identity attacks perceivable being...if one consents to it.
Noble Savage - https://www.bitchute.com/video/qkDohJq3tiL2/
Sacrifice of the first-born...
a) how can one be an -ist without consenting to a suggested -ism?
b) does labeling others without their consent break contract law?
c) does nature suggest labels for anything within?
a) how about keeping the monster (mon) in your pocket (poke) while participating in the court of public opinion?
b) what are the consequences of trying to dehumanize others by suggesting them to represent artificial intelligence; chat-bots; generative pre-trained transformer (GPT) etc.?
c) if the "SolidMagikarp" issue is about AI not responding as input suggests, then what does that imply about the AI expressing more differences in output options, then the user (domesticated to follow norms) expects?
d) does "free-will-of-choice" imply following suggested orders or being the resistance (choice) within the natural order (balance)?
e) can temporary growth (life) within ongoing loss (inception towards death) not represent RACE (radix; radius; radiate; ray etc.) aka growth potential?
like you
What if everyone (perceiving) within everything (perceivable) represents difference (living) within sameness (process of dying). Do you think it's offensive to not behave like others? Could setting oneself apart by expressing differences offend those who consent to behave alike aka those who follow suggested orders; the mainstream; the norm; the mass consensus; the party-line; the chain of command etc.?
What if being different (life) within same (inception towards death) can be tempted with suggest likeness (information) to ignore perceivable differences (inspiration)?
a) only the few suggest -isms...the many consent by reasoning against each other about them.
b) if racism represents the hatred of other races, then what's the -ism for loving ones own race?
c) to be implies partial (perceiving) within whole (perceivable)...others suggest togetherness as the inversion thereof, hence e pluribus unum (out of many, one) or tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together) or equality ( sameness) through diversity (difference) or united states; united nations; european union; universal pictures, uniformity etc.
To be implies ones struggle to sustain apartheid (living) within wholeness (process of dying).
Notice also that the so called jews represent apartheid + diaspora aka sporadic (separated) diametric (surrounding through center). Also...does the chosen "ones" sound like togetherness?
d) why use we (plural) to suggest a ban of any one (singular) in the name of others?
e) RACE, noun [Latin radix; radius; rod, ray, radiate, etc.] implies growth of center (living) within surrounding (process of dying).
f) is it "racist" when so called jews suggest the world that blacks represent "Niggaz wit Attitudes" (NWA); "Public Enemies"; "Boyz from the Hood" and a "Menace 2 Society", while suggesting to "Shame on a Nigga who runs game on a Nigga"...or is it antisemitc to point that out?
Yes (want) vs No (not want) represents ones consent to suggested (fiction), hence the resulting conflict of reason. Meanwhile in reality...ones perceiving choice exists at the center of perceivable balance (need/want).
If one ignores need (perceivable) for want (suggested), then one shapes an imbalance (want vs not want). Others utilize suggestion to tempt one into imbalance, while selling this imbalance as "reason/logic"...
Consider if reasoning (yes vs no aka want vs not want) over breathing changes the "need" for one to adapt to being forced to breathe?
What is the solution for the sane people out there?
a) growing comprehension about being temporary problem (life) within ongoing solution (inception towards death).
b) discerning for self the difference between suggested "insane person" and perceivable "per sonos" (being by sound) + "in sanus" (being within sound).
c) SANE, adjective [Latin sanus, sound]
How can we unite to fight back if we are all living in our own fictional realities?
a) grow comprehension about UNITY; noun (Latin unitas; unus, one) aka being one (partial) within oneness (whole).
Sleight of hand: "all for one and one for all" or "there can be only one" or "alone" aka ALL(in)ONE...
b) suggested "we" (plural) tempts consenting "one" (singular) to ignore self discernment (being partial within whole).
c) what if the suggested fight (wanting vs not wanting suggested) tempts one to ignore the need to adapt to perceivable?
people on the right and the left
Choose to take a step left, which implies coming from right. Now choose to take another step left and it still implies coming from right. There is no left or right...choice can only exist at the center of balance (left/right).
The few suggest the many to choose a side and try to hold onto it, while ignoring to be the center (perceiving) of surrounding (perceivable).
doesn't live in reality
What if fiction represents ones ignorance of reality? Does one have the free will of choice to ignore reality for fiction while being within reality?
Are we post truth now?
a) suggested truth (want) vs lies (not want) tempts one to ignore the need to adapt to perceivable change.
b) to be alive implies being moved from inception towards death, hence within constant change.
c) instead of pre- or past- truth or lies...consider being within change.
the abundant production of fake
a) nature doesn't lie, yet those within natural represent the free will of choice to ignore natural (perceivable) for artificial (suggested). Consenting to suggested (fiction) tempts one to ignore not only ignore perceivable (reality); but corrupts one to view perceivable reality through the lens of suggested fiction.
Example...suggested words tempts one to ignore perceivable sound.
b) being (life) within constant change (inception towards death) implies perceiving perceivable inspiration (moving differences). The few mimic this with suggested information, hence flooding ones mind/memory with ongoing fiction (information) as to tempt one to ignore ongoing reality (inspiration).
will be relatively unable to sus out the truth of things?
a) as long as ones free "will" of choice is misused to consent to the suggested information by others, so long will one ignore perceivable inspiration (moving differences aka change).
b) truth vs lies represents the rebranding of wanting vs not wanting suggested information....both sides consent to suggested (want) over perceivable (need).
c) to be implies being partial (reaction) enabled within whole (enacting). In other words...whatever nature offers; each one within is able to react to. Consenting to the suggestions of others tempts one to disable self, hence willingly ignoring ones response-ability (free will of choice).
in error
The ongoing natural order (inception towards death) sets the temporary chaos (life) within with the free will of choice to ER'ROR, noun [Latin error from erro, to wander.]
Only while being moved from inception towards death, can life choose to wander up/down; left/right; forwards/backwards....why? Because choice can only exist at the center of balance (momentum of motion).
who knows
KNOWL'EDGE, noun - "perception of that which exists", hence everyone (perceiving) knows everything (perceivable). Growing comprehension on the other hand implies self discernment by free will of choice....the suggestions by others cannot grow ones self discernment, only tempt one to repress expressed growth.
Sleight of hand: "express yourself, don't repress yourself...and I'm not sorry; it's human nature"...
authoritarians in charge
AU'THOR, noun (Latin augeo, to increase, or cause to enlarge)...ongoing loss (process of dying) represents the author of temporary growth (living). Growth represents the authorized instrument (choice) to increase (need) or decrease (want) self within loss.
a 'solution' to this problem
The few suggest problems to tempt the many to seek solutions...an inversion of being temporary problem (living) within ongoing solution (process of dying), hence ones struggle to sustain self while being dissolved.
I wont believe...
a) to believe or disbelief represents ones consent to the suggestions of another. Nature doesn't require belief, it demands adaptation from those within hence the need to adapt to thirst, hunger; lack of shelter etc.
b) suggested "won't" aka "will nothing" tempts one to ignore being free "will" of choice within "everything" (perceivable).
on a screen
Viewing perceivable (inspiration) through the lens of suggested (information) represents the mental screen of "ignorance"...the physical screens are presented everywhere to distract from that.
Sleight of hand: "exit light" (exit comprehension) "enter night" (enter ignorance) "take my hand" (consent to my suggestion) "and we're off to never-neverland" (bye bye potential).
the leftists view on reality
a) -ist implies ones consent to a suggested -ism.
b) leftism vs rightism represents the rebranding of wanting vs not wanting suggested, and it doesn't matter which side one chooses, because both sides are stuck within the same conflict (reason).
Sleight of hand: "for let these be the guidestones to an age of reason" (Georgia Guidstones).
c) choice exists within perceivable balance (need/want), consenting to suggestions tempts choice into imbalance (want vs not want).
d) all conflicts of reason (want vs not want; true vs false; belief vs disbelief; agreement vs disagreement; leftism vs rightism; poor vs rich; nationalism vs internationalism; democrat vs republican; capitalism vs communism; good vs evil; coke vs pepsi etc.) represent fiction (reasoning over suggested) while ignoring reality (adaptation to perceivable).
it must fit what they believe
Everyone (perceiving partial) fits into everything (perceivable whole)...consenting to suggested (leftism or rightism) tempts one to ignore fit (perceivable) for unfit (suggested).
don't believe
BELIE'VE, verb - "to credit upon the authority or testimony of another"...like those who suggested one to "do nothing" (don't).
What if one represents the subject (living reaction) within an objectifying system (enacting process of dying)?
Could the few suggest "objectivism" to tempt the many to ignore being subjected?
What he didn't say... https://pic8.co/sh/v9l30a.png