elleand202 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, you would think. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

elleand202 3 points ago +3 / -0

/u/C/ mentioned a long time ago that DMs here are plaintext and can be read by admins and also that they would comply with warrants. So don't fedpost in DMs, don't send PII by DMs, etc.

elleand202 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is there something about Jews not being able to say "God?" I find it a little cringe, but I get religious people censoring the world if it's used in a bad way, like not saying "God damn," but censoring it when you're talking about you speaking to God just seems weird.

It's an extension of the "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain" Commandment. Because Jewish culture revolves heavily around getting out of things based off of technicalities, they will say that they're not invoking the name of god if they use g_d instead. It's similar to how they string up wires around their neighborhoods to say that they're "indoors" by technically being under something because Jewish law says that they must be indoors for the Sabbath. Or how they'll lock away the food in their pantry for Passover. It's stupid and disingenuous. As if god is fooled by their technical observation of his laws when they're clearly trying to actively circumvent it.

elleand202 8 points ago +8 / -0

Even in the most charitable interpretation, the Israeli government was aware of what the hijackers were up to and decided to just sit back and watch it unfold.

elleand202 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey you’re back! How was your reserve call up in Rafah?

elleand202 11 points ago +12 / -1

I’m guessing lovers quarrel.

But these people are completely sane and in no way suffering from severe mental illnesses.

elleand202 22 points ago +22 / -0

Juneteenth was for many decades a local Houston celebration of when Union troops came into town and told the slaves there of Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. It was never meant to be anything more than a local celebration until black activists (grifters) took it and made it into a cause célèbre.

elleand202 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you. A lot of people here (especially a certain highly opinionated Brit) seem to think that indie devs will save the industry. I think that some praise is warranted but certainly not to the degree that it receives here. Firstly, 99% of indie games are shovelware. Like you said, many are derivative and follow well tread paths where others have done better. Or they're extremely shallow. Or just unfun. Secondly, lots of indie devs are just as woke, just as trooned out, just as communist as the big dev studios. Third, there's no guarantee of any less corruption than with the big studios.

elleand202 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most of this shit is coming from the American subsidiary. The American subsidiary and the Japanese parent company have had an adversarial relationship for as long as the U.S. branch has existed. For better or worse, the U.S. market is huge and thus the U.S. branch has a lot of power to do what it wants. Its similar to how the U.S. branch of Sony is far woker than the Japanese company but it makes the company so much money that they made the U.S. branch in charge of all of Playstation.

elleand202 15 points ago +15 / -0

It's probably not a machine gun at all but you can't rule out illegal Glock switches.

elleand202 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remember those testimonials around the monkeypox outbreak where the gays would talk about all kinds of degenerate shit like piss orgies. And it lead to uncomfortable questions as to how dogs and children contracted the disease.

elleand202 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’s always been a grift. The lawyers who founded it did so to take advantage of the various tax breaks given to non-profits. And back in the early 70s, there was a plethora of old racist Southern Democrats on whom they could focus their activism on. But by the 2020s, the demand for racism far outstrips the actual supply of racism, so their grift is slowly drying up as well. Plus they have to manufacture their own racial conflict, which leaves them exposed to claims of defamation. So they’ll try to milk their grift for as long as possible before the whole apparatus falls apart.

elleand202 9 points ago +9 / -0

Why do you assume that game devs are based or at least neutral and are coerced or tricked into supporting woke ideology when there’s ample evidence that game developers are true believers of DEI woke nonsense.

elleand202 6 points ago +6 / -0

See that would beg the question of where did the hookers come from and who were their other johns. And the powers that be don't want those questions asked.

elleand202 4 points ago +4 / -0

Written by Cindy (((Steinberg))) (she/her) Neurodivergent writer, intersectional advocate & DEI director who's chronicling this weird world of ours...and making straight white men uncomfortable.

Don't bother reading it. This is all you need to know.

elleand202 16 points ago +16 / -0

Curiously, Hunter was paying above market rates for rent for the Delaware house (the same one where they found classified docs from when Joe was VP.) I'm sure that was shrewd business skills by Joe and not at all a way to launder money back to him.

elleand202 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow, those ads are very on the nose. After a little bit of googling it seems that both ads were made by Bartle Bogle Hegarty, a British ad agency. The first one by their Singapore office and the latter in the NYC office.

elleand202 4 points ago +4 / -0

I saw far more blacks in Tokyo than in Seoul last year. It's like that u/RachelkillsBam said about resident blacks in Tokyo. I saw them milling about outside of shady bars in Shinjuku either acting as promoters or as security. I also saw Yakuza there. There were zero blacks in Seoul outside of obvious western tourists, and even they were rare. In terms of interracial dating, the only noticeable numbers of interracial dating I saw in Seoul were western white women with korean men. I assume they were koreaboos obsessed with kpop and korean pop culture.

Did you see the Samsung ads in Asia or in the U.S.? Because I'm sure Samsung hires the same jewish ad agencies for western advertising that all of the large corporations do. In Asia, I didn't really pay attention to the ads but from what I recall they either used people of their own ethnicity or cutesy animals in ads.

elleand202 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not sure where you got the idea that I'm throwing a party for "STALIN WAS FANTASTIC! THREE CHEERS!"

Well because you were making the same arguments that Russian revisionist historians and tankies have made.

elleand202 7 points ago +7 / -0

And most fought for the USSR, despite Stalin's depredations,

Well sure, when the commissar points his Tokarev at you and tell you that you will fight for the motherland, you choose the probability of dying in the red army over the certainty of dying at the regime's hands. Mind you these people remembered the Holodomor that was subjected to them just 10 years earlier. The Ukrainians didn't fight for their love of Stalin or communism despite the bullshit revisionist history from Russophiles.

many fewer for the Nazis - though this is mostly because the Nazis acted even worse than the Bolshies had.

The Nazis did mistreat the Ukrainians because they wanted the Ukrainian land as part of their lebensraum policy. But if you think the commies were in any way good, then you're fucking insane. Between the soviet genocide against the Ukrainians, Stalin's Reign of Terror, and the general shittiness of living in the communist USSR, Ukrainians fucking hated Moscow and thought that Germany would be better. Which is saying a lot and is my point.

elleand202 13 points ago +13 / -0

Ukrainians literally welcomed the Nazis when they invaded the USSR because they hated life under Stalin run communism so much.

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