dnile1000bc 18 points ago +19 / -1

A even more insidious lie that both Democrats and Republicans subscribe to is women are oppressed and men are oppressors

dnile1000bc 5 points ago +5 / -0

As conservatives also worship feminism just like the left, it is unsurprising that they would simp for women against anyone exposing toxic feminism.

dnile1000bc 4 points ago +5 / -1

That evil troll is the one targeting power stations and energy sources (including his own). If I were Trump, I would pull out of Ukraine and NATO altogether and let Putin run wild. These corrupt feminist cunts need to be taught a lesson in gratefulness and morals.

dnile1000bc 6 points ago +6 / -0

The entirety of the British MSM are woke feminist trash. They don't have to worry about profits because they are funded by the British taxpayer, thus able to hire every woke, virtue signaling gender studies graduate imaginable.

dnile1000bc 7 points ago +7 / -0

The problems is that the gaming industry (or the IT industry in general) is not "ditching DEI". They just submarining it, hiding it and/or changing it's name to something else. Fundamentally it will still be there. Preferential hiring of women will never stop because both left and right worship feminism.

The cost blow out that we are seeing in game development is partially because of the disproportionate preference of women. Women demand maternity leave, part time, take excessive leave and only do non-productive work etc. Which necessitates much higher labor costs.

This will not change until the entire industry burns down and is no longer attractive to feminist seeking a free ride.

dnile1000bc 3 points ago +3 / -0

Teams is absolute dog shite. Their DEI programmers focused more on idiotic features than the actual functioning of the video conference part. e.g. extremely high CPU and resource usage, inefficient video and audio codecs etc.

dnile1000bc 24 points ago +24 / -0

This is why DEI can never go away because both left and right worship feminism as their new state religion

dnile1000bc 5 points ago +5 / -0

If Japan ever hope to maintain or improve their birthrate, they cannot allow easy abortion.

dnile1000bc 13 points ago +13 / -0

I doubt left will change anytime soon. They haven't felt the full effects of their idiocy. Not even close. Like all feminists, they cannot and will not understand their retardation until consequences hit them in the face.

dnile1000bc 17 points ago +19 / -2

Australians keep voting for the major parties who basically believe in


Mass immigration

Climate Scam

Extra large government

dnile1000bc 17 points ago +17 / -0

Feminists set the the standard for cancel culture and now they want to walk it back? Feminism is truly cancer. They always lie and never take responsibility for the terrible culture they inflicted on society

dnile1000bc 6 points ago +6 / -0

It would better at this point just to repeal the civil rights act so woke feminist trash can't use the law to enforce their hypocrisy.

dnile1000bc 31 points ago +31 / -0

He is not wrong. Female cries are very effective at manipulating society for centuries. You can see this recorded in the Bible with Joseph and Pothiphar's wife (Genesis 39:13). In more recent times, we have The Crucible and To Kill a Mockingbird illustrating female tears manipulating people.

Both conservatives and liberals worship feminism so his daughter's tears will be useful all her life. This will never change as normies do not view this as a bad thing.

No one cares about men so teaching your son crying does nothing early in life will save his life later on. Feminist crap about "being vulnerable" are lies and will damage him later.

dnile1000bc 18 points ago +21 / -3

I would expect Captain Anti-American to be a bit hit in the UK since most of the normies there have been brainwashed with feminist cancer

dnile1000bc 8 points ago +8 / -0

When even the right worship feminism as a state religion, it is inevitable a corruption and degradation of conservative values and principles will happen.

dnile1000bc 5 points ago +5 / -0

It is only because both left and right worship feminism that such a cancerous rubbish article can be published in "Scientific American"

dnile1000bc 5 points ago +6 / -1

The infection is too deep. Both left and right worship feminism as a state religion. You will never get rid of DEI because women will always demand special rights and men don't have the balls to say no.

dnile1000bc 20 points ago +21 / -1

Woke DEI / ESG trash will never end so long as feminism is worshiped as a state religion by both the left and the right

dnile1000bc 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's almost as if feminists go by what they feel is reality instead of what actually is reality. Normies in general celebrate this instead of condemning the delusion and the insanity.

dnile1000bc 24 points ago +24 / -0

That's why it is important to think for yourself instead of blindly following "leaders". Grummz, SmashJT, Endymion etc were all wrong. KCD2 is woke feminist trash and it was woke feminist trash the moment Daniel Vavra started attacking people questioning KCD2.

Ghost of Yotei is also another DEI trash.

I also strongly disagree with Nerdrotic, Critical Drinker et al on many of their recommendations. Mad Max Femioza, Arcane etc etc all are all woke feminist trash, despite what they say.

No one is perfect. This doesn't mean I will stop listening to Grummz, SmashJT, Nerdrotic etc. It just means I don't take what they say as gospel.

dnile1000bc 3 points ago +4 / -1

The word you're looking for is very simple. It's called intersectional feminism. They have a deep seething hatred of white men (a majority of farmers in ZA are white men) and will support any measure that will inflict pain and death.

dnile1000bc 12 points ago +12 / -0

"The walls are closing in on putty put Putin!"

"The beginning of the end"

"Russia is panicking!"

You think you hate the MSM but you really don't hate them enough

dnile1000bc 1 point ago +1 / -0

This feels like an episode of Married with Children but instead of the shoes, the fat cunt insists they can fit into a small car.

dnile1000bc 3 points ago +3 / -0

You're seeing a manifestation of stage 4 feminist cancer. This is why hiring feminists is a really bad idea

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