dagthegnome 28 points ago +28 / -0

Expelling dual citizens who attack police, but no mention of deportations for Muslims who go around stabbing white civilians because they're white. So they might be deported for rioting and looting, if a gendarme happens to get a boo boo in the process, but there's no additional consequences for murdering Frenchmen who aren't police.

And what about the thousands of French churches that have burned down over the past decade? Are they going to start deporting Muslim arsonists, too?

And then there's the proposal on the bottom.

dagthegnome -5 points ago +3 / -8

I'm not sure there's any evidence that women ever fulfilled that stereotype. There were civilizational reasons to sacrifice men's lives and welfare in order to protect women for as long as life was short enough and brutal enough that there was a real danger of a population collapse if women's reproductive value was not preserved. But that has not been true for centuries, and the more freedom women are given, the more they are at liberty to shamelessly display what has always been their true nature.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +8 / -6

Chivalry was always slavery. It is based on the idea that women deserve considerations they haven't earned, and that men owe them special treatment on principle.

dagthegnome 14 points ago +14 / -0

I suspect this is yet another inept meme from one of Alfie's "Lefty Friends." The idea seems to be to ridicule conservatives calling out the war on Christmas by bringing up two thousand-year-old Pagan celebrations that no one celebrates anymore as a comparison.

dagthegnome 1 point ago +1 / -0

And attacking and conquering our cities by 2025.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're either drunk or having a breakdown. Either way, go to bed.

dagthegnome 11 points ago +11 / -0

All because their mommies made them go to Sunday school. A purely adolescent personality disorder.

dagthegnome 9 points ago +9 / -0

So what moron used up all the fuel going back to kill Kennedy, melt the steel beams in the twin towers, break up the Beatles and trigger the collapse of the USSR? Priorities, people!

dagthegnome 1 point ago +2 / -1

I've never seen anyone who makes this argument establish exactly which segments of the population have grown to hate Trump since 2016 who didn't before then. The idea that, for example, he's done something to alienate female Boomers who weren't already turned off by "Grab em right in the pussy" is ludicrous. The only people I've seen turn against Trump in the years since 2016 are the Conservative Inc and neocon "influencers" who only supported him to begin with because they're a bunch of ambulance-chasing grifters, and hitched their ride to DeSantis because Trump didn't provide them with the attention or compensation they felt they deserved.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +9 / -4

So you've established that a feminist is largely responsible for the overall cultural and political decline of Japanese society and you're trying to say this proves Imp wrong about something?

dagthegnome 38 points ago +38 / -0

Hey GamerGate, can we lend Coloradans the Time Machine so they can go back to the 80s and start shooting any Californians who try to move there?

dagthegnome 14 points ago +17 / -3

Stop bullying and lecturing young men and Start. Holding. Women. Accountable. For. Their. Behavior. You miserable, simping, closeted homosexuals.

dagthegnome -8 points ago +11 / -19

Uh huh. A bunch of super rich jews all know each other. Not because they're jewish, but because they're members of the elite class, who all fucking know each other. There are probably a dozen other less convoluted flow-charts you can draw that link Blinken to Jeffrey Epstein, because they had pretty much all the same friends. What exactly is it that you think this proves?

dagthegnome -5 points ago +9 / -14

Robert Maxwell was never a fucking Mossad agent. He just claimed to be because he was full of shit.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +5 / -2

Women work?

dagthegnome 5 points ago +5 / -0

Jersh will probably have to initiate legal action to get it back, which I'm not certain he can actually afford. Kiwifarms has pissed off a huge swathe of the establishment on both the left and the right, and friends and allies are hard to come by. He'll have to appeal to free speech absolutists to help fund any lawsuits if that's what happens.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +6 / -1

He needs to play the role of a serious politician

Once again, that is the opposite of his winning formula. A "serious politician" is one who engages with the establishment within their predetermined frame of acceptable discourse. A "serious politician" is one who speaks the pseudo-intellectual managerial language of the elite and the political class because he's hoping for their approval. People are sick of "serious politicians." That is the reason Trump has been so successful.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +6 / -1

make the simple argument that the Democrats are weaponizing the law against him.

Selling mugshot NFTs is a very effective way of exposing the political nature of these prosecutions. What you seem to be advocating is for him to play the victim, and that is not a winning strategy. People don't want Trump to be a victim, and they don't want him to combat the establishment using their own rules and language the same way RINO candidates have done for decades. People supported Trump because he stood up in the face of that rhetoric and said, "fuck you. You're stupid. You're fat. You're ugly. You're crooked. You're short and you've got a tiny penis." And he did it in the least intellectualist language he could.

That is why people support him. That is what wins him votes. Engaging with the establishment on their terms instead of his own will only lose him support.

dagthegnome 15 points ago +16 / -1

Refusing to take it seriously is the smartest move he could make, because everyone knows these indictments are bullshit. That mugshot instantly piled 10 points onto his poll numbers the moment it was released. Why wouldn't he take advantage if it?

dagthegnome 13 points ago +13 / -0

Humans exhibit some of the most obvious sexual dimorphism of almost any mammalian species. Quite aside from the unscientific approach that is taking a small number of isolated cases of triple chromosomes and applying the same principle to a huge group of individuals who don't have that condition, simple observed reality makes it clear, and has always made it clear, that there are two sexes and a person born into one cannot change to the other.

dagthegnome 19 points ago +20 / -1

Women evolved to be communal, as females in primate social groups would always stick together while the males were out hunting and gathering, so they are genetically predisposed to lean on each other for emotional support, and often that can lead to a sort of circular cry-n-hug that never goes anywhere. Men evolved to internalize our emotional responses, and to deal with fear or loss by focusing on the next task, because that was how males survived trauma while off on their own.

It may sound odd coming from someone who, admittedly, doesn't have a high opinion of women, but their way of dealing with emotional stress is understandable from an evolutionary standpoint. The problem is that their inherent solipsism predisposes them to think that because men don't experience or express emotions in the same way they do, that that means there's something wrong with us. And feminism has enabled the psychology and therapy industry to pathologize male ways of emoting, while elevating women's ways of emoting to be the standard of what is normal.

dagthegnome 24 points ago +24 / -0

I think there's a default amongst both the left and certain parts the right to regard kindness and empathy as feminine traits. This makes leftists feel all superior, because they think they're being feminist or empowering women by engaging in their performative altruism, while some in the manosphere tend to dismiss those qualities as unmasculine. Peterson at least simply acknowledges that men feel and express empathy and kindness in different ways than women do.

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