daberoniandcheese 15 points ago +15 / -0

Or whoever writes his material is a talented comedian.

daberoniandcheese 41 points ago +42 / -1

I think undertale is a cute little game but good grief is it ruined by its fanbase. It's a magnet for the terminally online schizos like this person.

daberoniandcheese 10 points ago +10 / -0

The betting websites have Michelle Obama as the favorite for what that's worth. What a nuts timeline that would be.

daberoniandcheese 39 points ago +39 / -0

It's suspicious to me that it suddenly became okay to talk about how Biden is a dementia ridden octogenarian. It's almost like there's an election coming up and the people behind the scenes are setting the stage to replace this guy with someone worse.

daberoniandcheese 10 points ago +10 / -0

The ADL considers about 20% of numbers between 0 and 100 to be some sort of dogwhistle (14, 88, etc.) so that presents a lot of opportunities for random numeric values to be "hate crimes"

daberoniandcheese 4 points ago +4 / -0

Something that has really stuck in my mind lately is that consooomers will consooom. Propaganda won't stop them. Declining quality won't stop them. Hell, lack of money won't even stop them.

So chances are EA games are just popular, sad as that is.

daberoniandcheese 17 points ago +17 / -0

Most normies I know are just oblivious. I guess that's what makes them normies. That, or they're just too afraid to express their opinions. I don't really know anyone who is actively excited about more black people on their screens.

daberoniandcheese 22 points ago +22 / -0

CNN and their ilk love reporting these one in a million cases as if they're commonplace. Women eat these kinds of stories up because they're 100% pathos.

daberoniandcheese 13 points ago +13 / -0

Maybe we should look at this a different way. Maybe it's a good thing there are fewer white people in advertisements because now normie white people will be less likely to go into debt to buy a nissan altima or eat the latest goy slop.

Or maybe they'll still happily rush out to poison themselves with products made by people who hate them.

daberoniandcheese 29 points ago +30 / -1

This reminds me of a nurse I was talking to who said that we shouldn't say someone "committed suicide" only that someone "died by suicide" becuase it's disrespectful to imply that someone did something wrong.

I'm sitting there thinking whose feelings are we trying to spare here? The person who is literally dead? If we imply that there is nothing wrong with suicide wouldn't that encourage more people to off themselves?

But I was talking to a woman so I didn't even bother.

daberoniandcheese 8 points ago +8 / -0

redditors don't have any real convictions, it's all just friend/enemy distinction. They'd flip back to the other side tomorrow if fox news ran a story about this "pornography"

daberoniandcheese 18 points ago +18 / -0

I thought porn was "sex positive" and "empowering"

daberoniandcheese 7 points ago +7 / -0

Some good youtube guys are Leather Apron Club and Asha Logos. Not everything they do is history but they do have good history content.

Asha Logos has a great series about the French Revolution and Leather Apron Club debunks modern nonsense like Thomas Jefferson fathering black children and Greeks being flaming gay.

daberoniandcheese 18 points ago +18 / -0

She saw Ramona Flowers and she felt so empowered!

daberoniandcheese 38 points ago +38 / -0

I think this is supposed to be a "fellow kids" type thing. Kind of like when the FDA tweeted:

"You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y'all. Stop it."

(emphasis mine)

Our culture is so facile and lazy that this is how our betters think they need to talk to us. Sad part is they may be right.

daberoniandcheese 30 points ago +30 / -0

There was one of those "enlightened atheist" type guys on this forum a while back (he may be still here idk) and there was this long thread where people were trying to explain to him what per capita meant and he just didn't get it.

And if there's people like that on an alt tech forum that probably skews a little higher than average IQ then I bet a lot of people you're talking to don't get it either.

daberoniandcheese 34 points ago +34 / -0

A fun (depressing) exercise is to look at the staff credits from two games from the "same" developer years apart and see how many of the same names you can find.

This is particularly enlightening when you do it with the original Mass Effect and Andromeda or even Mass Effect 3.

daberoniandcheese 15 points ago +15 / -0

Something I've learned in my life is people say all kinds of stupid nonsense. Get whatever haircut you want. Some people will ree about it but who cares?

daberoniandcheese 2 points ago +3 / -1

Kind of hard to miss him when our Eruo mod is too busy sleeping to clean up the forum.

daberoniandcheese 18 points ago +18 / -0

I’m so out of the loop with new star wars I had no idea he was in mandalorian and I thought you were confusing him with Billy Dee Williams.

daberoniandcheese 4 points ago +4 / -0

In a lot of Tom Cruise movies they would stand him on a little box when he was next to the female lead so he looked taller than her.

If you know to look for it you can tell based on the blocking when they’re doing it.

daberoniandcheese 20 points ago +20 / -0

He’s reunited with the alligator now 🙏🏻

daberoniandcheese 5 points ago +5 / -0

Being a wuss is basically a prerequisite for using reddit so probably.

daberoniandcheese 13 points ago +13 / -0

We must protect the sanctity of women’s sports!

Jk this is all kind of funny to me

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