posted ago by LastRights ago by LastRights +7 / -10

They hired midgets to make him look bigger than he really is. That actor suffers from Arnold Swarzenegger'itis. They pulled the same shit on him, trying to make him look bigger on the big screen.

I remember Arnold meeting some huge muthafuckah and this 7 feet dude being absolutely surprised that Arnold (6'2 or something?) was smaller than him.

Bet a lot of you are taller than this Hollywoke steroid junkie in Reacher, including me. :')

The show is nothing more than niche 'dad television', anyway. Men are now an under-served demographic and we're supposed to play second fiddle and entertain ourselves with 21st century Ally McBeal garbage. And wait for the occasional bone they'll throw our way, like Reacher. And, of course, it's riddled with modern-day agitprop.

Current day Hollywoke needs to be dismantled, brick by brick. Nukes need to go off.