current_horror 4 points ago +4 / -0

A lot of celebrity minorities pulled this shit. They kissed whitey’s ass and knelt at the altar of colorblindness when it was advantageous to do so, and then they turned right around and became frothing identity politics zealots when that position started to confer more benefits.

Reminds me of all the girls who enthusiastically fucked Harvey Weinstein - when he held the keys to a lifetime of fame and fortune - only to sour on the deal long after the fact in order to secure a payout. Most celebrities are just whores of one kind or another.

current_horror 11 points ago +11 / -0

Trump literally told people to go home peacefully on J6. Twitter removed those statements under the guise of “trust and safety”. Then the democrat congress impeached him for inciting an insurrection. That “insurrection” was a false flag operation conducted by embedded FBI agents. We have proof of all of this.

Trump was accused of calling white supremacists and Neo-Nazis “very fine people”. In the actual quote, he specifically condemned white supremacists and Neo-Nazis. Then the leftists who lied about Trump’s support for Neo-Nazis turned around and championed the Azov Battalion, a bunch of literal Neo-Nazis. Again, we have proof of all of this.

Remember when Trump “called Mexicans rapists”? He was directly referring to the high rates of sexual assault suffered by girls and women when they illegally cross the border via coyotes and cartel. Those rates are around 75%. How do we know this? Because those figures come directly from RAINN, a widely cited and highly respected advocacy group.

What about the Russian collusion hoax? The democrats launched a massive investigation, handcuffing Trump for much of his first term, only to discover there was no evidence whatsoever. In fact, the Clinton campaign had paid a British spy to create a fraudulent dossier that was used as the impetus for the entire thing. No real consequences for lying about Trump and sabotaging his presidency.

What about when they impeached him for having the audacity to pressure Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden’s criminal behavior? We have video evidence of Biden literally bragging about committing this crime. Doesn’t matter.

Trump called Haiti a shithole. Leftists freaked out, calling him a racist. That country was recently hijacked by a warlord who flexes on his enemies by eating them.

Leftists called him a racist for his “Muslim ban”, too. Fully 75% of the Muslim world was not affected by said travel ban. Didn’t matter. Only narrative matters.

These are just some of the many lies surrounding one moderate conservative president. These lies comprise the entirety of reality for hundreds of millions of people. You can disprove all of them with hard evidence that is widely available. Doesn’t matter. Because we live in the matrix. Except it’s really gay.

So I guess we live in the matrix sequels.

current_horror 30 points ago +30 / -0

LGBT is incompatible with every traditional culture on earth. It is the tip of the globalist spear. If you value your people, your culture, and your nation, you fight this Marxist movement aggressively. Russia has done it, and that’s why “globalists” hate Russia.

current_horror 9 points ago +11 / -2

I’m not even a hardline 9/11 truther, but this is a seriously retarded argument. Pointing out that the building 7 collapse was insanely sketchy… is proof that the twin towers collapsing wasn’t?


current_horror 16 points ago +16 / -0

Their actions in Gaza have shown that they will do literally anything to protect their interests - including literal ethnic cleansing - and the world will do nothing to stop any of it. Because muh holocaust.

Meanwhile, America is the big global bully… and won’t even defend its own southern border from mass invasion.

current_horror 19 points ago +19 / -0

Yup. Combined with rampant dereliction of duty by cops everywhere after George Floyd. What’s the upside for a cop enforcing the law against blacks? They escalate - as always - and get themselves killed, so you are then charged for murder by a leftist prosecutor, railroaded by a leftist judge and jury, and spend the rest of your life in prison being assaulted by black inmates?

Or maybe everything goes to plan and you arrest the black criminal with minimal fuss, only for the leftist prosecution to refuse pressing charges. So violent black criminal is out on the street that afternoon because bail is racist, and you get to see him hurt more people after you’ve already booked him.

Life in blue city America is retarded.

current_horror 8 points ago +8 / -0

The only explanation is the existence of hard and fast written rules against traditional entertainment. These big companies absolutely refuse to just make the obvious correct decisions. Not even the profit motive can guide them. So what gives? Is it really just a combination of ideological possession and ESG bucks?

current_horror 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is an insightful comment. Their subversions become status quo, to the point where a traditional product almost feels subversive.

Imagine a Star Wars movie in 2024 that features a straight white male protagonist who isn’t a morally gray anti-hero, isn’t surrounded by more competent female characters, and isn’t a spy-infused beta male weakling. The mainstream press would lose their minds over such a thing because it would be legitimately transgressive in this climate.

current_horror 40 points ago +40 / -0

No shit. They really do need to win just once.

When right wingers win, they need to go scorched earth, everywhere, for the entirety of their time in office. The age of tempered governance is over.

current_horror 5 points ago +5 / -0

Finding one person who believes something doesn’t mean anything. For starters, trolls and contrarians exist. More importantly, an isolated few doesn’t equal a meaningful plurality. You can find Japanese people who hate Japan and want Japanese culture to be utterly destroyed and replaced. How do you think they feel about a disruptive black main character in an historical video game with a traditional Japanese setting?

There’s really no point in engaging with people before firmly establishing first order principles. If you’re debating someone whose central premise is the total annihilation of your people, your culture, and your nation, then you are wasting your time. You should be focusing on destroying them in kind.

current_horror 4 points ago +4 / -0

A below average capeshit movie is one of the most critically acclaimed movies of all time. Probably the greatest indictment of the professional critic class.

The Amy Schumer Netflix debacle was the other big nail in the coffin for public consumer feedback versus leftism. Now we just have steam reviews.

current_horror 7 points ago +7 / -0

To be as charitable as possible, they view the “47%” as victims of the heteronormative cis patriarchy. That’s where the “trans genocide” and “stop killing us” anthems come from: their fervent belief that society at large is responsible for trannies killing themselves, not the trannies themselves. It’s a deliberate discharge of all personal responsibility for their own actions. Leftists are always putting the locus of control firmly outside of themselves. They are always victims, even when they clearly are not.

current_horror 17 points ago +17 / -0

“What if we tried to appeal to South and Central Americans by selecting one of their own for the next pope? It’s not like he’s guaranteed to be a subversive communist, right?”

current_horror 13 points ago +13 / -0

Leftists let rapists and murderers go, but people who upset the regime in any way? 10+ years in prison.

current_horror 6 points ago +6 / -0

America is an occupied nation. The American government is occupied and controlled by a combination of hostile foreign elites and the traitors who enable them. This is a pattern that has played out countless times in the history of empires.

The big difference with America is the existence of a few hundred million guns in the hands of the heritage citizenry. If the people snap and decide to take back their country, it won’t be easy - but it will be interesting.

current_horror 13 points ago +13 / -0

The explanation I find most persuasive: globalists promote LGBT everywhere because they know that it is incompatible with every traditional culture on earth. You can’t observe and maintain your people’s traditions and values while simultaneously adhering to the gay tranny agenda - the latter necessarily displaces and overrides all of the former. So pushing LGBT (under the guise of empathy and acceptance) is really just a direct attack on all the nations and peoples of the world by the globalists who seek to control us all.

current_horror 11 points ago +12 / -1

Every country has to choose between a dictatorship and this.

current_horror 2 points ago +2 / -0

This picture is highly illustrative. Their baby is an accessory to the true focus of their lives: their sexuality.

current_horror 5 points ago +5 / -0

All roads lead to too much noticing. The only polite solution is to neuter maturation and development. You have to keep the community suspended at one or two politically acceptable epiphanies. Any further than that and you anger the powers that be.

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