Can you imagine anything worse, in the realm of gaming, then playing as a pair of literal millennial girl writers? I expend a decent amount of effort actively avoiding the shit products of millennial girl boss authors. These are the exact people who have fucked fantasy and sci-fi to hell over the last 10+ years. Now they want me to skip right over their painfully terrible self-inserts to play as the actual retards themselves?

The game looks very technically competent. I'm sure the gameplay is fine. But I don't need to tolerate horrible characters, dialogue, and story in my video games. I'm not "missing out" by skipping this shit, same as I'm not missing out when I bypass games created by people who hate me. There are already more good games in existence than any one person could ever fully play. But even if this were the only game in the world, I'd rather quit the hobby than suffer through these characters and this writing.


"Avowed Hates Men"


To no one's surprise, the game is nothing but insufferable girl bosses, thinly veiled anti-whiteness, and men who are either evil, corrupt, incompetent, cowardly, or just literally homosexual. It's a repeat of Outer Worlds, which shouldn't come as a shock to anyone because the devs are still the exact same leftist feminist dipshits who treat their game dev jobs as merely another opportunity for rank activism.

Outside of the culture war content, everything else is also terrible. The UI is garbage. The game is full of bugs and jank. The combat looks soft and boring. The game's structure is at least 15 years outdated. The story is beyond cliche. Nothing about this woke turd looks good.

An interesting phenomenon is the "console exclusive" bump we always see from such games. There are people out there praising this game for no other reason than Playstation gamers can't play it (right now). Same shit happened with Starfield, not to mention every Sony exclusive ever. These games always have lower scores and player reviews on PC because PC gamers are not ego-invested the same way that console fanboys have always been.


Stumbled across this article from August 22nd of last year. It's a tranny eagerly promoting the possibility of a gay romance in KCD2.


Hasn't Warhorse delivered everything this tranny asked for?

Vavra decided to have his cake and eat it, too. That's it. That's the whole story. He's an opportunist and a liar. And half the anti-woke crowd are so desperate for relevance that they're willing to circle the wagons for a traitor who sold out to the woke mob for a few extra shekels.

Edit to add: consider the timeline. This tranny journo was playing a preview build of the game almost six months ago. If the gay romance had been explicit, don't you think he would have been singing its praises?

Vavra deliberately withheld the gay romance from the players because he knew it was a betrayal. He fully intended to blindside us. When it was leaked, he played stupid while his sycophants came to his defense.

Then IGN gives it a 9/10 and releases a "how to be gay" guide five minutes after their review goes up? Obviously some games media were in on the deception.


A survey by the GDC claims that 25% of American game developers identify as LGBTQ. For devs age 18-24, this figure jumps to 43%.

Read that again. Almost half of young American game developers are LGBTQ.

33% of American game devs identify as female or non-binary. This number is up from 25% in 2022. That’s an 8% shift in just two years.


From the article:

35 percent of all respondents were white, male, and not part of the LGBTQ+ community. It shows that while strides have been made to diversify the industry, there is still a little way to go

“Perfect diversity” will only be achieved when straight white men are gone.

Western game dev is just super feminine, super gay, and blatantly anti-white. That’s it. That’s the whole issue. It’s a traditionally male industry being overrun by lefty gays, trannies, and feminists while their customers are still very white, very straight, very male, and at least as conservative as the general population. You really don’t have to look any further than that to explain the ongoing conflict between devs and players in western gaming.

This ideological and cultural disconnect is the inevitable result of an engineered demographic shift in game dev. The people who are now in charge of making video games actively despise the demographics comprising most of the people who actually play video games. It’s completely untenable and unsustainable.

It’s too bad they weren’t stupid enough to collect overt political data. With what we know about correlations between ideology and identity, what percentage of game devs must be literal communists?


Looks like Elon wants curry. I think I’d rather have tacos. No kebabs, please.


Even if they let the player go lesbian, you know the only options will be a series of fugly dykes.

I’m never playing a game that expects me to role-play as a woman who is actively seeking male (or ugly female) affection. That shit is absolutely tranny adjacent.


Naughty Dog’s new IP is a retro sci-fi space game starring a butch, shaved-headed black lesbian girl boss.

The Witcher 4 stars a female lead, an uglified middle-aged Ciri who is also a sassy girl boss.

The new co-op game from Hazelight, (developer of It Takes Two) stars a pair of insufferable millennial female writers.

Outside of what was shown last night, we have the sequel to Ghost of Tsushima with another new girl boss protagonist.

Grand Theft Auto 6? Another new female protagonist.

Is there a literal prohibition on white male leads in western game dev?

Virtually every western advertisement put sassy girl bosses - both real and virtual - front and center. You’d think the majority of competitive online players are female, the way the industry panders to the demo.

Meanwhile, Eastern game devs are cranking out the only media with masculine males and feminine females. The Last Berzerker and Crimson Desert feature white male leads even, a clear indicator that Asian devs are targeting what they correctly perceive to be a gap in the western market.

And the countless female characters in Eastern games? Just as present and powerful, but they aren’t insufferable cunts or masculine abominations. No, eastern female characters are unapologetically attractive and feminine.

The awards also focused on women nonstop. Women in the crowd. Women on stage with the award winners. Female presenters. Meanwhile, almost every winner was a white or Asian dude. Because they are still the ones who put in the hard work to make the fucking games.

Watching the live chats was great, though. The moment you saw purple, people were calling woke. And the best part is knowing that all of the defenders and shills are definitely seething leftists who are terrified of the current cultural realignment.


It currently sits at an 84 on metacritic. The mainstream review sites have predictably sold out, and the ranks of the “professional reviewers” have been wildly inflated with a large number of extremely small and niche progressive websites giving insanely over-the-top praise.

But the real tell is how many fairly big YouTube reviewers didn’t receive review keys at all. Fextralife and ACG were both denied. And some of the ones who did get keys, like SkillUp and Matty, have absolutely shit all over the game. It’s not even close.

Watching SU’s painstakingly well-sourced video review after glancing through metacritic really shows the insane gaslighting that is still possible in the written media space. Also, the number of recognized pro reviewers who obsess over leftist politics on gaming has only grown.

Edit: the IGN reviewer who gave it a 9/10 is a tranny.

Edit again: I paged through a few more critic reviews, and I can honestly say I’ve never even heard of at least half these websites. I think big publishers are directly funding overly positive fly-by-night game review websites in order to manipulate metacritic. These are tiny ass websites with next to no readership, and yet they’ve received review codes ahead of massive YouTubers with millions of subs? It’s obvious bullshit.


And who was the most popular player in the league by far? Who generated legitimate public interest, ratings, and attendance?

A straight white woman. Whom they targeted with physical violence and widespread disdain for the entire season.

Is there a more despised demographic in America than black women? I feel like the only people who like black women are leftist white women.

The mere appearance of a black female protagonist is enough to sink any video game at this point.


I noticed it with Starfield. The game was obviously objectively shit, but there were still tons of people defending it online. Dig a little deeper and you quickly discover that most of them were just Xbox fanboys who were mindlessly shilling for their first big “next gen exclusive” over Sony.

Now I’m seeing the same thing with Astrobot. It is, by all indications, a solid platformer with very nice graphics. Look around the internet a bit and you find people calling it the best game of the generation, which is completely unhinged. But I guess that’s what happens when the console exclusives have been utter dogshit for almost an entire hardware cycle.

Seriously, this has been the worst condole generation of all time. They let the old systems anchor development like 3+ years too long, and what few big games they’ve developed for new hardware have been either woke trash or live service trash.

PC indie gaming is the only place to be.


Closest rooftop is unsecured plus there’s a fucking ladder? No social media presence for a 20 year old leftist? They magically can’t get into his phone?

“Muh diversity hires, amirite?”



It's a longer video with a lot of rambling, but the title really says it all.

Western women used the franchise to usher in a gynocentric feminist society, which in turn gave them the "freedom" to pursue high paying careers at the expense of creating their own families. Those same women also voted for higher taxes, open borders, and massive welfare programs.

The end result of all this "progress"? All of the money they make in exchange for not having their own families is being heavily taxed by our governments in order to financially support hordes of lazy illegal immigrants (who multiply like rabbits).

Instead of Western women having their own husbands and kids and grandkids, they work 40+ hours a week for an uncaring corporate master only to then turn around and hand off half their paychecks to the government, who then distribute it to unemployed economic tourists from all over the non-white world (none of whom bother with "family planning" - unless you count planning to have 5+ children on the taxpayer's dime).

It would honestly be hilarious if it didn't also represent the impending collapse of Western civilization.


Dragon’s Dogma 2, despite catastrophically bad optimization and very negative reviews, has already broken 200k concurrent players on Steam.

Horizon Forbidden West, a purportedly flawless port with very positive reviews, has so far topped out at just over 25k concurrent, roughly half the peak achieved by the first Horizon.

Things can certainly change. Also, Horizon is a two year old game at this point, although still one of the best looking games in existence.

But those numbers are anemic, especially in the wake of Sony’s last PC release (Helldivers 2) hitting almost half a million concurrent players.

Is it possible that the Sweet Baby Inc. story penetrated the mainstream far enough to influence consumer behavior? I’m not aware of any formal connection between HFW and SBI, but it does seem like gamers are becoming more conscious of both the woke taint on AAA and their own ability to avoid it.

Who knows. Maybe it’s just a mirage. A man can dream.


When I revisit media from the 00s and 10s, I sometimes wonder why a certain actor or movie didn’t take off. Then when I look up the actor or movie in question, I find that the mainstream critics were overly harsh. The contrast with today’s critics, who wildly over-praise anything with a non-white lead, is pretty stark.

Knowing what we know now about the radical leftist orthodoxy that has dominated these spaces for decades - first in relative secret and now in far more brazen fashion - I sometimes wonder how many good actors and movies were squashed by the critic cartel simply for being white.

I guess I’ve lately started thinking less about all the subversive garbage being made and more about what has been denied us by those who control the levers of power in media. “We should be on Mars” applies to more than just space travel.


Predictably, leftists are pushing for rainbow and tranny capes in HD2.

If the devs refuse, they will be branded as bigots.

If the devs relent, lgbtq players will be mercilessly team killed on an industrial scale.

I’m pulling for door number two.


On principle, I have never blocked or reported anyone until now. It is not in my nature.

But Imp’s act has really degraded since 10/7. Every other word out of his keyboard is “stormfag”. He’s gone from local misogynist rascal to obnoxious forum slider, replying to every comment in some threads just to amplify his visibility (despite the consistent down votes).

Now, whenever I see a post with more then ten comments, I know it’s just Imp sperging out. This deflating experience is probably his actual goal.

Anyways, I’m blocking the retard for now. Gonna see how my forum experience goes without the shit-flinging monkey.


Women have always had inherent value owing to their ability to birth children. By contrast, men have always had to accrue value unto themselves by their works and deeds. I think this fundamental reality is reflected in our media depictions of male versus female protagonists.

The hero’s journey is essentially the coming-of-age story of boys becoming men via trials and suffering. We become worthy of our stations in life, and our women and our families, through accomplishment and overcoming challenges. Or we fail, and we die, literally or spiritually. Either way, it’s interesting.

Women don’t experience the same climb. They begin the game with tremendous, society-sustaining value. It literally cannot be overstated. It is, however, automatic and requires no effort. There’s no progression or arch or triumph. The only potential for drama is the tragedy that results when a woman squanders her greatest value.

Injecting women into traditionally masculine “hero’s journey” stories is a recipe for boredom. Because women begin the story with all of the value they require to be accepted and promoted by the tribe. Whatever motivations are concocted for these female protagonists are inevitably shallow and pointless. Their arcs are flat and uninspiring. The most they can muster is obnoxious and entitled subversion; they rebel against the “unfair restrictions” placed upon them by nature - as if men are so privileged in their mandatory pain and labor.

I think this theory maps pretty well onto modern girl boss characters. I’m sure it has been explored. Just connecting my own personal dots on this one.


90% of the posts on patriots.win are hyping up Israel’s incoming war on Iran. I knew the site was mostly pozzed on Israel, but good lord.


In the wake of Trump’s motorcade driving through the Atlanta ghetto - in order to film a few black people cheering for a conservative - we’re once again seeing a bunch of conservative talking heads rehash the same tired bullshit about blacks waking up to the corruption and degeneracy of the left. These pundits are claiming that black support for Trump is now at 20% and climbing!

Nonsense. The reality is that we have a cottage industry of black content creators, influencers, and reactors who promote conservatism not for a black audience but rather for a white conservative audience. Because white conservatives are absolutely terrified of being labeled racist, so black creators are ready to cash in with content that serves that demographic.

Blacks are never going to support republicans.


The video: https://youtu.be/4-G3j00RQ1U

The Reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/15p5v8j/devs_play_the_game/

Fat, purple-haired butch lesbian with insane vocal fry is playing Diablo 4 co-op alongside clueless younger colleague. Highlights include:

  • spamming basic attacks almost the whole time while resource bar is full

  • dying on the easiest difficulty level

  • talking about how both women are products of university game design mills

  • they are both dungeon designers (dungeons are possibly the worst designed aspect of the entire game)

It’s a complete dumpster fire of a video. Tons of people are taking it as total confirmation that diversity hiring practices are what ruined Diablo 4. There are a few detractors in the comments, but they are mostly getting roasted.

Huge mistake by Blizzard. The interviews with various diversity hire devs were bad enough, but there was some plausible deniability there. This is two clear diversity hires, with rubber-stamped credentials, struggling to competently play their own video game. They’re showing off the terrible dungeon design while boasting that their sole contribution to the game was dungeon design. It’s like every anti-woke turbo hitler’s dream come true.


The study:


The stated purpose:

we investigated whether individuals with IQs ≤ 90 who completed college experienced the same social and economic benefits higher-IQ college graduates did.

The hilarious accidental money shot:

Although most individuals with IQs ≤ 90 did not have a college degree, the rate at which they completed college had increased approximately 6-fold in men and 10-fold in women relative to rates in the previous generation.

So the researchers were trying to instill confidence in their sample size, but they inadvertent revealed what most of us have suspected for years: colleges are rubber stamping degrees for stupid people in general and stupid women in particular.

Given average white IQ is ten points higher than 90 while average black IQ is five points lower, it’s probably safe to assume that most of these cognitively challenged college grads are black women a.k.a. the most insufferable and belligerent demographic on the planet.

We’re fast tracking literal retards into positions of authority and influence because muh racism. Bodes well!


No matter our differences, we can all agree that belligerent midwit atheists are the most insufferable of all cunts.


The live action Little Mermaid is at $543 million globally. Chances are good it won’t crack $600 million.

Reports put the cost of production at around $250 million. The break even point for such a budget is typically $700-750 million. So this movie is on track to lose a cool hundred million dollars, which is bad enough already.

But consider the fact that three previous live action remakes have broken the billion dollar barrier at the box office. In terms of established expectations, Little Mermaid is leaving as much as a quarter to a half a billion dollars on the table.

I blame some of this on the inherently flawed concept. Live action versions of people are obviously fine, and simulated live action versions of cuddly animals are popular. Simulated live action versions of dead-eye fish and creepy sea insects? Not as appealing.

But there’s simply no denying that the unnecessary race swapping of white ginger Ariel to yet another black actress did not go over well with non-woke foreign markets. Asian countries in particular roundly rejected this movie, which is why the international box office fell well short of domestic. This trend was completely reversed with the previous live action remakes, btw.

So yeah, don’t run your retard mouth about shit you don’t understand, whoever you were lol


All of the headlines suggest The Little Mermaid is a huge hit, but this isn’t remotely true.

The 2019 Lion King remake made $191 million domestic on opening weekend.

The TLM remake made $118 million domestic on opening weekend.

The Lion King finished at $1.6 billion with two thirds of that being international.

The Little Mermaid only took in $68 million international on opening weekend.

Napkin math says Mermaid will make $350ish million total domestic. If international percentage holds, that’s only another $200ish million.

Projected total? $550 million. On a $250 million budget, that’s a gigantic flop.

  1. Putin was holding back the entire time

  2. the only rational explanation for his restraint was that he wanted to minimize civilian casualties and damage to critical infrastructure

  3. this desire to minimize collateral damage makes Putin a better man than all of the Western commanders who indiscriminately carpet bombed their enemies in virtually every major conflict since WW2

  4. at this point, if Western media are speaking, they’re lying

  5. everyone on this board who thought the Ukraine was winning this war, or that Russia was somehow outmatched, is a fucking retard

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