So recently i was watching another Frieren video responding to the retarded leftists complaining about "evil races in fiction" and in the comment of the video i saw someone mention how Extra credits video was an example of retarded leftists whining about "evil races in fiction" but it was about orcs instead so i was curious and went to see that video and the video recommended another retarded and ridiculously in depth article about how "evil races in fiction impacts minorities badly" and linked the article in the description of the video.
And then i looked up the author of the article..... he was a filipino jewish guy from New York.
This link also has another link to one of his videos that complains about "gaming being too White". He doesn't mention his jewish heritage in his main website where he writes all the woke articles he only mentions his Filipino heritage, but he did mention his jewish heritage on his Patreon page.
Sigh....I swear to god, i wasn't even trying to look for jews but it keeps happening.
I don’t like you Telia, but I tell you… they destroyed my DnD. You hold onto your stupid anime. You don’t give them an inch, you scream all your slurs and point out how full of shit and gay they are. No matter how much I mock anime and this loli bill you’re freaking about…. Know that I want you to win for I would not wish the woke rot on anyone.
Thanks i appreciate it. I dont know much about DnD, could you explain how they destroyed it?
You're seeing some of it in the articles and videos linked. Obsession over fictional race, and such.
All kind of changes to get rid of "problematic" content, that was always core to the game, and not problematic.
I believe they've completely done away with racial bonuses now. Here's an example of how it used to be. You can see Dwarves were sturdy but "ugly" (non charismatic, more accurately.) Elves were agile but not sturdy. And so on.
Even that was problematic.
All kinds of stuff. The parent company is woke and gay as Hell, and keeps wrecking shit.
The worst part about modern D&D is how far it has strayed from any semblance of quality traditional fantasy archetype. Everyone is playing as some retarded home-brew-tier-race. Everyone has inane backstories to explain away their Frankenstein multi class builds, which are a mishmash of incompatible mechanics and ideas. The end result is an incoherent mess of schizo settings and snowflake characters. It’s like a collective expression of everyone’s narcissistic personality disorder.
This gayness is now ubiquitous in video games as well. I used to play a lot of RPGs. These days, it is impossible to put together a semi-realistic party of “the boys” in any major rpg. You will encounter and dispatch plenty of traditional (aka problematic) parties in the form of “bandits” - all male, ethnically homogeneous, stoic and ordered. You know, the sort of adventuring party that makes fucking sense. These are the bad guys now.
The good guys are always a comically diverse collection of flamboyant feminized weirdos. If there is one stoic masculine martial in the party, you better believe it’s going to be a cunty dyke.
If I were still playing dnd, my house rules would basically forbid all new modern races and all multiclassing.