We had that huge meta study conclusively showing that multiculturalism massively erodes every metric of public trust and function. Probably buried within that same data is the unpleasant truth that most white cultures get along just fine together. The dysfunction and social corrosion are almost certainly linked to the influx of non-white cultures.
We had that huge meta study conclusively showing that multiculturalism massively erodes every metric of public trust and function. Probably buried within that same data is the unpleasant truth that most white cultures get along just fine together. The dysfunction and social corrosion are almost certainly linked to the influx of non-white cultures.
The best stats at the ones out of Britain.
'oy we need to import all these foreigners to help the economy'
foreigners are net negative on the economy
'oy we gonna import more bigot'
This has been known for decades (see Robert Putnam's study). It's just that they don't care much about your quality of life.