cccpneveragain 15 points ago +15 / -0

I blame debt for a lot of people in my age group that have trouble. When I looked around at my peers in my 20s and a bit of my 30s it's what I always saw. Tons of student loans. Needing a new fancy "cool" car at 18-20. Traveling all over on credit. They never could wait for anything. Meanwhile, I paid for college by working full time and for the most part giving the school checks every semester. It took me six years to get a "4-year" degree, but I walked away not owing a penny. I bought a car for $3,000 cash I'd saved two months after I graduated high school. It was in really nice shape, but wasn't trendy and modern. It was also damn comfortable and got me where I needed to be every time. I drove that until I was 25. I didn't really travel much until I was nearly 30, and even then it's not a huge amount I spend.

The thing is, everyone looks at me now like I'm rich, but most of the people around me who think that have more income than me or at the very least think I make a lot more than I do. Yeah, I have nice stuff, and yeah, I don't stress about money at all, because I don't have to. I only have mortgage debt, I could get rid of that if I wanted without too much pain. Car titles are on hand and clear and will be even though I'm looking at buying something else soon. I paid my dues the hard and patient way, when they were instead paying the bankers.

cccpneveragain 26 points ago +26 / -0

This to be used only as an example. "See we are fair! We even convict the son of the President. Trump's trial was fair too!"

cccpneveragain 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yeah, I don't care for gyms. I walk and bicycle around the neighborhood for most of my exercise. What little weight training I want to do, I have a few freeweights.

cccpneveragain 11 points ago +11 / -0

Well they are on the permanent no-go list. I believe that's the closest gym to me too. I'd rather find other ways to work out than going to gyms anyway.

cccpneveragain 7 points ago +7 / -0

Well at my age, I was going with more simple answer. I'd be supposed to look for Gen X and boomer women, and they are going to be beyond childbearing age.

cccpneveragain 19 points ago +19 / -0

Right now, Millennial men do not stand a chance at having the kind of relationship they want with younger Millennial women, much less Gen Z women. They should stick with older Millennial women, Xillennial women, and the youngest Gen X women.

Let's assume I fall into Millennial, or I suppose Xillennial (is that the very upper fringe? They are always making up groups). So, there's nearly a zero percent chance any of these groups offer the kind of relationship I want. The only such relationship I would be at all interested in results in family building, and they can't offer that.

on average, feminists are more intelligent, knowledgeable, educated, learned, financially empowered, and successful than patriarchal women

Bwahahahahahaha. I'll give them "educated," because they will rush to define that as advanced degrees. Albeit, they will define all of these things in ways that benefit them.

cccpneveragain 33 points ago +33 / -0

I guess their strategy is take up your entire drive so you can't play anything else if you have it.

cccpneveragain 26 points ago +26 / -0

You can just tell by their pictures. Colored plastic glasses, weird hair. No words needed.

cccpneveragain 12 points ago +12 / -0

Indians do suck. I don't care for muzzies, but at least the ones I've had to interact with personally are generally pleasant. Indians they got exactly right, rude and annoying.

cccpneveragain 4 points ago +5 / -1

I only read highlights. Doom game is only thing that interests me, but if it’s like Eternal and is a platforming game I’ll never even consider playing it. I have going through 2016 Doom probably 5 times, I deleted Eternal after a couple hours. I hate it.

by Lethn
cccpneveragain 1 point ago +1 / -0

Desktop-use wise I'm already 98% Linux myself, the other 2% if my scanner works in a virtual box then that's 1% of it covered.

I'll get to gaming eventually. I'm currently not prepared hardware wise to dual boot, I just don't have the disk space to give up to partition at the moment

by Lethn
cccpneveragain 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn't know that...thanks. I do want to keep being able to use this old scanner so I'll have to get that set up

cccpneveragain 3 points ago +3 / -0

Looks good to me. When they decide they need one of those community managers, get a dog to do that too. Even the worst dog around would do better than any of the typical purple and blue hair nose ringed freaks.

by Lethn
cccpneveragain 6 points ago +6 / -0

I have had a problem with a wireless adapter too. USB. Actually most of the things I've had trouble with are USB or very old and niche (like a weird scanner).

There's not some crazy lottery, and every time I hear that term it's in regard to overclocking anyway. If overclocking is your obsession you're likely going to need a lot of your own research.

I'd pay particular attention to:

  • Motherboard (especially any onboard features like wireless, bluetooth, SATA, etc.). There's not that many motherboards it should be fairly easy to find out about.
  • Any expansion cards you plan to use beyond an AMD or Nvidia GPU
  • Anything USB beyond a keyboard and mouse

You really don't have to concern yourself with things like CPU and RAM unless you're just being especially weird with your choices and not sticking to a common recent-gen x86 CPU, etc. I've heard AMD GPUs have better driver support, but I'm sure there's resources for learning with all the Nvidiaphiles out there. I've only used with AMD GPUs.

If you have a bunch of gamer things, like Razer 1337 Gam3r D3a1hma1ch Super Professional MLG Extra-Mechanical Ultra RGB Sk1llz keyboard and the functionality of the included software is important to you, I'd be very wary of any such features working in Linux. Linux users are not the target marketing for those, so it's going to be nowhere near out of the box to use.

cccpneveragain 13 points ago +13 / -0

Wow, that dancing is just shit.

cccpneveragain 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, that's on my list. I'm going to try it once I get to a real dual boot. I have to get my hands on (buy) a 2.5" SSD first

cccpneveragain 5 points ago +5 / -0

A lot of TV was never recorded higher than at-the-time broadcast quality, I've got some of that on DVD. There's no reason to have better.

I've argued with some streaming service advocates that streaming 4K looks no better than 1080p Blu-Ray anyway. At a certain point bitrate wins. I guess that's my cope, I have a lot of 1080p Blu-Ray.

cccpneveragain 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just stick with discs. No one likes them anymore I guess, but I could easily store 200 movies in a small space. I don't really expect player/drive availability to go to zero anytime even nearly soon. Yeah, they degrade, but if I'm talking about the remainder of my lifetime, what percentage will I lose from discs stored in a cool, dry place?

cccpneveragain 5 points ago +5 / -0

There's something history behind it for sure. It's not as simple as "he didn't want her to touch me cuz I'm blak." The race card works well to not get whatever is really going on questioned.

cccpneveragain 7 points ago +7 / -0

I've tried. It's been tough with games--especially if you aren't a Steam acolyte and play a lot of games older than 5 years. I'm still going to push that way as I can. Maybe just the modern stuff I play. At which point, I could pretty easily roll back to a locked down Windows 10 for everything else. I guess lucky for me I really only game on my Windows machine, so their telemetry that I haven't disabled is going to look about like what they'd get from a game console.

cccpneveragain 7 points ago +7 / -0

I feel the same, I've gotten a decent way into it but nothing calls me back. I played Asylum in a weekend because I didn't want to put it down.. There's nothing I recall bad about Knight. My opinion, it went too far with the open-worldness and too short on the story. I preferred the tight smaller scale story of Arkham Asylum of the three. Most like City more though.

cccpneveragain 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe it is now, I'm not really a young white dude so I don't have a point of reference for that, and I find most people here spend much more time observing leftist spaces than I do, so I guess they could use that term for it now. I was thinking historically. I grew up the nerdy programmer, game modder, computer builder type. I can't imagine any of my friends wanting to claim a term to describe ourselves as a "dudebro." In 1995, we'd have wholly rejected something that sounded so retarded and gay, or projected it onto a another group that was actually retarded and gay.

cccpneveragain 6 points ago +6 / -0

I never thought of the term dudebro as any of these things, but more of the college fraternity trust fund types who spent all their time partying on their dad's money while treating everyone else who were inevitably beneath them like shit. As far as gaming goes, they would never be seen playing anything beyond Madden or Call of Duty.

Outside of what they are called though, whatever group you describe are definitely the ones that made the golden age of games.

cccpneveragain 8 points ago +9 / -1

Sure things are worse now, but by all accounts I've heard first hand it points to a lot of things they wouldn't do today. Houses were tiny and the children shared small rooms. Women cooked almost every meal and tended the house. Some made clothes for the kids. Eating out was rare and expensive. It wasn't stop at Starbucks daily for breakfast, eat out at lunch, and doorfash dinner while watching TV on one of six paid streaming services. The wife got up and cooked breakfast and made coffee, packed lunch for the husband, and cooked dinner. You watched on the one TV whatever was on the three free channels, or did something else.

I always hear a lot about this dead dream, but very little about modem people willing to live that life.

cccpneveragain 2 points ago +2 / -0

I played that game a tiny bit on a friend's computer not all that long ago. The camos and skins in there are fucking insane now. Every enemy is bright purple, or like giant white fur, dressed like a teletubbie, etc. There's certainly no blending in. My heyday in that game was COD4-Black Ops 2, and I never wanted to be so obvious looking.

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