alucard13mmfmj 5 points ago +5 / -0

Social media is such a classic double edge sword. Making the internet popular for normies and women was the biggest mistake ever for humanity. It amplifies women's worse traits by 1000x.

alucard13mmfmj 6 points ago +6 / -0

These ass clowns will feel good for voting in the first poc woman as inflation goes up 10,000%. But at least they wont appear racist and to own the chuds.

alucard13mmfmj 3 points ago +3 / -0

Capcom has enjoyed 7 years of increased profits YoY. Guess they want to end all that. They have dozens of IP's to rape and pillage. They know people will buy slop because they know people dont know about the nerfs or too many normies that just consume. They are making profit despite the obvious nerfs to female characters across the board in remakes and sequels, although.. they have been doing it slowly. A slowly boiled frog. but i have a feeling they will ramp up those efforts soon. I can see japanese female directors/managers work if... and its a big if.. if they hire mangakas or modders. Females often draws or models the sexiest character designs or outfits.

alucard13mmfmj 5 points ago +5 / -0

Epic will never gain back that top value ever again. Its all down hill. Fortnite is old and will never reach a time high ever again. Only there to provide stable income for epic. Epic store sucks balls. The only other thing is unreal engine, but thats just another stable income. Which btw... 90% of unreal engine games looks and feel the same.

alucard13mmfmj 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not sure what to do. I have a 9900k and its showing its age. I use my computer for work, 3d modeling/animation/video editing. I plan to get a new cpu soon.. but with intel 13th and 14th gen being a ticking time bomb. I game too, but that is now secondary. Trying to get a new cpu because i want to bake simulations faster and also faster rendering between frames.

Im planning on waiting for 15th gen/arrowlake from intel which will be allegedly released this fall. But im gonna assume its paper launch and mobo will be very over priced for first few months or half a year. I need something in the next few months. I looked up amd and they are releasing new cpus in a few weeks. Seems x3d is very good for certain games, but lower clocks. And non x3d variants are alright, but have higher idle wattage than intel cpus and less stable memory controllers.

Im not sure its useful or not.. but intel has quicksync. Not even sure if its used. It apparently use the igpu to help with video editing. But currently i have a rtx 4080. Does amd have an equivalent for their cpus?

alucard13mmfmj 7 points ago +7 / -0

Kinda wanna know their stance now. That email is like 2 weeks old. Im just wondering if the twitter fags and english VA made any dents on genshin's resolve.

alucard13mmfmj 11 points ago +11 / -0

And japanese companies are slowly succumbing to woke american values. So.. might not be true in 2 or 3 years. Only have the chinese and maybe koreans to carry gaming with their gachas and occasional SP game like stellar blade. All major AAA japanese game companies are getting woke or being supressed by woke factions. All of them.

alucard13mmfmj 2 points ago +2 / -0

People promoting EOS.. it sucks ass. For Squad, when they switched to EOS, 90% of servers were missing from server browser for over a month. Requiring you to spam refresh and hope you can find a non full server. In killing floor.. you cant cross play modded servers. For world war z.. had issues seeing other friends and adding them to party. Literally takes multiple tries to get them in.

Sure. Its probably affordable for devs and easy to implement if they are usung unreal engine. Its just a budget made in china server host. And i guess its fine for dead games for there to be always be servers.

alucard13mmfmj 4 points ago +4 / -0

Optics. Sure they control the media. But its gonna be tough for kamala to decide on what to do if blm chimps out. If she doesnt do anything, she looks weak. If she does something, it might offend some blacks.

alucard13mmfmj 11 points ago +11 / -0

People say this kris guy was one of the dude's few friends he had since high school. Probably turned a blind eye or refused to believe his life long friend can do something like this.

alucard13mmfmj 13 points ago +13 / -0

Its funny that almost every single black char.. its mostly an ugly black abbrasive female or a weak looking black male. That is immediately a turn off for black people.

Its why they only play cod, sports games and fighting games. Although.. they are also being affected by leftist rot. COD now have shitty and out of placed skins. Used to be grounded where males are masculine with an odd female or two. Sports games now force female teams into the game and are trying to make people play or use female players. And fighting games still have masculine black male chars and usualy at least one feminine black female. But if you are playing a fighting game.. i bet most black players dont even choose a black character. Im asian, i dont usually go to an asian char immediately. They go with the char that is coolest or have fighting style they like or is the most OP.

Yeah... this mystical untapped modern audience these fucks are trying to tap into doesnt exist and shouldnt exist.

alucard13mmfmj 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah. Most games i play are on the older side. 8 plus years old.

alucard13mmfmj 5 points ago +5 / -0

My mom went back last year. Said that on weekends theyd go eat in shenzen instead of hong kong because it was cheaper. And mainland chinese goes to hong kong to flaunt their money around with arrogance. Many are super rude as well. Also making real estate much much more expensive. Thus makes everything else more expensive. Not really worth going back.

Then you have the same problem as usa with anchor babies. Mainland chinese trying to sneak pregnancies in hong kong. To get government housing and what not.

alucard13mmfmj 12 points ago +12 / -0

Im hong kong chinese. We dislike mainlanders indeed. Savages.

alucard13mmfmj 3 points ago +3 / -0

Asians have an ability to tell other asians apart with a good 75% plus accuracy. Based on mannerism, how they dress, even facial features.

alucard13mmfmj 4 points ago +4 / -0

Justice would mean that they should definitely execute people in public if they destroy national treasures on purpose and with malice.. its a crime against humanity, culture and heritage. Especially destroying or vandalizing artifacts related to the founding of our country.

alucard13mmfmj 18 points ago +18 / -0

Every race has done terrible things to other race. China has invaded japan and korea a few times before ww2. And we all know that invasions and war involves mass killing, rape, stealing and etc. So.. maybe china should apologize for their past transgressions too?

alucard13mmfmj 13 points ago +13 / -0

So why did he leave the mr beast crew?? Either mr beast knew or had suspicion already so mr beast kicked him out. Or he actually did it and left on his own accord from guilt.

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