ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

Don't worry Little Timmy. We, the Benevolent State, won't let you drive a car at that age. We won't let you smoke or drink. We won't let you work for more than a couple hours a week. We won't let you drop out of school. But we'll let you get a life-altering medical procedure that will **** you up for years to come!

ailurus 14 points ago +14 / -0

What the heck? Do they want people to go on a mass defoliating campaign so snowflakes don't see trees anymore?

Furthermore, an evergreen is a terrible tree to try to suspend something heavy on. Branches are too short and not nearly strong enough. Even a simple glance will tell you that something like an oak is much better for that purpose.

ailurus 4 points ago +5 / -1

Star Trek is a major one,

And that's why DS9 is best Trek. Because it shows a lot of the warts and even breaks that would inevitably come with something like the Federation. The Maquis, as cited by ProdigalPlainswalker, are the obvious example. Then there's the Bajorans who like the Federation (or at least the Federation's protection), but their highly religious society is a constant point of contention with the Federation's values. The Ferengi spend a lot of time mocking and looking down on the Federation while filling their pockets with their money. And then the ultimate compromises of the Federation's values in some cases where things get too hot - whether the increasing restrictions the Federation puts in due to the threat of changelings (scarily similar to the last year IMO, with Sisko's own Dad turning into the equivalent of a lockdown skeptic), Quark's observations on AR-558, and Sisko's guilt on what he did to get the Romulans involved.

ailurus 6 points ago +6 / -0

Please don't. Those of us in upstate NY already have enough BS flowing up the Hudson from that place.

Or, if you do that, then take the buses and use them to block off the bridges and tunnels and trap all the lunatic NYC folk on the island.

ailurus 55 points ago +55 / -0

The 6th Circuit explained that if “professors lacked free-speech protections when teaching, a university would wield alarming power to compel ideological conformity. A university president could require a pacifist to declare that war is just, a civil rights icon to condemn the Freedom Riders, a believer to deny the existence of God, or a Soviet émigré to address his students as ‘comrades.’ That cannot be.”

Honestly surprised the ruling went this way, given the direction things have been going, but a very encouraging decision none the less.

ailurus 22 points ago +22 / -0

Also assuming they rule correctly they better have the guard ready.

Don't think the Guard will be enough. Should call in Inquisitorial Stormtroopers - that way if things get out of hand they can just exterminatus a few cities.

ailurus 37 points ago +37 / -0

Nothing needed to enter the country,

Das racis!

nothing needed to vote,

Das racis!

you'll need passports to go to the fucking store?

Do you want Grandma to die, white supremicist?!

ailurus 21 points ago +21 / -0

Also anyone notice the number of fucking soldiers in the original video just on a random street corner in DC?

They've been keeping large numbers of national guard troops in DC for months, ostensibly to prevent right-wingers from "attacking" congress again

ailurus 6 points ago +6 / -0

Anyone defending ANYTHING communist related is entirely ignorant of modern history

I will say that the USSR anthem was darn good. Not worth all the other stuff, but still one of the (if not the) best national anthems out there IMO.

ailurus 32 points ago +32 / -0

"Well, our characters need to swear every second line otherwise it's not grown up enough! Wait, players want to swear in chat? HERESY!"

ailurus 7 points ago +7 / -0

Hmmm. Pure coincidence I'm sure, but I'm having flashbacks to the magnificent performance of the great french actor Jesuee Smooleet

ailurus 46 points ago +46 / -0

Archive this stuff! MSN doesn't deserve the clicks. https://archive.is/90l6I

As for the article itself:

Although negative reactions have been relatively rare, the numbers are used by many extremist groups to try to bolster a rash of false and alarmist disinformation in articles and videos

So, how rare is relatively rare? 1/10? 1/100? 1/1000000? Oh, you don't bother saying you just leave it with a vague qualifier and then go on an unhinged, unsourced baseless rant? Way to make people trust you.

ailurus 45 points ago +46 / -1

Is there confirmation on this? I tried searching, and the handful of times the captain's gender is mentioned it's just in the context of people saying it is a troll op.

That said, this whole thing is highly suspicious so I wouldn't necessarily be surprised if it was massive captain error that the media is trying to hide, and can't think of a reason they'd want to hide the captain's ID unless it was for intersectionality issues.

  1. Ship was part of a 20-vessel convoy, and all the others got through fine.

  2. This isn't just running aground, the ship is flipped 90 degrees

  3. Apparently the captain (who I still can't find a source naming) went on the record blaming a sandstorm blocking visibility.

Something rotten is going on, I just want to know what.

ailurus 12 points ago +12 / -0

Agree, but I will point out that Russia - while not woke - has it's own issues. It is still extremely authoritarian and corrupt. Not to say you'll definitely end up dealing with those issues that much, but it isn't some bastion of freedom.

ailurus 6 points ago +6 / -0
  1. Most everything he's singing about doing is stuff I've been doing without any issue (except the sports, but that's cause I don't care about sports)

  2. As multiple people have said, St Fauxi has repeatedly said that the rules still apply even after the shot

  3. He ends with "All my fear of death is gone." Totally ignoring the fact that unless you're over 75 or something your chance of dying from the virus is barely a blip on the list of "things that could kill me".

ailurus 9 points ago +9 / -0

But (from later in the video) "don't you want to go out and have conversations with friends?"

Umm, yeah. And I've been doing it for months with no issues. You don't need government permission to go outside and talk to friends.

You don't need special plans to reopen schools - tell the schoolboard to reopen the schools, and pull your kids out if they don't.

Yeah, there was some direct relief to people, but it was 30% less than Biden repeatedly promised, not to everyone, and was only like 10% of the bill.

I got to about a minute, and then had to choose between stopping, vomiting or punching a hole in my monitor.

ailurus 9 points ago +9 / -0

Crimes not recognised by Facebook include “claims about sexuality”, “peaceful protests against governments” and “discussing historical events/controversial subjects such as religion”.

Well, unless you're a non-progressive westerner. In which case, any of those can get you the banhammer.

ailurus 17 points ago +17 / -0

About 87 percent of Covid coverage in national U.S. media last year was negative. The share was 51 percent in international media, 53 percent in U.S. regional media and 64 percent in scientific journals. Notably, the coverage was negative in both U.S. media outlets with liberal audiences (like MSNBC) and those with conservative audiences (like Fox News).

In other words, every major national media outlet in the US touted much more doom and gloom about the WuFlu than local or international news, and also much more than scientific journals did. As if we needed more proof that modern-day US media is absolute crap.

ailurus 16 points ago +16 / -0

These Democrats actually said that the airstrikes were about promoting peace and that Trump disengaging in the Middle East made us all unsafe.

Unsurprising given the brain rot, but seriously? Trump is the first president in my life who did not get us involved in any new foreign conflicts

Ranked in my opinion from best to worst:

Clinton - Haiti, the Balkans, Sudan Bush 1 - Iraq 1.0 Obama - the Arab Coup, oh wait I mean Spring. Bush 2 - Iraq 2.0 and Afghanistan

You can argue all you want about whether or not any of those operations were justified or not if you want, you can argue that Trump should have tried to do more to disengage the US from places if you want, but the fact is that for 3 decades it was just constant escalation of Team America World Police sticking it's dick into other countries private business. And yet, the first president in years to try to calm stuff down - which people on the left were shouting from the rooftops that we needed to do from 2002-2008 - is the one making us unsafe?

ailurus 24 points ago +24 / -0

This is a good thing (outside of the woman-only branding). Absolutely everyone should know how to defend themselves. If someone uses this information to go after people, then they should be held accountable for that (and the fact that the modern legal system goes a lot more leniently on women attacking men than vice versa is an issue, but a separate issue). But I will never be opposed to people learning how to defend themselves.

ailurus 14 points ago +14 / -0

Nothing is a crime if you're on the Left

Fixed that for you, sadly.

ailurus 7 points ago +7 / -0

And, we now have the next Miss USA, because voting her down at any point will mean you will be called "transphobic"

ailurus 21 points ago +21 / -0

Wait, the complaint is that "a spoiler candidate ran, so the race is invalid!"? I'm sure no one has ever paid someone to run in a race to draw off votes before.

Plus, the person accused of paying the spoiler candidate is not the person who run the election, so why penalize the current candidate, especially when it has 0 impact on the makeup of the senate? This is just pettiness.

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