You_Are_Based 5 points ago +5 / -0

J-just visiting black owned business in California, Officer, I swear!

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

Plenty of scar tissue and fluid fill the spaces in between in those situations. Body tries to repair itself according to an instruction manual that no longer absolutely applies.

You_Are_Based 5 points ago +5 / -0

Dune crew reporting in

by folx
You_Are_Based 4 points ago +5 / -1

I'd say that is a swing and a miss but it's hardly possible to tell what you are trying to hit. There is no "nerve" to strike a functioning hetero on when it comes to blaming them for having a family, pretending sex is servile, fantasizing that every woman is as bad as the ones that ruined you, so that you don't need to feel bad about being alone.

by folx
You_Are_Based 8 points ago +8 / -0

Your going to be hated as much as your masters

Feminists? Forgive me if I'm a little hazy on the details of your fantasy

you're exactly like cucks except for the part about the actual definition of cuck

Oh man ouch so I'm like, a cuck if a cuck weren't a cuck? Making that word a part of your vocabulary only kills the word, because it's the speaker and not the word that determines impact.

by folx
You_Are_Based 18 points ago +20 / -2

tradcucks think i support women by watching porn because they have principals

Translation for the mentally stable: he is saying that tradcucks (i.e. men who want exclusive relationships with submissive women, but with the antonym "cuck") have no principals because I personally assume that his habit of masturbating to porn in his basement supports women. This is not what I assume, nor do I think paying a prostitute is the evil part of the transaction.

He does not acknowledge that the women don't own the studios or that he is submitting a male group which he will not speak badly of in general.

Basically it shows that to glean insight from his posts you can replace the words "woman", "feminist", etc in his posts with some word that would make moche wince, and the words "tradcuck" or "stormcuck" with "Chad" or "Real Man". Leaves you with logically in-tact impy posts to read.

by folx
You_Are_Based 5 points ago +6 / -1

Why waste your time typing an honest argument about x subject like he's gonna have an honest debate with you about anything?

Not only is he everything you imagine he is, he is paranoid that people who like women (formerly known as heterosexuals) are paid posters. Not posters defending israel or posters organizing a protest or posters telling men to die alone, but the posters who express heterosexuality, these are the shills and bots to him.

So what is left in terms of mechanisms of debate to engage him with? Why argue over and examine a mentally anguished man's fantasies?

by folx
You_Are_Based 30 points ago +32 / -2

Ha, Imp's a coomer. I didn't even consider that before. Posts all day every day 7/52/365 about hating women and then masturbates to the most corrupt ones every night. Too agenda driven to accept who feeds either said agenda or the porn to him. Living reminder not to fail at life and become a full time keyboard warrior.

by folx
You_Are_Based 10 points ago +10 / -0

Everything is a fantasy with them. Fantasy harry potter politics, fantasy social categories, fantasy post war origin story, fantasy atrocities, it just goes on

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dont ask questions- fight current threat to democracy and get excited to fight next threat.

You_Are_Based 12 points ago +12 / -0

We need more room for these books on intersectional hatefuckingwhitemen diediedieism. The library is just so heckin full of old white guy stuff. What do we do? Oh I know!

You_Are_Based 21 points ago +21 / -0

They just wanted to grill...

Now they just want to grill their enemies

You_Are_Based 12 points ago +12 / -0

Purely to suggest innuendo. "Significantly older man...while living overseas for acting" just screams tip-toe language. Author could've just skipped that altogether if they did not want to suggest an innuendo

You_Are_Based 9 points ago +9 / -0

Until they clarify I'm forced to assume 15% of the population commits 90+% of the violent crime :p

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

Based and well written reply pilled

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's not like these places are home to males who have been praying for such a moment since the day dad first taught them how to clean a rifle or anything.

It's not like they were plinking cans when you were mashing the A button, or going on trips to hunt, kill, skin and eat real living things while you were panicking about water on molly at an edm festival.

Speaking of drug use, it's not like METHAMPHETAMINE is wildly popular in those places lmao. The more I think about it the more terrifying it is.

Cities can literally accidentally burn down. When the sewers clog, which could happen in a snap, shit literally gets out of hand. When the power goes out only institutions have generators and they are not sharing with you. When anything happens in a city, even just a small shortage, your neighbors are primarily risk factors and not a source of support. And you have a ton of neighbors; diverse, vibrant neighbors for days.

Redditors can talk all they want about how many men it would take to globally homogenize a small red town. The reality is people are concerned about cities falling apart at the seams even in peacetime and with ample provision from red states lmao

You_Are_Based 13 points ago +13 / -0

Imagine thinking it's a win to retort to complaints about pedos and groomers by saying it 's tranSpHoBiC lmao. They are right that it is not a friendly sentiment from the perspective of a "trans" man or woman... but that's not a win.

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

Beat me to it!

You_Are_Based 6 points ago +7 / -1

That is money laundering. You are taking money from an illegal transaction and laundering it (or you could say, "cleaning it for the books") with an art sale.

You_Are_Based 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hmm there's people in our city who need our help and we have over $7.6 million dollars to spend in support of them.

Yup, you guessed it, it's giant $7.6 million hair comb statue time.

You_Are_Based 8 points ago +8 / -0

While what he said certainly instigated this comment from me, it wasn't directed at him so much as it was an open criticism of the internet censorship machine.

You_Are_Based 29 points ago +29 / -0


Horse shit lol.

Balance is a code word for lean left. I have never ever (ever) seen a forum moderation team clutch pearls about far left meta and say things like "we need to put in effort to balance it to the right" lmao

by folx
You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

Be me

Get born


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