You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well if I had a time machine my point would have been a distinction between satan and marriage, but the technology and my body were not ready lol

I encourage you to mess with her on twitter. Idk if I sent it or deleted it, but I once wrote out a typically long comment to you to try and convince you to break out of the scored/win zone by arguing directly with these feminist girls on twitter.

Your energy is mighty, you are more intelligent than them, but most importantly- forgiven a few contextual nitpicks and specifications from my perspecitve- you are right about what you say. You can and should be kicking the internet asses of feminist women directly. I'm not just gushing when I say you could help change lives for the better.

You certainly know how I feel about the effects of "hate women" stuff on men. Idk if it is misogyny or whatever but I think the opposite is true when you bring it right to women spouting the bullshit we hate.

It is slightly wasted on ppl who either agree with you 99% anyway or who have dug their heel in with a hard "but" (like I am on the nature of women and the jewish social core of feminism). Women are more tractable, are easier to bait in arguments, and types of women who you hate the most are online basically talking pre-genocide shit about us whether we are there to blow them out or not.

They really need and cravewrangling from confident men. And I know how that sounds. But it really is as humorously simple, sexual, and stereotypical as you'd expect from a woman.

You_Are_Based 8 points ago +8 / -0

Marriage is literally the original holy aliance

But to answer your question I saw her say something vaguely racist and I just wanted to push it as far as I can. People want to tip toe around the hard breaks between leftist ideology and reality and they should be pushed and prodded for it

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +3 / -1

I used to talk with this girl. She is responsive, so as non-austicularly as I could, I would add snazzy "ha gottem" info that she agrees with cosmetically, wait for a like or reply, and then veer hard into the ethnic portion of what she just agreed with lol. She is kinda racist and I dig it, and I just know in my bones she sees through "male feminist" soy bullshit and couldn't seriously date or marry one.

I have said it a lot and I'll say it again, women generally lack agency. A LOT of the militant neo-feminism as well as "somewhat agree"-feminism is just women letting you know they got cattitude. Spunk. Zeal and ego. Desperate for some non-feminized man and advertising themselves as a wild horse that he'd have to break. This is why men who behave as they are told turn into friendzone fodder and orbiters. As soon as you pass that shit test and open the door for them (as a man always should) they run through it.

You_Are_Based 9 points ago +9 / -0

CRT <- Critical Theory <- Frankfurt School <- Marxist Theory

the little j every step of the way

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just so you know it's pronounced "jim" and not "gime" and you're allowed in even if people will stare at your nose

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

but.. you use the le internet!

You're cranky when you're hungry; have a metzitzah b'peh

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did you ask yourself what the most stereotypical buzzword reply you could make was?

You_Are_Based 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are the gentiles

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

Woah there pal they don't associate with NAZIS

You_Are_Based 14 points ago +14 / -0

But the 1st Amendment is not just a campaign season slogan, it is an actual law.

by folx
You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

If the process PENISED XY MALE MEN go through to pretend they are women involved chopping them into little pieces and creating a piece of furniture, lots of people would be satisfied with that.

You_Are_Based 18 points ago +18 / -0

Interestingly it appears that the guy is not wearing underwear or a belt. His pants easily and immediately slide down and expose his recently-used ass as he moves

You_Are_Based 11 points ago +11 / -0

DONT take any queues on consensus from reddit. Reddit is filled with bots and shills whose foremost purpose is to practice Concensus Cracking. Basically a human brain hack that you can only conquer via awareness

You_Are_Based 7 points ago +7 / -0

Don't have a seizure like those shaky ps1 textures...

You_Are_Based 4 points ago +4 / -0

It is cute to imagine the Occupied Powers of the West giving a damn about white birth rates falling. At best it would a throwaway line from shabbos figures describing why we need 250,000+ illegal immigrant crossings a month

You_Are_Based 3 points ago +3 / -0

They are desperate for something that doesn't come in a pill. At best it provides a mild sense of emotional containment. I respect that it's only my anecdote, but I quit these meds personally and have talked to many many former users who all regret it and have made sacrifices to ween or cut themselves off. I have also not heard one doctor say anything like "weird, we definitely expected that to work", if you tell your doc these meds have lowered your QoL they won't even blink, it's expected and they have lots of other meds for you to try out in a system of pure ignorant trial and error.

You_Are_Based 20 points ago +20 / -0

It is not a betrayal to your side. Your side has always existed outside of the false dichotomy of hostile interests presented to you. The real betrayal to your side happened in a classroom.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think you are right and that you put it well. I put on blinders regarding the specific acts in question when I wrote that.

You_Are_Based 2 points ago +2 / -0

I do doubt a certain kernel in your worldview, but if I'm your biggest doubter you just aren't talking to enough people.

Insofar as opposing what you say/do, I don't want young men to feel like they shouldn't start families. I should stop pecking at you past that line though, and I think you scew me wrongly as some top skeptic, because I believe feminism is a symptom of the world's ills and that the world does need people like you. It really doesn't set us so far apart. In my mind.

I have said this more succinctly in a recent thread where people were bitching about you, but as I see it, you take offense at my opinion that fems lack the agency to be the "big-bad", to state it in video game terms. And basically this takes priority over the common ground we have, in a way that I don't think my taking issue with your antinatalist underpinnings does.

My answer to the topic at hand is easy. You don't solve counterterrorism budget flow by becoming emasculated for the comfort of people who are targeting you (and who will always target you in literally any case). The strategy you suggest is to deny something that is true, and then work on making it true, in CONFORMANCE with the desires of those orchestrating the situation.

The strategy I suggest is to accept one's natural gifts, work to enhance them, and then use those gifts in direct DEFIANCE of those people.

Bearing in mind for comprehension that we believe those groups are different groups. I would not suggest mcviolencing a woman over politics. I would suggest organizing against a rootless international cabal of financiers, though.

You_Are_Based -1 points ago +1 / -2


Oh shit. 12 hours later it dawns on me that you are not being sarcastic and you actually got mad about having to read paragraphs full of $5 words that don't pause intermittently to ask you how you feel.

You_Are_Based -2 points ago +1 / -3

Almost got me but I remembered at the very last moment that I had written that in response to your opinion, checkmate PUNK!

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