WhoIsThatMaskedMan 8 points ago +8 / -0

A live service game comes out -> I play it on launch day -> The inadequate servers are slammed and the game is unplayable -> I lament that gaming is dead and swear off new live service games forever -> A live service game comes out -> I play it on launch day

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 10 points ago +10 / -0

Everything a leftist does is in bad faith until proven otherwise.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 44 points ago +44 / -0

I'm calling fake. It's leaning way too hard onto the "boomers can't spell lol" stereotype which, while true to some extent, is never this bad. Also the way he talks makes no sense. "Depriving X for their grandparents"? "Fake son"? That's not even bad grammar, it's broken English.

I also found the original post and the guy must have, at a quick glance, posted fifty or sixty replies to this post. He's a terminally online ingrate of an attention whore at best, but more likely he's all those things plus a liar.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 17 points ago +17 / -0

I am currently only voting for him because the other option is pure evil, but if he announced a shoot to kill policy at the border I would unironically join his campaign staff. I've been waiting my entire life for a Republican candidate who has the conviction to do what needs to be done to right the ship. Unfortunately I think I'll be waiting quite a while longer.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 3 points ago +3 / -0

One of the whole points of FO is that (aside from bandits and other assorted scum) there are no good guys or bad guys. It's a crapsack world and there are no right answers any more. Either you look out for your own or you die. Although 4 kind of crapped on that with the Minutemen who are portrayed as pretty much perfectly benevolent.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 4 points ago +4 / -0

For every 15 years you've lived past 18, add five years to how long ago you think something was. Serves me quite well.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 7 points ago +7 / -0

The Super Mario movie has a few parts that detract from the story - mostly involving Peach and Bowser acting bizarrely out of character - but they could be solved with a few simple edits. Overall it's really good, but it's still got a bit of Current Year taint on it.

Sonics 1 and 2 I had no problems with except maybe the weirdly short origin story with the bird mommy. What does it take, like three minutes after she's introduced for her to die?

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would unironically love a game like this if it were both fun and written as a satire. I can't believe we haven't gotten a really decent game that skewers Modern Audiences yet. I think it'd make a killing. There are a few, but they're all Unity shovelware that belongs on Newgrounds.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 12 points ago +13 / -1

He was probably my first experience with partisan propagandists who are so slavish to their cause that they don't even try to hide what NPCs they are. Definitely a major component in my de-normiezation.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's always the fucking food with people like that. Ask them to name one thing about a foreign culture they claim to love - aside from its food - and they might, at best, be able to name a pop culture song.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have like a hundred thousand points just from buying stuff over the years and I have no idea what to do with them. If I could, I'd give them away.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everyone is allowed their own opinion on the topic, but sometimes it just completely ruins the ability to even talk about a thing because "YEAH BUT THEY CHANGED KUSO TO 'DANGIT' SO ITS WOKE" is the only thing anyone talks about.

This is why I stopped having this discussion. People would unironically claim that there are no untranslatable nuances and everything is perfectly 1:1, as if the two languages are simple substitution ciphers for one another.

They don't know the tiniest bit about Japanese yet are experts in how translation ought to be. And if you confront them about this, they just get mad and accuse you of being woke, the same way leftists respond to any heterodoxy with "you're just a white supremacist transphobe".

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 5 points ago +5 / -0

Leftists can't be saved. But fence sitters and moderates can.

I'm not right-aligned because I agree with the tenets of the right wing, I'm right-aligned because the left wants me to suffer and die and they aren't afraid to let me know. I am the way I am because I'm a former moderate who paid attention.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 13 points ago +14 / -1

Good. This retard killed himself in one of the most painful ways possible in order to appease his heckin bipocerino masters and they respond by acting like Disney villains and shitting on his corpse. The more mask off, pure evil moments that come out of the left, the more normies wake up and realize that the carefully cultivated image of the party of peace and love is a lie.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 11 points ago +11 / -0

I thought the edit was the original because I didn't see a shove. Then again I'm not a brainless zombie, so I can perform incredible feats like interpreting facial expressions.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Only the "advanced" version of Gemini can generate images. You have to sign up for it and maybe pay for it. I didn't look too hard into it.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 18 points ago +18 / -0

The Yakuza care about exactly one thing, and that's making money. If the rapist invaders aren't affecting the Yakuza bottom line, they don't care.

Once the invaders have ruined the entertainment districts enough that nobody goes there any more - which will take very little time - then they'll start mysteriously vanishing.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 18 points ago +18 / -0

For real, 26 tweets in 40 minutes is well within parameters for a social media addicted woman who needs attention.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 8 points ago +8 / -0

This sounds unbelievably evil even for the EU. I'm having a hard time believing it. I can't find any information on this "suicide of Europe" and the article cites no sources. It doesn't even say what the act is actually called. So I'm calling shenanigans until a better source is provided.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 6 points ago +6 / -0

They don't know what fascism, right wing, or Huey Long means. They're just making the correct sounds (or typing the correct letters) that get them rewards, like a dog barking on command. Don't try to reason with them unless you have evidence that they're not an NPC despite acting like one.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 14 points ago +14 / -0

I believe 100% of those answering tempered their answers to the right to avoid feeding in to what they already know is the reality of the situation just from the fact that industry people talk to industry people.

Every leftist I know considers themselves a centrist or "center left" despite the fact that they gulp down every single Democrat narrative with the same fervor as a man dying of thirst who just came upon an oasis. They would never admit to being far left because they know it sounds bad, but they are.

The only people who admit to being far left are the teenage Twitter LARPers who wear leftism as an accessory because they know it's cool but don't know enough to act like normal people in public.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 9 points ago +9 / -0

You could make the same argument for atheism. Once I'm dead I'm dead, so why should I care what happens once I'm gone? I won't be affected.

What you're describing is a psychopath, regardless of their belief system. If someone would willingly leave their children/community/friends/whatever behind in a ruined world then they're an evil monster who, God willing, would actually go to hell.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wouldn't doubt that someone renting a 3 bedroom condo in Manhattan would need to make 400k a year to afford living.

WhoIsThatMaskedMan 22 points ago +22 / -0

My family does this with barely over 100k. I commute half an hour each way, but I don't need to be a millionaire just to afford food. City dwellers dig their own graves voluntarily and then blame "capitalism" for their own bad decisions.

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